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Cosmic rays reveal mysterious void in Egypt's Great Pyramid


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For those interested in archaeology and the use of science (physics in this instance) to aid discovery.




I just wish I could find the actual journal paper.

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Cool!  30 meters long is pretty big. Maybe they will find some great archeology inside that void.

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Here's hoping that history will (more or less) repeat itself.  :)


“...as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold - everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment - an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by - I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, 'Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.” 

 Howard Carter, Tomb of Tutankhamen

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I suppose that it is possible there is no tunnel to this area and that it was designed that way.


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On 11/3/2017 at 5:32 PM, Fuego said:

I suppose that it is possible there is no tunnel to this area and that it was designed that way.



Yeah, I also thought that could be the case. It seems to me coming into this cavern from the bottom would be pretty dangerous if there is no passageway to the void, but that would seem to be the only way in if one does not want to alter the pyramid's appearance then repair it., by coming through the side somewhere. If not a burial chamber of some kind,  there might be little of value,  archeology wise, to justify the cost and effort required.

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I've heard others say (can't recall the show) that via echo imaging they see a room under the paws of the Sphinx. Same guys point to the tremendous water damage on the Sphinx, showing it was under water for quite a while, and then the tiny pinhead Egyptian head carved from a larger lion's head. They say this shows that it pre-dates the Egyptians by quite a long time. That was back in the mid-90s, I think.

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On 11/4/2017 at 9:01 AM, Fuego said:

I've heard others say (can't recall the show) that via echo imaging they see a room under the paws of the Sphinx. Same guys point to the tremendous water damage on the Sphinx, showing it was under water for quite a while, and then the tiny pinhead Egyptian head carved from a larger lion's head. They say this shows that it pre-dates the Egyptians by quite a long time. That was back in the mid-90s, I think.


Also from the information available it seems to me that it is a worthy theory that the sphinx predates the Cairo pyramids. As to how much time before, within that theory, is debatable.


I would expect the people before the pyramids could also rightfully be called Egyptians, if they lived in that area, whether they had a written language or not.

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     A good site for the Sphinx is Catchpenny Mysteries.  It's more well reasoned that it sounds.


     The short version for the Sphinx is it was carved out of, in part, some rather inferior limestone and when the causeway to Khafre's pyramid was built it contained a water drainage channel that sent a lot of water to settle into the Sphinx enclosure.  It does have unexplained voids underneath (not the tunnels on the Sphinx itself which all seem to be dead ends) but it's going to take more research to know if they're man made or natural (or a combination).  Supposedly some have been investigated and they're natural but the others remain to be seen.


     Anyhow, I suggest the above site.  It's got a lot of info but doesn't try to overwhelm.




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9 hours ago, mwc said:

    Anyhow, I suggest the above site.  It's got a lot of info but doesn't try to overwhelm.





Wow that site actually has a lot of generally good info!

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