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Where do I get the power?


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This voice told me I will be able to read whether someone is a Christian or not, by looking in their eyes.  I tried it and lo and behold it works.  I detect a bluish aura when they are Christian and a reddish aura when they are not.  I can also hear what people are thinking.

Where do I get this power?  I don't believe in god, so who's voice is talking to me.  Have anyone on here had the same experience?  Christians are afraid of me.  I read their thoughts and can uncover their hypocrisy.  

It can't be the devil, I don't believe in him.

Please help me.

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If there is a god there's no reason to think it's the Christian god. Maybe there is a god who is just using Christianity as well as other religions to...whatever they can be used for.


If you think you can hear what people are thinking, you can test it if you know how to be critical and skeptical. I mean it sounds too good to be true, so... well you can guess what my opinion is.

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Please see your doctor.

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You have no "power." You have hallucinations and manic episodes. Doctor needs to adjust your meds. Good luck.

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4 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

This voice told me I will be able to read whether someone is a Christian or not, by looking in their eyes.  I tried it and lo and behold it works.  I detect a bluish aura when they are Christian and a reddish aura when they are not.  I can also hear what people are thinking.

Where do I get this power?  I don't believe in god, so who's voice is talking to me.  Have anyone on here had the same experience?  Christians are afraid of me.  I read their thoughts and can uncover their hypocrisy.  

It can't be the devil, I don't believe in him.

Please help me.


If you can really guess better than 50-50 on such things, such ability can come from a part of ones brain that unconsciously makes such assessments. It could be a type of intuition. But if you  believe that you can nearly always correctly make such assessments and that nearly all Christians are afraid of you then I expect it is a psychological misconception and problem.  And "hearing" ethereal voices is probably not a good thing :blink:

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If the voice sounds like its comng from inside your head, it's probably a part of you trying to talk to yourself and so shouldn't need to be feared. If it sounds like it's coming from an external source, yeah, that's a hallucination, and shouldnt need to be feared. Either way, you don't need to be scared.


What it's saying and what you're  seeing... very likely incorrect. Get to a doc and report back after you've had medication.


Sometimes brains are just fucky little shits.


Anyway, I wish you the best. Remember to do the basic things and take care of yourself in the meantime. Stay safe.

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serenelyblue has been here some time already


it is probably time to see doc and adjust your meds

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I agree with those who have suggested you see your doctor about this. You don't know what the voices might tell you. This is concerning.

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SB,  we are not professionals counselors here and don't want to take a chance on making matters worse for you.  So while we wish you all the best, our only advice, once again is get thyself back to the doctor, pronto!   

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On 03/03/2018 at 10:56 PM, SerenelyBlue said:

This voice told me I will be able to read whether someone is a Christian or not, by looking in their eyes.  I tried it and lo and behold it works.  I detect a bluish aura when they are Christian and a reddish aura when they are not.  I can also hear what people are thinking.

Where do I get this power?  I don't believe in god, so who's voice is talking to me.  Have anyone on here had the same experience?  Christians are afraid of me.  I read their thoughts and can uncover their hypocrisy.  

It can't be the devil, I don't believe in him.

Please help me.

It's your conscience yapping to you, try not to add words it doesn't speak. Be it's best friend, and it will be yours, don't fight against it because you will contort what it says to you. 

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