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Goodbye Jesus

The Non Prophets 16.22


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* Cow vigilantes in India, Hindus murdering Muslims for eating cow meat * War on Christmas? Shut up and do what you want. * Okay for Atheists to participate in religious pageants/plays? * Spotlight (movie). Cardinal Bernard Law died this week. * Flat-Earthers: Show us your map! * Banned words at the CDC? Actually just a suggested list of words to avoid when communicating with republicans on climate change * "[Jeff's] arguments are dumb!" * Uploading consciousness to a computer. The perils and philosophical implications of the Star Trek transporter * Shit Internet Apologist Say - (Roy Moore apologist) Something about liberal Christians? - Rationalizations by religious people to support immoral political candidates(according to the morality of their own religion). - "What-ifs" are not proof * Revisit "praying to win" as cheating.

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