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Goodbye Jesus

Moving Right Along...


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So, Friday, I emailed my dad and told him that I wasn't a christian anymore. I explained that I was working hard not to be.


You see, I'd been avoiding him. I didn't want to get into the bible and all the reasons I should be embracing bible god. No thanks! He'd wondered where I was so I just told him. Email was how we were talking so email it was--the communication channel of choice.


So, Joe (the 9 year minister) if you're out there...A HUGE THANKS! I sent dad your website address. I hope you don't mind. You outline very intelligently why I'm not a christian from an intellectual perspective.


I thought for a while that I needed to give my dad a well-thought out explanation for my decision. You know, read the bible and show the holes. I decided I didn't want to. I've been watching OM for a while now. OM, you ask xians to put away their bible and speak from their heart. If dad wanted to speak from his heart and leave his bible behind, I'd talk. Boy, would I talk! Otherwise, we'd have another circus discussion. (Ok, those xian phrases still get under my skin!)


Dad didn't try to talk me down or offer to pray for me. Our relationship is closer then it was--no more bullshit.


Now when I go to family gatherings, I'll just excuse myself before the bible reading over dinner. How empowering is that? I can actually do that--(she jumps up and down with glee!)


To all out there struggling, life outside of bible god is so full and rich. To live without the fear of hell is so freeing. I've reclaimed my self worth from the chopping block of bible god. My life is mine. The responsiblity of that is awesome. I didn't get to this point on my own. Many of you were so inspiring and helpful. I'm not done yet either. I just don't know what's next.


I am filled with excitement, hope, and determination. What a beautiful place to be!

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That's awesome that your dad respects you... and that you can bow out of family formalities! I'm jealous... but very happy for you. :D

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Now when I go to family gatherings, I'll just excuse myself before the bible reading over dinner. How empowering is that? I can actually do that--(she jumps up and down with glee!)

That is huge! Indeed you are now in the place to explore the world as who you really are, and there is no greater sense of being alive that this! This is very cool.

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Now when I go to family gatherings, I'll just excuse myself before the bible reading over dinner. How empowering is that?


Congratulations Seabiscuit. Perhaps your "stand" in this case will encourage other "closet ex-christians" to show themselves....



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You know the funny thing is, when you say "My life is mine. The responsiblity of that is awesome" Christians should have the same attitude. No matter what Christians do they should realize that their salvation is not in their hands, it doesn't matter what they do because their god knows their real reasons. I would imagine that a lot of those reasons are not as Christian as they would like others to believe and if their religion is true...well, their god will know more than they.

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