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A Muslim Rape Epidemic In Sweeping Over Europe...


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A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe -- and over many other nations host to immigrants from the Islamic world. The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled.


What is the psychology here? What is the significance of this epidemic? And how do we face it when our own feminists, with a few exceptions, are deafingly silent about it?




Huge freekin' interview/article on subject.


Only thing I'll add to it, ladies *be prepared* by whatever means you feel necessary to repel the sectarian fools.



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There is no psychology here. It is a religious statement and a terroristic way to promote Western Society's change to their fundamentalist beliefs.

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I remember my producer saying to me once, "There's going to be another cleansing and it's going to be Islam."


In that, soon we will no longer put up with this bullshit and will no longer buy the "But we have a right to beat our women/rape and kill non-Muslims/stone our children to death because of our religion" and Islam will be banned world-wide.


And I replied, "And after that, the Christians."

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The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled.


Their argumentation gives europeans a clear justification to send them back. They obviously cannot function in modern western society as they apparently have very little or no control over their natural impulses.


Precisely - I never liked the religion of Is-lame, and always thought hardcore Moozlims have no place in a civilized country. Even fundy Xians know when to draw the line, except for a tiny percentage of whackadoos, but the majority of fundy Moozlims truly don't know when to stop. They'd beat an old woman to death for converting or an old man for being the wrong religion, it would seem. A fundy Xian will just try to scare you back with threats of hellfire, but a Moozlim will just kill you.


Even though I am all for religious tolerance and freedom, I'd make an exception in certain cases, and Is-lame is one of them. I'd be all for forcibly relocating all self-professed fundy Moozlims and if they want to fight back and die for their cult, then so be it. The human gene pool needs a cleaning, anyway.


Is-lame has no place in a civilized society, even less so than fundy Xianity.

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I've heard about this- nasty, nasty stuff.

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The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled.


Their argumentation gives europeans a clear justification to send them back. They obviously cannot function in modern western society as they apparently have very little or no control over their natural impulses.


Precisely - I never liked the religion of Is-lame, and always thought hardcore Moozlims have no place in a civilized country. Even fundy Xians know when to draw the line, except for a tiny percentage of whackadoos, but the majority of fundy Moozlims truly don't know when to stop. They'd beat an old woman to death for converting or an old man for being the wrong religion, it would seem. A fundy Xian will just try to scare you back with threats of hellfire,


Nowadays perhaps, but lets not forget it was only a few hundred years ago that a christian could be burnt to death for apostasy on the church's say so.

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Their argumentation gives europeans a clear justification to send them back. They obviously cannot function in modern western society as they apparently have very little or no control over their natural impulses.




(you were right, that is a long article...)

As something of a leftist-liberal-commie-atheist-treehugging-dirtworshipper myself, I can't even begin to think about how to plant seeds for stopping this kind of thing. I noticed there were an awful lot of links to places slamming people whose political ideology was slanted to the left, but there is always going to be plenty of blame to spread around. The article definately falls under an "alarmist" umbrella, but that doesn't make any of its points totally less than valid either. Under Levitical law, I can see where a lot of the same things could arise with earlier judeo-christianity as well, although not really to this extreme. I worked with a 16 year old girl that was forced to marry her boyfriend at such a young age because her family was petrified she might actually have premarital sex with him. When her new husband started beating the shit out of her and eventually left her (not the other way around mind you), her family disowned her because they thought she should have tried harder to keep him. Nice christian folks, huh?! By biblical law, they were totally justified; that makes it neither correct, nor the norm. Lots of Christian families disown their gay children for simply being gay; probably even a pretty signifigant percentage of them ...enough so that we might actually call that an "epidemic" just like they labeled islamic-oriented rape. As much as I despise fundementalist christianity, I'm not going to sit as judge, jury & executioner for it. I've known too many families (including my own, which is as fundy as you get) that don't exhibit that kind of extreme behavior.


Of course, a few people in an article talking about the horrors of this dillema also paints a pretty broad brushstroke on the people as a whole. Not all moslems have the sort of family environment that induces the kind of behavior the article pounded out. Just because the tenets of a faith promote it doesn't mean everyone actually follows the behavioral patterns established in the article. I wouldn't doubt there might possibly be a fair majority, and they had a really good point about "when something bad becomes the norm," but that doesn't mean it's as wide as they paint it to be. I've known a few turkish moslem chicks (in fact, the only ones I have known personally) that didn't have a family dynamic anything like what was described in the article(at least judging from their behavioral patterns & meeting their parents). There are plenty of liberal variations of Islam, just like Christianity. Some males inherrantly prefer for the woman to "wear the pants," and religion almost always carries a large degree of hypocricy; people will always pick and choose what parts they follow. Personality type isn't completely determined by religion.


I detected a little bit of a slant against feminism and the liberal left in the article that wasn't completely without merit, but still not completely valid either. If every feminist on the planet suddenly jumped on a soapbox and started screaming bloody murder about it, all it would accomplish would be a war at best. Fighting bigotry against women with (however justified) bigotry against ones religion just doesn't work well in actual practice; especially when it is the second largest religion in the world! Sage brought up the person telling her about the next "cleansing," would probably be Islam. She made the best point when she said christianity next. In order to take action against another religion and its practices, one might actually have to start looking at their own practices. Any sort of "cleansing" of Islam would be the bloodiest battle in history, not to mention political suicide.


Change of the magnitude we are talking about only happens over time. Reboot has a good point in that rape by a moslem in a foreign country should be an instant ticket to deportation. The (maybe implied) part about moslems not being able to function in western society is not correct (if that wasn't what you were implying, I apologize ...I was just on a christian forum reading comments from this same study yesterday, and they weren't implying anything, they were flat-out stating it). When you take in the magnitude of Islam, if 90% of the rapists caught in sweden are moslem, that is pretty heinous. There are a few other factors to consider though. Such as, what is the percentage of the population of moslems in the country. If you could show me percentages that even 10% of that population had been convicted of rape, I'll eat my words and shut up. I'd be willing to bet it is still considerably less than 1%. Don't think for a second I am condoning anything about it; only that I don't think using such a wide paintbrush is entirely justified either.


Tolerating a religion should be a completely different thing than tolerating behavior that goes against the society they happen to be trying to make conform to their belief structure (see the Schlosser case). I guarantee that after you expatriate and deport a few thousand people for rape, those percentages will start dropping. If the crime was committed by any sort of religious reason, then it should need to take a stronger penalty similar to a hate crime. Deport their asses ...hell,let the rape victims torch em like the mom in Mexico for all I care. Wife beating charges here in the US are pressed even if the woman refuses to press charges (and most refuse), islamic rape should be in the same category.


I don't mean to offend, only to search the other side of the issue. I may be considerable off base in my assertations, but I also know propoganda can be a nasty tool. I don't question the validity of the article, ...only the scope and its aims as a propoganda tool. Just follow some of the links on the page and you can figure out quickly whose views are being represented.

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This shocking story is another example of radical fundamentalist hypocrisy.


Let’s see what the Qur’an says, shall we?

All selections from the Qur’an ~ translation and commentary by A. Usuf Ali ~ dual text version.


Serve God and join not

Any partners with Him;

And do good

To parents, kinsfolk,

Orphans, those in need,

Neighbors who are near,

Neighbors who are strangers,

The companion by your side,

The wayfarer (ye meet),

And what your right hands possess:

For God loveth not

The arrogant, the vainglorious;---


Let there be no compulsion

In religion: Truth stands out

From error:…..


To you be your way

And to me mine.


To the insane fundie mullah, a woman is nothing more than a piece of property, relegated to second-class.

…. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled…..
There is no defense for the abominations committed against this woman or any other. The Qur’an itself says there are no compulsions in religion, which to anybody with half a brain would obviously include forcing a woman to wear a veil, burqa or head scarf.


The fundamentalist religionist prelate has no conception of Universal Esotericism or Spirituality. The only thing he is concerned with his advancing his position through fear and terrorism. The radicalized madrasas turn out terrorists by the dozen, brainwashed and trained by the crazed 7th-century-mentality barbarians that run them, and creating bondage, death and destruction in their wake.


Another story, perhaps even more shocking, involves an 18-year-old woman from Iran named Nazanin, who was sentenced to death for stabbing and killing one of the attackers who tried to rape her. The details here:


This woman has been deprived of all of her rights, in a corrupt system which is totally devoid of any humanity, honor, justice or decency. If one has no right to self-defense, then what is left?


The beauty of Arabic culture around the world is being stained by a fundamentalist dementia that threatens civilization itself. What should be appreciation of Spirituality, Life, Freedom, Science and Tolerance is twisted and mutilated into a barbarous monstrosity of hate, fear and abject bondage. But, this is what the societal cancer known as fundamentalism does.


Along the same lines of lunacy, witness this Naziesque action, from brown-shirt Xtian thugs against Pagan teen India Tracy, in Maynardville, TN:


Of course, the individuals perpetrating these acts against India are equally deranged.


If incidents such as these continue, the rational person will conclude that, in the interest of societal self-defense, these destructive and heinous acts and the animals who commit them must be stopped by whatever means necessary. Hopefully, it will not mean civil war.


And ladies, if you’re out alone……be sure to tuck that .38 in your purse…..



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Thank you, Karl and greasemonkey. I was hoping someone would post those verses. This isn't about Islam and what the Quran says... it's about culture and politics. I am as afraid of those who completely ignore the rest of the moderate Islamic world, and thus condemn all Muslims as terrorists who want to rape you or kill you, as I am of the actual fundamentalists.

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What I am having a hard time understanding is: Is this really a surprise to anyone? Is this really new? This has been going on for centuries. Why is this now just becoming news?


This is OLD news.


What are we going to do about? Now that is new news. :shrug:

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A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe -- and over many other nations host to immigrants from the Islamic world. The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that their crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled.

Same things happened during the spanish inquisition. The "whitches" were "thorougly" investigate in the lower regions for mysterious marks. But one can guess why and how that "investigation" really was performed.


What is the psychology here? What is the significance of this epidemic? And how do we face it when our own feminists, with a few exceptions, are deafingly silent about it?

Very true. This was the first time I heard about this, and even if it doesn't surprise me, what is chilling is that no one is talking about it and there's nothing in the news. We've become so p.c. that crimes are ignored in the news because of their religious connections. Soon it'll be okay to torture and kill people, as long as you add "in the name of ...insert god name here..." in the sentence.


If there's is a devil, religion and belief in higher powers and absolute morality must've been invented by him.

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I will say one thing harshly contra the *culture* of Occidental Europe.


Stupid fuckers have disarmed themselves, trusting that gov dot org, the police and military will be able to contain and protect the Individual.


As seen in the recent Paris Burnings, there is no civil authority that can effect changes short of a cartridge or bayonet.


Now that the new Moozie conquest of Europe is happening, we're seeing the shock forces of the new tidal wave happening, softening up the infrastructure, we can simply see what appeasement to Socialists and Fascists earns.


Continue to give your Rights away, trust the Goobers and Goobermint, you simply get fucked.


No lube, no nice, no kiss after. Just taken and used, cast off and made ready for the next one.


Been stridently telling folks for years to take up whatever means necessary to protect themselves, loved ones, family, property.


When the shit comes to your face, Mooze, Xtian, Gobbers, disasters of all sorts, no one is obligated to do shit for you but yourself for yourself.


"Ballistics Parties for Asshats our specialty for 25 years and running"



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Thank you, Karl and greasemonkey. I was hoping someone would post those verses. This isn't about Islam and what the Quran says... it's about culture and politics. I am as afraid of those who completely ignore the rest of the moderate Islamic world, and thus condemn all Muslims as terrorists who want to rape you or kill you, as I am of the actual fundamentalists.


Pandora can you comment on the following general statements:


Muslims have no tolerance for the idea of separating church and state

Muslims have no stomach for the idea of equality between women and men

Western society in its present form is repugnant to a moderate muslim

The imposition and recognition of Charia law is an important priority of muslims on foreign soil


For countries wanting to integrate muslims... the chances look rather slim :twitch: .... and the violent outcome fairly obvious. Islam as portrayed in the media convincingly shows the civilization clash and it almost seems that putting the incompatibilities in word form is not done very often to avoid offending. But if you don't speak of these you end up facing rocket propelled grenades :twitch:



I'll get back to you once I have some references and/or facts to back me up.... remind me via PM in a few days if I forget.

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While I was reading this topic earlier, there was a Law and Order on where the musslim guy had killed a woman by shoting her in the back. They were cross-examining him and he said he would not be judged by the female judge.


Their (the men) adversion to women and treating them like they don't mean anything in their society is pretty common place. Why would anyone want to socialize them into environments that do not hold these same moraes is beyond me. I don't think they acclimate well to a society that (while it be veiled) tries to treat both sexes with equality and compassion. (Even as I write this, I try to forget about the facist dictator in SD that is trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade because of his own misogynistic views towards women.)


But all that aside, I think it's horrible that any country allows these people to continue to stay after they have commited such hateful crimes on humanity -- not just women. They should send 'em packin'.

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I will say one thing harshly contra the *culture* of Occidental Europe.


Stupid fuckers have disarmed themselves, trusting that gov dot org, the police and military will be able to contain and protect the Individual.


As seen in the recent Paris Burnings, there is no civil authority that can effect changes short of a cartridge or bayonet.


Now that the new Moozie conquest of Europe is happening, we're seeing the shock forces of the new tidal wave happening, softening up the infrastructure, we can simply see what appeasement to Socialists and Fascists earns.


Continue to give your Rights away, trust the Goobers and Goobermint, you simply get fucked.


No lube, no nice, no kiss after. Just taken and used, cast off and made ready for the next one.


Been stridently telling folks for years to take up whatever means necessary to protect themselves, loved ones, family, property.


When the shit comes to your face, Mooze, Xtian, Gobbers, disasters of all sorts, no one is obligated to do shit for you but yourself for yourself.


"Ballistics Parties for Asshats our specialty for 25 years and running"




Smart fuckers. Very smart. This is why such events do not have consequences anywhere near the level of, say, the LA riots. Compare murder rates with so-called unarmed countries and it is clear the prevalence of firearms in the US is one of its biggest problems.

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Smart fuckers. Very smart. This is why such events do not have consequences anywhere near the level of, say, the LA riots. Compare murder rates with so-called unarmed countries and it is clear the prevalence of firearms in the US is one of its biggest problems.





I think I grok, almost, what you are trying to say.


If you care to clarify your point by separating the issues in the last sentence of above quote, we'll discuss.



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When I was a Christian, I always thought one of the strongpoints of the religion - one that proved its "blessedness" - was that Jesus never set up a kind of government law. I.e., "The Christian nation shall decree in its righteousness, that concerning inheritance, a woman will receive one-third of a man's inheritance, an she be married, none shall be given her........" There weren't any "laws" in the civil sense set up by Jesus. Of course, that didn't stop Christians from making them anyway.


Right now I'm reading American Theocracy, and one thing that interests me is how much the early colonists - even the most religious - supported total seperation of church and state. But that's for another time.......


The idea of "sharia" is beyond my mind. It is simply totally backward in a modern society. And as such, it cannot be accepted. I am tired of people harping on religion and "cultural diversity" as an excuse to allow such things to happen and even spread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is a fascinating study in the success of cultural hate-mongering.


I'm apalled that anyone would suggest, even in part, that a religion, rather than a man, is to blame for a rape. That is the stuff of fascist propaganda, and makes me wonder if the individual making the claim is capable of picking up and reading a book. I'm sure these guys would get their dicks cut off if they were on trial in the right part of the world...whether the victim was veiled or not.


At least Islam admits that God does let bad things happen and that life is the way it is supposed to be, whereas the Christians teach that the whole world needs to be killed and rewound and God is some bumbling scientist. It's amazing how little we all still know about it and how paranoid we've become from all the media/government spinning of Islamic culture.

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Yeah...I agree with that...this thread is a great little study of the success of 'cultural hatemongering'...


thank fucking christ the french students are prepared to go out and protest rather that 'hole up' at home with a rifle protecting their plot like some bygone western movie...fat lot of good it does, history will tell you that......anyway you still have Bush and the republican's to deal with. That's the 'rape' happening!


The article is crap!


Rape...Mmm...so white men suddenly get off the hook.?...oh and the nromally blamed po' black man?


I think its all a bit of territorial tribalism....especially coming from the 'white' men willing to protect "their women" from 'naaasty' beasties.


As a feminist....that's what I find repulsive - women are not possessions...(are they)? ...

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Guest Kirbytime

This article is nonsense. There are NO schools of thought within Islam that allow rape. Islam is entirely against rape. Rapists are killed in Muslim countries, whereas here in the United States the death penalty is not an option for rapists anymore.


It is also absolutely shocking that the article did not even provide any sources to back up its claims that "The Koranic order says that the man has to "go to the woman" whenever he likes, to "enjoy her however he likes", and to discipline her in case she develops her own ideas like sexual self-determination." Obviously these people know something that I, and every single Muslim I know, doesn't. Islam allows rape? Since when?


I want to see the statistics. What are the demographics for rapists in Europe? How curious that this article does not have a single statistic to back itself up.


Rape is universal, it happens everywhere. It's the people that are the problem, not the religion.

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Reading these posts again, I feel compelled to say more.


1. Americans and American Christians have done and do all the things that these Muslims do and say, and justify them the same way


2. These horrific crimes are exceptions as in any culture. It's like the News has become a freak show for all the worst things, giving us a warped view of life in general. Go to Egypt, you will find teens out at all hours, smoking, drinking, wearing Nike, hating or loving their parents. You'll find Christian Arabs with crosses up on their wall, you'll find some Coca Cola, and, yes, some crazies, too.


3. Yes, Islam is a holistic tradition, which attempts, in it's organized form, to incorporate jurisdiciton within the bounds of religious writs rather than purely judicial writs.


America never had, and still doesn't have separation of church and state. in fact, that phrase is not in the constitution. What we are guaranteed, is that the government will not establish an *official* religion.


Can gay people get married and adopt children in a lot of states? NO! Why? Bet the reason is very far from subjective, researched and secular.


So get off your high horses and move to the Netherlands or Scandinavia if you want to start comparing your "awesome" government to the middle east's. Keep enjoying your fucking 80 percent of the worlds food and goods and bitching about how all the poor people seem so restless.

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Rapists are killed in Muslim countries, whereas here in the United States the death penalty is not an option for rapists anymore.


Not always. In Saudi Arabia, rape is widespread but hardly anyone ever gets in trouble for it, since women are not allowed to testify in court. In fact, more often than not, the woman will get stoned to death for "adultery".


I'm not saying that the majority of Muslims are like this, I'm just saying the Koran is a lot like the Bible - take a passage, twist and manipulate it, and it'll have an entirely different meaning.


For example - in the Bible: "I knew you before you were born" = in the eyes of fundies, ban all abortion forever. In the Koran, the passage "Therefore, [women] should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, etc." = Dress in black from head to toe and don't let anyone look at your face.

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