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Fundies And Rock


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so, today, i heard a radio program declaring rock and roll immoral because it contains lyrics about sex and violence. doesn't that mean that anything with sex and violence is evil? i guess the fundies never read the bible. or maybe they ignore the books that talk incessantly about sex and the many places where their imaginary god commands them to kill. if rock and roll should be banned, by their logic, the bible should as well.

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

Let's ban em both! Wait, just the bible. Nah, let's not ban it. Sometimes I run out of rolling papers.

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Ha Ha Ha, I'd never thought of that! Too funny! :lmao:

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Wow, that brings me back to where I first came to "salvation". I was really into metal music. Just absolutely loved it (hehe still do!), nothing like the sound of a guitar. Anyway, I saw this one show that my dad taped for me to see....(sorry, escapes me as to what the show was called or who was speaking on it) Anyway, they were pointing out the demonic nature of some of the groups out there. They even played Led Zeppelin's "Stairway To Heaven" backwards and they said that it stated, "Satan holds the key..." First of all, who the hell has the time to sit there and listen to music backwards?????? Second of all, WHY would anyone sit there and listen to music backwards?????? They were trying to convince teens that they were being deceived and being snatched up by satan by listening to these groups. They were also saying that a lot of kids would turn violent or commit suicide from listening to this type of music.

But to me, what you said is absolutely right.....if they are so against this type of music, they better find another book to worship because it is loaded with worse "lyrics" than half these artists have ever sung. The bible/god has been the excuse for countless murders and suicides, am I wrong? So why don't they take a good, hard, look at the very book they condemn everything with......they might be in for a shocker.

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Indeed, Angel. I too was a metalhead when I became a fundy Xian, and never let go of my musical preferences. It always irked me how the Xian fundies were all up in arms over it, and now that I'm free of the cult, I can see the hypocrisy plainly for myself.


Yes, rail against rock and roll - and movies, games, and tv shows that center around sex, violence, and crudeness, but let's put the Babble back in schools! The Babble, full of Gawd-ordained rape, murder, and theft, with a religion of spiritual blackmail to be found at the end of it all. Yes, what a wonderful solution :Wendywhatever:


Xians never stop to consider the hypocrisy evident in their own words until they can leave the cult and take a step back to see the load of horseshit they've been trying to sell...

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Is anyone here really surprised to find fundie doctrine hypocritical? :lmao:


The one interesting (well, sometimes...) question is whether a particular fundie indeed doesn't know that all she condemns about Rock/Metal is found in da wholly babble too, which would make her perfectly innocent (except that, probably, she'd be guilty of being uninformed...), or if she does know about it and handwaves it away in whatever method of cheap excuses common with her cult.

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Is anyone here really surprised to find fundie doctrine hypocritical?


I am :(


They've let me down for the last time :vtffani:

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To be honest, whenever one of my former clients or musician friends would complain about the Xians calling them anti-christs and tipper putting those explicit stickers on their CDs, I have told them to relax and go with it... as it sells more product when xians start bitching. I would be the anti-christ if it meant I sold 20 million units! They are a musician's best friend -- xians ban and complain - sales go up.


The best thing that ever happened in the music industry was the day the "explicit stickers" came out. Kids wanted CDs just because they were labeled that way. Shows you how stupid some xian groups truly are... They don't know basic psychology and it really works to their disadvantage.


However, for the musicians of the world, it's a beautiful thing!


You just can't buy that quality of PR.

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Here is a subject I can sink my teeth into!


I did some research into this last year when I inadverdently bumped across a name I hadn't heard in years. I'm surprised they are even that heavy into this anymore, but fundy control freaks just never seem to be able to let go. Using thoroughly discredited sources as "gospel" is something they do in so many areas, it isn't even close to funny anymore. I like how they single out rock music when much mainstream country music has almost equal amounts of sex and violence. I guess anyone morally righteous person should certainly understand that "Momma's in the Graveyard, Daddy's in the Pen" is much more morally uplifting than "Unskinny Bop."


I was first exposed to this "evil rock and roll" campaign in the later 1970's at church camp. They had a speaker who was alledgedly a former rock n' roll star who "exposed" all the inner workings of the rock and roll industry; I don't know if he was the one who started the whole "backwards masking" thing, but he was the one who took it to the mainstream fundy class. The guy's name was Bob Larson, and he and the christian comedian Mike Warnke, although unaffiliated, were the prime instigators of the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare of the 80's and early 90's. If you want a few laughs, follow the links I provided to the guys website's. Larson's is particularly amusing. Satanic Ritual Abuse is about the only topic Geraldo Rivera ever made a public apology for advocating.


Larson is pretty near and dear to my heart; he's written a bunch of expose's on other religions, and claims to be the worlds leading expert on demon exorcism. He claims to have exorcised more demons than anyone alive on the planet; he does have a pretty good track record ...they have pictures of him exorcising one paricular woman three times in two different states. He was also the first person to start me thinking about the lies I was being spoonfed by the church. At church camp back in the 70's, he told a bunch of 13-15 year old kids how rock and roll music was being used to subconsciously turn us all into a bunch of devil worshippers. He made quite a production of the whole thing, and had lots of "evidence" (which was only backwards masking and made-up stories); eventually he had a bunch of little kids (present company included) in crying hysterics, then after the "service" everyone was gathered at a bonfire and told to burn any and all rock and roll music that anyone had happenned to bring to camp with them, and then told to finish the job when we went home. Hell, when I got home, I even tried to steal my older brothers music collection and burn it, but I got caught in the act. He beat the hell out of me as I recall; it was really fucked up. Of course my dad was at the camp, and he threatened my brother with grounding if he didn't burn his music. (how fucked up is that?! I should have been punished for trying to steal my brothers belongings, instead, he got in trouble for not letting me) Bro held his ground and didn't back down an inch. My dad did. I did manage to steal his 1rst issue of marvel's KISS comic book and burnt it; that comic book is worth a lot of money now.


I would imagine Larson's books are still being used by fundy churches. In high school, my baptist (hitlers) youth group did an exhaustive study of other religions using Larson's books as "texts" for the study. Now you'll have to take what I am saying in context; at the time, I lived in a small town in bum-fuck egypt, west Texas. Most kids at this church had promising futures ahead in agriculture and oilfield work; I don't think these books target audiences included people who would ever have the potential to learn anything to the contrary. We were constantly told never to date non-christians, and shun the company of non-christians. When I graduated high school & moved north of Dallas to Denton to attend NTSU (now UNT), I got to meet tons of people from some of the other religions we had been "taught" about. The first time I sat down and had a conversation with a Hindu guy, and told him what I had heard, I was met with near-hysterical laughter and "where in the world did you hear that?!"


Questions that had been brewing in the back of my head for years suddenly started bubbling to the surface. That was when I started researching other religions from secular sources, and started to figure out what horseshit I had been shoveled in the guise of "truth." The rest is a story for another day and another thread.


Let me go back to Larson again. Cornerstone magazine (A christian publication) did an expose on Larson in the mid-90's. It was followed shortly with another expose on Warnke which generated considerably more attention. The Warnke link heralds the flak the magazine got for exposing a fraud who was doing such a good job of "leading kid's to the Lord;" apparently the fact he was a fraud and a thief wasn't enough reason to try to shut him down. BOTH of these men should be serving prison terms; they uncovered financial discrepancies in their organizations that were MORE than enough to seek serious charges, yet it never happenned. If you do a google search on the names of these guys, they are still being heralded as verifiable "experts." Larson even has a statement on his site not to believe any of the charges brought forward against him by others; those people are LIARS! bwaaaaaahhhh... they are all just out to get me! :vent:


All I have to say is if they rock music it is so evil, why not push some financial records back in front of their faces of the main people who started the movement against rock and roll in the first place. So what if these people gathered millions to fund ficticious charities and then pocketed the money? so what if you are using "evidence" that has been exposed over an over again as outright lies?


Nice to know they have such flexible definitions for "evil."

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To be honest, whenever one of my former clients or musician friends would complain about the Xians calling them anti-christs and tipper putting those explicit stickers on their CDs, I have told them to relax and go with it... as it sells more product when xians start bitching. I would be the anti-christ if it meant I sold 20 million units! They are a musician's best friend -- xians ban and complain - sales go up.

I never understood this either, you would think they would learn by now that for the most part, any publicity is good publicity. I remember in the 80's when lots of Christians thought Madonna was the anti-Christ (well, either her or Ronald Reagan, lol), and look at what it did to her career. In fact it seems the more Christians hate you the more successful you are likely to be!

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To be honest, whenever one of my former clients or musician friends would complain about the Xians calling them anti-christs and tipper putting those explicit stickers on their CDs, I have told them to relax and go with it... as it sells more product when xians start bitching. I would be the anti-christ if it meant I sold 20 million units! They are a musician's best friend -- xians ban and complain - sales go up.

I never understood this either, you would think they would learn by now that for the most part, any publicity is good publicity. I remember in the 80's when lots of Christians thought Madonna was the anti-Christ (well, either her or Ronald Reagan, lol), and look at what it did to her career. In fact it seems the more Christians hate you the more successful you are likely to be!

Why do you think Marilyn Manson is a Satanist? See the ploy?

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That's an old argument, and I've noticed that it doesn't stop most mainstream Christians from listening to rock music.

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Christian Rock is an oxymoron. It is logically impossible.


Because, the basic philosophy of Rock and Roll is freedom, expression, Rebellion from authority, telling people to fuck off because you can, running naked on the street covered in Jell-o, etc. Whether you consider snorting coke and banging groupies good or bad is up to you, but that is the idea behind Rock and Roll: Rebellion.


Christian Rock cannot exist, because Christianity is all about submitting to authority, suppressing freedoms, making you feel guilty for being human. Yes, the music may sound similar, but the philosophy; that spirit of Rock and Rollt, is not there to back it up.


Christians should just go back to producing their shitty gospel music.

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Christian Rock is an oxymoron. It is logically impossible.


Because, the basic philosophy of Rock and Roll is freedom, expression, Rebellion from authority, telling people to fuck off because you can, running naked on the street covered in Jell-o, etc. Whether you consider snorting coke and banging groupies good or bad is up to you, but that is the idea behind Rock and Roll: Rebellion.

I have known some bands that herald themselves as "christian bands" and trust me when I say, they whore around, drink, do drugs, cuss -- cheat on their wives -- just as much as the hardcore rock bands I have known. It is comical because the words to their songs preach of Jesus, Christianity and praising moral life and how God saved them; however, when it comes right down to it, boys will be boys. So to say they are hypocritical is to give a gross understatement.


You are correct, in theory it is an oxymoron. In practice, they're no better than Motley Crue.

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Christian Rock is an oxymoron. It is logically impossible.


Because, the basic philosophy of Rock and Roll is freedom, expression, Rebellion from authority, telling people to fuck off because you can, running naked on the street covered in Jell-o, etc. Whether you consider snorting coke and banging groupies good or bad is up to you, but that is the idea behind Rock and Roll: Rebellion.

I have known some bands that herald themselves as "christian bands" and trust me when I say, they whore around, drink, do drugs, cuss -- cheat on their wives -- just as much as the hardcore rock bands I have known. It is comical because the words to their songs preach of Jesus, Christianity and praising moral life and how God saved them; however, when it comes right down to it, boys will be boys. So to say they are hypocritical is to give a gross understatement.


You are correct, in theory it is an oxymoron. In practice, they're no better than Motley Crue.



Haha, thats friggin hilarious. But you see what I mean? They aint no Christian rockers. They're just....rockers.

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In the fundamentalist church I was taken to as a child, they preached against rock and roll. All of it, even the more modern Christian music (I don't think Christian rock had officially hit the scenes yet, as this was the 1960's). The beat was evil. The only proper music were hymns and southern gospel. Ugh. When Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell came out, they hated that too.


When I began attending church again, I was pleased to find out that Christian rock was now available, and I would not have to suffer through music my parents listened to. I got rid of my rock records (Arrowsmith, Van Halen, AC/DC, Journey, ZZ Top, Heart, Fleetwood Mac, and *sob* many others) and replaced them with the Christian variety that had a somewhat rock sound to it, but compared to what I gave up, it was crap. I think I bought it because I was supposed to. I also tuned into the local Contemporary Christian radio station, and attended the free concert they had every year. Under the surface, I knew it wasn't the same, but a cheap copy of the original.


Remember how Christians went wild whenever some formerly famous star joined the ranks? In the 80's, I remember Dan Peek became a Christian and cut a new record. He even rewrote "Lonely People" with new Christian lyrics. Oh, and Mark Farner, who was the lead singer of Grand Funk Railroad, got saved and re-recorded "Some Kind of Wonderful", praising Jesus with new words! Notice how it was passe artists who were getting born again; I wonder if it stuck, or was it just a new marketing ploy?


Hey, when did Christian rock really begin?

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Yeah, it's funny how christians say Rock music is bad for you: I mean the only harm heavy metal has ever done is inspire a few people in the American midwest to blow their brains out - the Bible has inspired the crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts, the destruction of the South and central american native civilisations, etc etc. Funny how christians never say that the bible is bad for you.

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Yeah, it's funny how christians say Rock music is bad for you: I mean the only harm heavy metal has ever done is inspire a few people in the American midwest to blow their brains out - the Bible has inspired the crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts, the destruction of the South and central american native civilisations, etc etc. Funny how christians never say that the bible is bad for you.


Exactly - and inspired the destruction of many pre-Xian cultures and civilizations, everywhere it went. Sure, Xianity inspired many people to go out and do good deeds for others, but the religion always goes with them. Can't you feel the luuuv of Gawd?

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gah christian rock sucks. i used to like it when i was a christian. now that i'm not, i can see that x-ian rock is barely in the rock genre.

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