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Goodbye Jesus

A War On Christians?

Guest Pagan Chris

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There was a pretty good op-ed in today's Boston Globe about this:


What War On Christians? by Cathy Young

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Hey there is a War on everything these days.


Just this morning, looking in the mirror, I realized it was time to start a war on nose hair.


I'm looking for a few good men!

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Narcissism by any other name...still smells distinctly like shit...




On a (marginally) less flippant note...over and over I've heard people say with a straight face that "if you're not being persecuted, you're doing something wrong." In fact, I believe this was the title of an article I read on a mainstream Evangelical-flavored web site.


What I've found twisted is that it takes a basic truth -- that people will often take heat for standing up for what they believe -- and turned it into some masochistic test of loyalty to the cause. And what's even more ironic is, if you want to see "persecution," go into a Christian forum and politely disagree with any of the fundamental tenets or unsupported generalites you will no doubt find, and ask for proof.

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On a (marginally) less flippant note...over and over I've heard people say with a straight face that "if you're not being persecuted, you're doing something wrong." In fact, I believe this was the title of an article I read on a mainstream Evangelical-flavored web site.


I've heard sermons on this. It basically stems from the time Jebus supposedly said if people persecuted him, they'd certainly persecute his followers. Or "Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness' sake."


The only problem is that since xtians aren't really being persecuted, that must mean they're doing something wrong. So they either conjure up a false sense of persecution, or go out and make asses of themselves in order to be "persecuted".

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Oh yeah...they get very hostile if you disagree with their "my shit don't stink" ideology.


Also...its a great pity these christians don't recall how much 'war' they wage on each other. Christian against Christian....


errr.....catholic against Proddie....like in Ireland. Check out history but also remember the 'lesson' for the pulpit.

Like at my old SDAist church.....mate do they ever "HATE" the catholics

...and the evangelicals "HATE" the catholics.....

and the catholics "HATE" and war with ....

and so on and so on.....


pity they don't all fucking just kill each other (did I really mean that?)..*shrugs*

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Sort of tangential...was in Arizona with my girlfriend this past January (marathon), and we went to the Heard Museum...beautiful exhibits on Native American culture, with one sad section on late 19th/early 20th century efforts to "assimilate" children, i.e. by sending them to American schools, cutting their hair, teaching them English, and of course "converting" them to Christianity.


What was sad and what pissed me off was the tone of the quotes from people leading the movement at the time; this condescending "we know what's best for these savages" attitude that is exactly like the "we know what's best for this sinful pagan world" that I've heard over and over in churches I've attended. The difference here being that unlike the outnumbered and outgunned Native Americans, much of the pagan world that the average neo-Fundie will likely see firsthand is educated, well-read, often more knowledgeable of the Bible than many evangelistos, and far less easy a target for manipulation or intimidation...and so when this sinful modern world recoils from finger-pointing injunctions to Turn or Burn In Hell, the reflexive posture is "woe is me, I'm being persecuted."


OK, many a straw man in that statement, but all this -- a montage of memories from conversations I either overheard or wasn't quick enough to outrun -- is to verbosely say that I think there's an unfortunate narcisissm pervading modern church culture, a need to justify one's existence, for lack of achievement or personal distinction, with victimhood, and the best kind of all -- sanctified victimhood that a cadre of brothers and sisters will gladly affirm. Which not only mocks real persecution of people who have suffered horrific pain for their beliefs, whatever thay may be, but whitewashes the persecution that Christianity's darker impulese have visited upon the world.


OK, I feel better now :)

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What was sad and what pissed me off was the tone of the quotes from people leading the movement at the time; this condescending "we know what's best for these savages" attitude that is exactly like the "we know what's best for this sinful pagan world" that I've heard over and over in churches I've attended.





Yeah I hope you feel better now too... :grin:



I felt a similar disgust and annoyance when I read a so called ex minister who had jsut recently opened up a brand new chatroom say the very same thing "savages' in relation to Muslims.


I thought 'fuck that'...'this is exactly like the crap I used to hear in chruch'...and 'has the EX Pastor Joe turned atheist"....actually learned anything?.........Nope apparently not.!


I decided not to return to his chatroom...it was obvious that I wasn't going to enjoy posting there.


Why bother changing that attitude....life is too short.

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