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Still Get Mad At Non-existent God?


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The avatar that this site has assigned to me calls me a "Questioner." I guess that's a promotion from "Curious" (when I first joined), and if I keep posting, maybe I'll be recognized as a "Freethinker" or something else more apt and definite someday, because there's no "questioning"about it.


I've never been much of a christian, so I didn't come to this website like some of you who are recovering from painful religious abuse. From a political standpoint, I've always been opposed to the horrible fundies that try to force their irrational religion on everyone in the nation. From an intellectual standpoint, there's no way I could buy the crap that's in the bible. But, I am interested in religion and why people form their personal philosophies and I have found persuing these forums and the "testimonies" fascinating.


So, I was just wondering - does anyone else find themselves sometimes angry at god even though you don't really believe in god (or at least not in god as portrayed in the bible)? I know this is stupid and irrational. I tell myself that getting mad at a god who isn't real makes no more sense that blaming Santa Claus if you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas. But, still, there it is.


On a personal note, my anger at the non-existent god coincides with me coming down with multiple sclerosis. I'm usually pretty cheerful and coping well. But everytime I wake up at 3 a.m. with a painful muscle spasm, I feel like shaking my fist and cursing that fraud in the sky. And, then I feel ridiculous. Know what I mean?

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I don't find myself getting angry at a god I don't believe in anymore, I used to back when my "fall" was more recent. Now, strangely enough, I just get mad when other people blame/credit a god I don't believe in.

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I am angry at the mass conspiracy, the way it manipulates people, etc... but not God. On the days when I cry out to something because life sucks and children die because of religion, I do get angry that if there is a god, why did he allow it? Any form of god? Why???

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My response to the OP is: no I'm not angry with any form of "god" or "deity" of any kind anymore.


I was though in my last days of faith, but when I lost my belief in a supreme being that interacts with our daily life, I also was relieved from any form of bitterness (another thread), and any form of anger, guilt or wonder about if I was doing everything right according to this beings weird requirements for being "righteous". When I lost my faith, I was truly and fully free for once. Freedom does not come with obeying an imaginary friend, but by growing up and mature intellectually and morally and find that you and only you are responsible for your actions and events in your life. You take charge over your own life, and no one is to blame anymore. No one to blame for good or bad things. No one but yourself. Why be afraid or angry with something that doesn't exist?

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I never was angry at "God" - even when I left Xianity behind I had a very Deistic outlook and realized that humans and humans alone invent and develop religions and religious views. It would be silly of me to hate a person based only on what someone else says, so why should I apply the same to a god?


I hate the "god" of the Babble because of what his fan club says about him, yes, but that's because I don't believe that Biblegodzilla exists. There's no reason whatsoever to believe that Yahweh™ or Jehoover™ or whatever he's called is real, so the only thing I have to go on are his cultists and their "holy books." Biblegodzilla is a product of men's imaginations, not a real being, because if he were real it is plain to me that he'd be showing off his anger, at the least. No displays - no worries.


It's perfectly normal to hate someone when they have all the power to come through for you but choose not to, or make a bunch of promises and fail to deliver the goods. People being angry at the Xian god for failing to pony up is normal and a good thing, so long as it doesn't get out of hand. Hate the Xian god, realize he doesn't exist, and move on - take a potshot or two every so often, but reclaim your own spirituality and exercise your right to define it as you see fit. That's how to be, IMO.

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I don't remember ever being mad at biblegod before or after living christianity.


When I was a fundy I did wonder why he hadn't made his message to humans more clear - why many honest people thought he wanted different things or disagreed on what was moral, etc. However, I was sufficiently brainwashed that I assumed this was just one of his "mysteries" that we humans weren't meant to understand.


Once I stopped believing in gods, I did become angry at those christians who try to force their beliefs on others. I feel pity for christian fundies who haven't found their way out yet.

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You can’t hate something that isn’t real, like the Christian god. :shrug: But one can hate the bible, so I make do with that. :ugh:

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So, I was just wondering - does anyone else find themselves sometimes angry at god even though you don't really believe in god (or at least not in god as portrayed in the bible)?


See! The fact that you blame god proves the holy spirit is real and that's why you feel that way!!!!



...thus spake fundythustra...


On a personal note, my anger at the non-existent god coincides with me coming down with multiple sclerosis.


That sucks, and I'm sorry you must suffer so. Just in case there is a god, fuck him. :grin:

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The thing I get angry over is religion, not God. Getting angry at a God that doesn't exist does not hold believers accountable for all the bigotry. It's very frustrating to hear that people worship the violent God of the Bible, Torah, and the Qu'ran.

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Can't say that I get angry at gods per se...don't have a reason to. At the same time, I have been known to get angry at a lot of things, including inanimate objects (read: computers) from time to time, it just is whatever happens to be irritating me at the moment.


Since I have yet to see any god actually do something directly (and irrefutably), I can't say I have gotten too mad at them.

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Can't say that I get angry at gods per se...don't have a reason to. At the same time, I have been known to get angry at a lot of things, including inanimate objects (read: computers) from time to time, it just is whatever happens to be irritating me at the moment.


Since I have yet to see any god actually do something directly (and irrefutably), I can't say I have gotten too mad at them.



I think when I do get mad at "god" it is the same as getting mad at an inanimate object. I'm not completely loony, just frustrated at the sense of being sold a bill of goods, i.e., being told there's some great spirit in the sky who cares about human beings and answers prayers when, in reality there's "no there there." BTW, I find it extremely annoying when people tell me they will pray for me, but I try to be polite and actually thank them for caring :Hmm:


But, I do have a question for deists. I don't believe in the god of the bible and I think if it were true it would be too horrible to contemplate. However, I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist and I just don't know if there is something that exists which could be considered god. So, my question is, do you think of god as a being that is actually involved in our daily lives and cares about us or instead as the creative force that set everything in motion and then just sort of walked away? I know there are probably a multitude of answers, but I am interested in how others approach this subject, and good website references on it would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Just in case there is a god, fuck him. :grin:


:HaHa: I'd rather fuck a goddess, personally. *whistles at Makosh and Freya* come 'ere, girls - I've got an offering for ya :wicked:


But, I do have a question for deists. I don't believe in the god of the bible and I think if it were true it would be too horrible to contemplate. However, I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist and I just don't know if there is something that exists which could be considered god. So, my question is, do you think of god as a being that is actually involved in our daily lives and cares about us or instead as the creative force that set everything in motion and then just sort of walked away? I know there are probably a multitude of answers, but I am interested in how others approach this subject, and good website references on it would be appreciated. Thanks!


The Deist in me believes more in gods who aren't able to affect things in the world, regardless of whether or not they can be aware of events in the universe. Perhaps only give us spiritual strength - perhaps. But make storms and floods and save us from plane crashes? If they could do that, it stands to reason they'd do it 24/7. No Divine Rescue Squad - no belief in such.


When I was turning towards Deism and away from Xianity, I still accepted an all-powerful, all-present, all-good god. It just took some time to deprogram myself from that concept, as there is no possible way those three things can exist at the same time and the world be as fucked up as it is. Most Deists that I know believe that their god(s) made the world but don't have the ability to intervene or simply choose not to and have left us to sort it all out ourselves.


I cannot accept the second premise anymore than I can accept the idea of the nature of Xianity's god.

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Just in case there is a god, fuck him. :grin:

No thanks. In my case, I only do it if God is a she... :HaHa:

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