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Goodbye Jesus

Ayraj Introduction


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Hi all,


I knew this community for a while but really never got into it all that much. I come from a Lutheran background but decided that Naturalism was more in line with how I lived and what I thought. In a lot of ways my journey to "Ex-Christianity" was towards a more "bright"ist way of seeing reality. I value the stories and lessons in many religions, and I ponder Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Stoicism, and Epicureanism through the lens of naturalism. In some ways I could be characterized as a Christian since I read (Thomas Jefferson's naturalist edit) the Bible still, but I keep the Tao Te Ching in my bed, and no other text. I guess I'm not a real Theist Christian, I am just a Naturalist who tries to appreciate it (Naturalist Christianity) and contextualize it. But there aren't any churches bar UUA ones that would accept someone calling themselves a Christian and believing in none of the supernatural elements of the faith. So I am here, I am a "bright (haven't registered on the Brights Net yet)," and I figure this is a good community to get to know folks who may or may not agree with me on things. Plus it could just be fun too.

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Welcome Ayraj! It seems like you have a broad range of perspectives and nuance, which I think is a great thing! I hope you find this community/website helpful!

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  • Moderator

Welcome Ayraj


I agree with DT above.


You might like our Ex-Christian Spirituality forum. It's restricted access, you have to ask a mod, and you may have to get a number of posts under your belt before being let in, but keep it in mind.


Myself I tend to be a naturalist and have been described as a hard nosed atheist :D What can't be shown with evidence I don't give much credence to, although with recent discussions I might be softening that position.


Good to have you here





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