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Have You Seen The Abortion Trucks?


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So I would file this under Fundies At Their Finest....


I was wondering if anyone else has seen these trucks driving around their town. This is the second time I've seen them in my area (Columbus, Ohio). I've even called to see if I can formally complain, but I guess this is a "freedom of speech thing" so there isn't much to be done.


Here's the background, there is a "Center for Bio-Ethical Reform" that has put up all the money for this crap. They have moving-van sized trucks with pictures of dismembered, disembowled, mutilated first trimester fetuses plastered all over these trucks. It is horrid.


This kind of crap gets me sooo upset, what a horrible and irresponsible thing to do. They drive these things on public streets. I couldn't imagine the nightmares this kind of crap could cause to children. UGH.


Granted, I have NO desire to generate traffic for these psychopaths, but I have to share this. Please understand that the link below is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. On every page of the website there are pictures of this crap. It just astounds me that they are allowed to show this crap in public.


Does anyone know anything else about this group? Where they get their funding?


Abortionno.org - VERY GRAPHIC


As a side note, I am 100% pro-choice and showing images of this in no way changes my opinion on that. All this makes me want to do is plaster my car with saying like "GOD ISN'T REAL"



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This whole abortion ban business if just that... business. More Xian propaganda that we're supposed to eat like shit and swallow.


If a person were to really have a child, they certainly would never help support it financially or raise it. Look at that twisted fuck in Texas, cutting off the arms of a baby. "Yeah. Let's just keep the fetuses alive so we can have them birthed and then fuck their world up...'


What a bunch of sadists. I hope they all eat shit and die. The fact is, if a woman doesn't want to be a baby machine -- she doesn't have to -- whether it's legal or not. There are plenty ways around the alley and coat-hanger situation.


Interesting thing is, they only want these babies because xianity is dying a slow, miserable and painful death. Like it should. And they fear their "numbers" are dropping drastically. Which they should.


I have no empathy for these people. I have nothing but utter disdain for those folks. Guess all the bullshit in the midwest last week wasn't enough.... Oh well, it will carry on.

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The first time I saw these I was so upset. Then someone helped put it in a better perspective. I should have pulled over the driver and asked, "so didya get any good stem cells out of those before you took the pics?!"



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Don't'a ever see pictures of slaughtered families, done by caught 'n released idjeeots who should have been *retroactivly aborted* by the kind hand of the State.


Never see piccies of the kids in Kali who were murdered to death by a triple-time looser with a pitchfork, the arms that could have saved their lives locked up in a cabinet according to the State Laws.


Never, ever see the pics of folks simply removed from life by some cretin whose life and works may be measured in milligrams of artifical shit sniffed, injected, huffed or smoked, and the rampage caused from that.


Don't bother with the thousands of waiting kids in the fucked_up_State_system, waiting for families.


Ask the fundaMENTAList simply "How many kids have you ADOPTED?"


If X >1 Then "good dog, continue argument"


If X <1 Then "fuck you asshole, you don't have a dog in this fight"


"Retroactive Abortion" When the State takes good care of you...


k, fucking, L

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That's just it, they don't look at things like that when they spew this nonsense all over the place. The fact is, when most couples are infertile, they go to fertility clinics first, then the "in" thing is to go to China or some other country to adopt a baby. Thus, leaving all the children who are unwanted in America to become products of the system. Wonder why the jails are filled to the gils? Go ask the incarcerated how many of them were unwanted children.... You will find more times than not, they are products of homes that did not want them.


Charles Manson's mother was raped. She couldn't get an abortion. She had Charlie. Ignored him. He became a ward of the state at 11. He was incarcerated several times prior to the Tate/LaBianco murders. Now, if she had been able to get an abortion, Charlie would not be here but seven innocent people who did absolutely nothing to his nutfarm family would be alive. Now where is the "justice" in that.


These right to lifers are just idiots. They don't even realize when true life begins. Why would this ever surprise anyone is a mystery to me, because what Xian actually acknowledges Science. Hell, if they had their way, the world would still be flat.


So as far as I am concerned. If I saw one of those trucks, I would ram my car right into it. The idiots while not having the common sense of a frog, should know that this will only serve to piss people off.


And the mere fact they would drive around a town with shit on the side tells me right there, they are not looking out for the children. If they were, they would use a little more sensitivity than Ghengis Kahn in order to get their point across. Don't ya think?


To all the pro-lifer fundies, eat this............ :vtffani:

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I seem to recall a while back one of the big anti-abortion chicks got brought to court over her graphic pictures. Don't remember the outcome, but the charges were over the fact that the pictures of the dead babies were actually from miscarraiges, not abortions. She was using invalid pictures that weren't applicable purely for shock value because the real thing was a little less shocking; so I guess it would have been some variation of fraud.


I'd be willing to bet most of those pics are as well. My brother who worked at abortion clinics for a while said their isn't much that can be distinguishable as human for 99% of the procedures performed.

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A mass of cells for fucking sakes. Christ on a Crutch. It's not a baby until after the first trimester. That's why they don't do abortions after three months unless there is extreme conditions involved. My roommate in college had one. I went with her. It is a procedure called D&C. No big deal. These right to lifers just want to make this big drama out of it...but when it comes to putting their foots in their mouthers then they won't put up.


I hope they (the long arm of the law) staples those bus driving idiots to the proverbial cross.... :crucified:

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Not to mention if you happened to be eating at the time. Overall, it's rude and tasteless.

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What really pisses me off is that they don't care about the small children who are forced to see these pictures.


Can you imagine a two year old in their car seat being forced to see pictures like that? It makes me sick how they are more concerned about the almighty aborted fetus and care nothing about the emotional well being of real children who are forced to see these pictures.



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Next time one of those vans drives by, someone should drive by with a van with a mural of dead Iraqi children on the side with a question asking what about the ones who are already here?

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I'm currently at Temple University, and uh yeah I'm quite acquainted with these people. We have a central area on campus called the bell tower. Basically as the name would imply its a big tower with bells, the other day they littered the area with huge posters of fetuses. Oh it gets better because they sometimes cover themselves in animal blood and yell and scream from the bible at passing college students about the murder we're committing. Not to mention on the same day you can see the trucks driving around campus, I do think some of them are students here.


They also hand out purdy little pamphlets that say god loves you.

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What?! Digusting people...

I'll do a satire on that!

That warrants a separate thread.

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...sometimes cover themselves in animal blood and yell and scream from the bible at passing college students about the murder we're committing. Not to mention on the same day you can see the trucks driving around campus, I do think some of them are students here.


They also hand out purdy little pamphlets that say god loves you.


They need to be committed! Those are not the acts of rational people!



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...sometimes cover themselves in animal blood and yell and scream from the bible at passing college students about the murder we're committing. Not to mention on the same day you can see the trucks driving around campus, I do think some of them are students here.


They also hand out purdy little pamphlets that say god loves you.


They need to be committed! Those are not the acts of rational people!




I agree - what a bunch of boners. How in the hell is that supposed to convince anyone to change their minds on abortion? Or anything? Can't wound-up fundies just behave like grown-ups, or do they really think that by making a spectacle of themselves they'll employ a Jedi Mind Trick and convince everyone to go along with them?


I love humans. We're such funny creatures :HaHa:

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I love humans. We're such funny creatures :HaHa:

A: Some I love much less than others... In fact, the word disdain comes to mind with a lot of them.

B: Pathetic is a better word than funny.

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Dammit, I really want to watch the Matrix for some reason. :scratch: ^^^^^


When I lived in a different state, we used to have those nutty motherfuckers driving their trucks around on the highway. The first time I saw one was like 2 years ago. The message they are trying to get across is understandable - this is the reality of abortion. But what, are they clever? They are the only people who think about what the fetus looks like? What champions of cognition - here's a fuckin sticker. I would also like to point out that these pictures have been around for a long time. Have they worked at all? Nope. The only thing they can possibly do is make people feel like shit after the procedure. Most people scoff at the obscenity and forget about it. Maybe, what, 10 people changed their minds because of the pictures? I even doubt that. Anyone here ever heard a girl say oh, I was going to get an abortion but then I saw this truck driving by the county clinic and it straightened me out.


Of course, the whole purpose of the trucks is to prevent abortion, right? Given the lack of evidence to support such a claim, it's pretty obvious the whole point is to shame anyone who has gone through with the procedure. Shame them, make them feel like shit, get them to cry, and lovingly, give them a Bible.



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I wonder... does it just prove that I'm some sort of terrible, brain-washed psychopath when I see those picture and the very first thing that pops into my media-saturated brain is "Hey! It's like something from the Aliens movies!" The next thought being, "Wait... no. More like Predator."

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I would like to see a truck driving around the highways with pictures and representations of all the people who were burned at the stake by the Catholic Church with a quote under each one saying why they were murdered.



Galileo - I said that the Earth and Planets revolve around the sun.

First English Bible - Because I offered the freedom of individual interpretation.

John Rogers - Because I was a Protestant.

Priscillian - For saying that priests should keep their peckers in their pants.

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What really pisses me off is that they don't care about the small children who are forced to see these pictures.


Can you imagine a two year old in their car seat being forced to see pictures like that? It makes me sick how they are more concerned about the almighty aborted fetus and care nothing about the emotional well being of real children who are forced to see these pictures.




Its interesting, because this was my first thought too. Granted, I am not one for censorship and in most cases I really have no feelings for other peoples offspring, but this takes the cake. I just need to get out of this stupid state and move somewhere more liberal.



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When I read about these protest trucks, I got this awful image in my head, like a scene from Maximum Overdrive.......one of these trucks mowing down a line of schoolchildren in the act of crossing the street....crossing guard and all *squish!*.

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I unfortunately saw one of those trucks in New York city while on a class trip.

There we were, sitting in our bus at a stoplight, looking foward to a day in the big apple when this stupid truck with the fetus picture and the word "choice" on the side pulls up nest to us. most of us managed to make jokes and laugh off the situation (I think I said something like: "and now, if you look to your left, please observe the well-lit billboard"). Personally, those pictures have no effect on me besides annoyance, but I worry about the effect on people who have less ability to stomach those things.

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Can you imagine a two year old in their car seat being forced to see pictures like that? It makes me sick how they are more concerned about the almighty aborted fetus and care nothing about the emotional well being of real children who are forced to see these pictures.


But don't you see, it's the PARENTS' of the two-year-old's fault, since they were the ones not actively opposing abortion and living in this murderous country and thus deserve the shock to be delivered to their children! It's their fault! It would'nt have happened if liberals and secularists didn't make murder legal in the first place! :vent:


I wonder if anti-abortionists comfort themselves by convincing themselves that the little children who were born unwanted and abandoned are being taken care of by good Christians in orphanages and by Feed My People. I've been to Feed My People - at least in my experience it's more like Feed My Charity Staff and Give Dirty Looks to Homeless People. And I also find that (Protestant) Christian orphanages are far more likely to commit acts of abuse and neglect.

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