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Goodbye Jesus

Greetings from Ed In Iowa


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Greetings from Iowa. I was born and raised a Catholic and at age 26 "gave my life to Jesus" at a Billy Graham Crusade. I got caught up in Dominion Theology and became a Fundamentalist Pentecostal Preacher and for 25 years preached hate. How I changed is a long story but it started with a deep depression and suicide attempt in 1996. It was then I realized something was wrong with my thinking and my theology- I resigned as Pastor and began a decade long period of searching and questioning. In 2005, I went back to school and through the writings of James Barr, Paul Tillich and Hans Kung- I left Fundamentalism. (Master in Theology in 2009) At the moment, I am enjoying life without tongues, without fear of the tribulation and rapture- and it is so free. Recently I joined the Unitarian Church in Omaha which is ironic...just 15 years ago- I labeled the Unitarian Church a cult. In 2017, I published a book entitled Journey into Love which detailed my journey out of Fundamentalism. I am still on a journey- trying to figure out where I am spiritually. Recently, my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I felt like "crying out to God" for a miracle (the old Pentecostal) but as I no longer believe in a all powerful divine personage who sits on a throne way out there - I did not. But I did express my grief to myself and my wife. 

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Hi Ed!  I'm on that journey too - you're not alone!  I liked what you said about "crying out to god".  I had a realization like that too.  For years, I was praying to God for anything & everything.  Thanking him for the beautiful sunset or to heal my sick friend or whatever.  Now I have to pinch myself often and say "there's no one to pray to."  It's a reprogramming of sorts & I guess it just takes time.  :)  

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Welcome, I hope this site helps make your deconversion journey easier. The Pentecostals are a different kind of crazy for sure. I was Church of Christ and they are crazy, but Pentacostals are on a higher level of crazy & nuttiness. Good to hear you got away from them. 

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Glad you escaped, and sorry about your brother. I hope you can find some signposts here that help you find your way.

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10 hours ago, eddiekelly said:

Greetings from Iowa. I was born and raised a Catholic and at age 26 "gave my life to Jesus" at a Billy Graham Crusade. I got caught up in Dominion Theology and became a Fundamentalist Pentecostal Preacher and for 25 years preached hate. How I changed is a long story but it started with a deep depression and suicide attempt in 1996. It was then I realized something was wrong with my thinking and my theology- I resigned as Pastor and began a decade long period of searching and questioning. In 2005, I went back to school and through the writings of James Barr, Paul Tillich and Hans Kung- I left Fundamentalism. (Master in Theology in 2009) At the moment, I am enjoying life without tongues, without fear of the tribulation and rapture- and it is so free. Recently I joined the Unitarian Church in Omaha which is ironic...just 15 years ago- I labeled the Unitarian Church a cult. In 2017, I published a book entitled Journey into Love which detailed my journey out of Fundamentalism. I am still on a journey- trying to figure out where I am spiritually. Recently, my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I felt like "crying out to God" for a miracle (the old Pentecostal) but as I no longer believe in a all powerful divine personage who sits on a throne way out there - I did not. But I did express my grief to myself and my wife. 


Welcome, Sir. Glad you are out of the religion. Sorry to hear about your brother. Come on in and join the group. I'd say more but dinner is calling.

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You came out of "Dominion Theology", eh? Wow! Good for you! I've met some scary folks from that movement.  It is wonderful to have you with us!

Very sad about your brother....

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Hello and welcome from a former fundamentalist of a different type (Calvinist)! The paradigm shift is rough! 

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On 3/1/2018 at 8:10 AM, eddiekelly said:

Greetings from Iowa. I was born and raised a Catholic and at age 26 "gave my life to Jesus" at a Billy Graham Crusade. I got caught up in Dominion Theology and became a Fundamentalist Pentecostal Preacher and for 25 years preached hate. How I changed is a long story but it started with a deep depression and suicide attempt in 1996. It was then I realized something was wrong with my thinking and my theology- I resigned as Pastor and began a decade long period of searching and questioning. In 2005, I went back to school and through the writings of James Barr, Paul Tillich and Hans Kung- I left Fundamentalism. (Master in Theology in 2009) At the moment, I am enjoying life without tongues, without fear of the tribulation and rapture- and it is so free. Recently I joined the Unitarian Church in Omaha which is ironic...just 15 years ago- I labeled the Unitarian Church a cult. In 2017, I published a book entitled Journey into Love which detailed my journey out of Fundamentalism. I am still on a journey- trying to figure out where I am spiritually. Recently, my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I felt like "crying out to God" for a miracle (the old Pentecostal) but as I no longer believe in a all powerful divine personage who sits on a throne way out there - I did not. But I did express my grief to myself and my wife. 

Welcome!!! We have several ex-clergy on the board, and those who have been to seminary etc. Glad you found us.

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