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Has anyone ever been to a Fundamentalist Christian/Catholic college?


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Having gone back to school for graduate studies, I've been having nightmares of a fundamentalist Catholic college I went to in my first semester. It was very cultist and people were doing a lot of weird shit. My nightmares involve me leaving the place and as soon as I get home, I wake up. This was back towards the end of 2002 and I left in the beginning of 2003 after having a breakdown.


I am at a Jesuit College now, so they're pretty much to the left of this place, I'm going because they have a good reputation with their MBA programs.


Has anyone ever been at a fundamentalist college whether Christian or Catholic and had bad experiences?

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I  went to a Jesuit university for one year.  The president of the university came to my dorm's beer bash.  My physics professor (not a priest) would lead us in a hail Mary at the beginning of class.  One time he said he went to confession after he'd graded the midterms. ^_^

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I graduated from a Christian college. I didn't have a bad experience there, but now I get pissed sometimes when I think about my professors who told me things that even if they believed they were true, made me stay in ministry and religion longer than I would have because I figured they knew what they were talking about.

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I thought "Fundamentalist Catholic" was a contradiction in terms. Catholics nowadays teach that Genesis is mythical, don't they? "Fundamentalist" is usually the preserve of the Protestant American religions. 

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6 hours ago, BroTom said:

I think for Catholics it is more along the line of literal belief in transubstantiation (what does that even mean?),  the Catholic Church is the one and only true church,  the pope is the successor of Peter, etc.


OK. I wouldn't call that fundamentalism in the usual sense. More like Catholic supremacism. 

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  • 2 months later...

Does Bible School count? (Hey, we had a curfew!)

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  • 6 months later...

Went to a catholic school for 1st grade. Was a living nightmare. Xtian schools are very creepy, and cultic. 

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I was educated from elementary school through college in fundamentalist christian schools.  It would be easier to tell you about the few good experiences I had, than to try to list all the bad ones.  Let me see... uh, graduation, and... yeah... that's about it.

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I attended David Lipscomb High School from 1977 to 1979, and then David Lipscomb College from 1979 to 1983. They are definitely fundamentalist, and run by the Church of Christ. I actually had a pretty good time there, but it would have been much better for me to have attended a more conventional university. I can't believe that I chose Lipscomb over Columbia University! Silly me.....

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