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Goodbye Jesus

This Guy Has Spare Time... A Lot


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"And just think, Noah did it alone and without modern tools. It's unimaginable, no?"



There's a reason for that, dude.


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I actually think it would be kind of cool to build a copy of Noah's Ark - at full scale, using period tools and construction methods, strictly according to the Biblical instructions - because I think it would be an interesting exercise to actually build a boat like that with the ultimate goal of finding out if said boat was even plausible in the first place.


Kind of a "could this boat really have been built, and is it really seaworthy?" I mean actually do it, and float the damn thing... and see what happens. Just see. No steel supports, no modern tools, nothing... see how long it *really* takes, see how much of a problem it is, etc. etc. etc.


If I had unlimited amounts of $$$, I might try it, just to make the Bible story look utterly stupid by way of failed redaction. (Yeah, I know, it wouldn't phase diehard fundies... but hey, they might be pwn'd anyway, whether they care or not.)

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