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Goodbye Jesus

My Reply To A Xtian


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Comments by a Xtian at a blog I am a member of:


"He {God} above all has the right to do with us as He sees fit. Who are we to judge Him? If a person breeds dogs and a dog becomes uncontrollable would anyone blame them for killing it? How much higher is God above us than we are above the animals? Yet we are so arrogant that we tell Him what He can and cannot do with us. People need to wise up and smell the coffee. This is not a game, like it or not God is in control!God is a God of love, or He would not have sent Jesus to die for us. He is also a jealous God and demands our respect and worship. He does not do so physically right now, but there will come a day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The problem is that it will be too late for most.Yes the Jews are God's chosen people, but you have to ask yourself why. Could it be that He wanted to show everyone His love and His nature? He gave the Israelites everything. He destroyed their enemies and helped them prosper, and what did they do? They turned away from Him time after time."


My reply:

“Who are we to judge Him? If a person breeds dogs and a dog becomes uncontrollable would anyone blame them for killing it?”

And so you say that people are dogs to be killed when they do not believe the same as you? Who determines God’s will? Who determines who needs to die and who does not? Christians? By saying that God told them to?


'For a long time the Catholic Church felt it their duty to kill all those who did not believe as they do. Take Galileo for example. He said the earth revolved around the sun and they burned him alive for it. Imagine, they tie you to a stake piled atop a huge pile of wood. They light the wood afire and the flames slowly creep towards your skin, getting hotter and hotter. You remain there, long after you would have pulled away from the flames as your skin starts to smoke, the pain searing through your mind to a point where nothing else exists but the pain. The blood in your legs reaches a boiling point that quickly races to your heart and brain with every breath. You can smell your own charred flesh burning it’s way through your nostrils. Death decends mercifully upon you. All this, for saying that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


'This story can be told in different variations of torture, maiming, and murder throughout Christian history. Where is your God of Love’s punishment for the atrocities committed in His name now? Where is His love protecting the children who are molested by his Priests?


'He slew the enemies of the Israelites for being born on a land that was pormised to Abraham. Innocent children, playing in the streets mercilessly cut down by the invading armies of God. By His order! Imagine one of your young loved ones being on that street, a son, a daughter, a nephew, a niece, playing together. Even imagine you are one of God’s Chosen People who have come to take the land promised to Abraham. You stand there before one these innocent children, a four-year-old girl who looks up to you with big brown eyes and dirt on her face from playing in the street. She is the enemy of no one, all she wants to do is play. But you were ordered by God to kill her, not ordered directly by God, but by Moses and Aaron. You raise your sword, and a tear fills the fear-filled eye of the little girl. You strike the child with your sword upon her head, nearly cleaving it in two. The blood and brain matter of your now lifeless victim covers your sword and has splattered on your face, but you relish it because God had commanded that this child, this four-year-old innocent child, is your enemy.


'So you can throw all the cliché’s of Christianity at my feet and I will stomp on all of them. Your religion is a relgion of murder, fanaticism, and delusion. You murder, torture, condemn, and try to convince non-believers with threats and empty promises. You say things like, “God is pure love” and yet the Bible shows that he is not. You say that God has the right to do whatever to whomever he wishes, but it is not God doing it, it is people doing it in the name of God. It is YOU that determines what is and what is not the Will of God. All rhetoric of punishment after death is just inane babbling threats with no justification other than your own ideals of who will go there and who will not. All Christians judge others and themselves. They say things like, “You are going to burn in hell, but I am not.” Yet their own Bible forbids them from doing saying anyone is or not."



So, did I go overboard?

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Brutally honest, and I wouldn't say a lot of that, but I don't think you went overboard at all.

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'For a long time the Catholic Church felt it their duty to kill all those who did not believe as they do. Take Galileo for example. He said the earth revolved around the sun and they burned him alive for it. Imagine, they tie you to a stake piled atop a huge pile of wood.


Yikes, please do a bit of research before making comments like these. It would only make the case against Xtianity worse


Galileo Galilei


After a period with the friendly Ascanio Piccolomini (the Archbishop of Siena), Galileo was allowed to return to his villa at Arcetri near Florence, where he spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.


The witch hunt of England would have been a better example



So, did I go overboard?

Kind off. Are you aware of the common apolegetic answer that he will give for the points you raised


PS:Check out the website in my signature for biblical points to defeat Xtians

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Yea, I suppose I should have but the crap she was throwing at me got me pretty mad. I'm aware of a lot of the apologetic answers and am prepared for them, but she hasn't come back yet. I could have used the witch trials from all over the world or the thousands of Jews burned for "causing the Black Plague" or Giordano Bruno, Hypatia, Joan of Arc, etc.


But the main part I was trying to get across was about the Old Testament in response to her post.


The full conversation, including my story can be found here



Then you can see why I think I went overboard.

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Yea, I suppose I should have but the crap she was throwing at me got me pretty mad. I'm aware of a lot of the apologetic answers and am prepared for them, but she hasn't come back yet. I could have used the witch trials from all over the world or the thousands of Jews burned for "causing the Black Plague" or Giordano Bruno, Hypatia, Joan of Arc, etc.


But the main part I was trying to get across was about the Old Testament in response to her post.


The full conversation, including my story can be found here



Then you can see why I think I went overboard.



I was just going over your story


The difference in the fire and brimstone, angry, vengeful God of the Old Testament into the "love your neighbor, I'm so vain" God of the New Testament is enough as well.


Frankly I don't see any difference in this part. The fire and brimstone, anger vengeful nature is ever present in the NT as there is in the OT. Remember in the acopolypse, Jesus is gonna kill heathens from the sword which comes out of his mouth.


Check this article out. It's hilarious


The Cosmic Ant Farm Of Jesus

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"Frankly I don't see any difference in this part. The fire and brimstone, anger vengeful nature is ever present in the NT as there is in the OT. Remember in the acopolypse, Jesus is gonna kill heathens from the sword which comes out of his mouth."


I suppose I should have specified the 4 Gospels where Jesus preached forgiveness and love and not the fire and brimstone of later writers. I'll remember that next time.

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I suppose I should have specified the 4 Gospels where Jesus preached forgiveness and love and not the fire and brimstone of later writers. I'll remember that next time.

Nah, Jesus was a jackass in the gospels too. Read the end of Matthew ch. 25. And the "fire and brimstone notion of hell really didn't show up until the NT. It's not in the OT. Jesus is horrible, I don't understand why he has a good reputation. He's a monster.
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