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Goodbye Jesus

I have new respect for myself.. Thank God I am not her...


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Goodbye Jesus

     My browser no likey the vids.  That's okay though.


     Personally, I'm not even sure how she's even making vids.  I mean video and the internets aren't mentioned in the bible.  How could she use all that?  How could the almighty not mention this is his most excellent tome?  Seems like a little oversight on his part to not mention any of this.  At least mention electricity.  Or plastic.  Or optics.  Or nylon fabrics.  Or something.  Shit, the cotton gin.  Advanced weaving.  Soap.  Anything.  I guess the old syringe (what's that goat herder?) filled with "magical goo" (that's more like it) seems like an easy oversight now.




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I like the hand gestures. Kinda looks like the old Robert Plant thing on stage. 


The list of things not mentioned in the Bible at the end of the video is the best part. 

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2 hours ago, Anushka said:


Why does she use any technology? None of it is in the bible. Youtube is probably of Satan.

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I hate people.

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My son can't take a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to school on account of other kids having allergies.  You know what my son is allergic to?  Fucking rubella!  That means you need to keep your unvaccinated whore-spawn at home so as not to put my kid in danger.  god damn ignorant sons of bitches.

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9 hours ago, Ann said:

The crazy lady's kids could die because of her "belief" and "win" a Darwin award.


And some say religion is not harmful. 

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10 hours ago, Ann said:

A few years ago, Disneyland had a big rubella outbreak. My friends had taken their small children there around this time. I was worried and called them. Their response..."Why should I worry? My kids are vaccinated."

The crazy lady's kids could die because of her "belief" and "win" a Darwin award.


Perhaps not getting vaccinated is the key to whittling down Christian numbers. :)

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3 minutes ago, Ann said:

Exactly. I have a difficult time with any religious nut that places their children in harms way because of a belief. Sadly, it happens. I wasn't trying to say kids deserve the Darwin award. Of course kids don't deserve to get sick or potentially die because of a stupid adult's decision. My awkward wording could read that I may be insinuating that and I want to make it crystal clear...I never want children harmed. The comment was meant for the hate I feel towards parents who harm their children.

I don't even know if this lady in the op has kids. I hope not because she is the type that would potentially place her kids in harms way because....the bible. Yuck!


I think it borders on criminal child neglect by not getting your child vaccinated. Stupidity like this can affect the general populace in a terrible way. Apparently she thinks Jesus is going to keep contagions away from her children, though we have plenty of evidence to the contrary. We also have plenty of evidence that children who are vaccinated don't get sick.

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I got a good scare a few year back when my stepson announced that my grand daughters would not be receiving the cervical cancer vaccine because it was the same as giving them permission to have sex. That decree was coming directly from the pulpit of the fundyass xtian church that the fams attend. 


I stewed for a few days and was about to engage him in a conversation about how ignorance and neglectful that decision is and querry him if he would pray over the young lovelies instead of taking them to the ER should they be injured or get really sick. That concern was playcated when this did happen and fundy stepson immediately took said granddaughter to the ER. 


Hypocrisy? You bet! But i'm glad for a little hypocrisy sometimes. :woohoo:

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The older I get, the more I agree with George Carlin.  We need to take the warning labels off and let natural selection weed out the stupid.  Only I think we should do more to help it along than just removing the labels. 

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17 minutes ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

The older I get, the more I agree with George Carlin.  We need to take the warning labels off and let natural selection weed out the stupid.  Only I think we should do more to help it along than just removing the labels. 


I’ve always thought it’s too easy to reproduce. It should be harder to figure out.

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59 minutes ago, ThereAndBackAgain said:


I’ve always thought it’s too easy to reproduce. It should be harder to figure out.

You have to get a license to drive a car; but not to have kids.  That seems a bit fuckity to me.

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21 hours ago, MOHO said:

I got a good scare a few year back when my stepson announced that my grand daughters would not be receiving the cervical cancer vaccine because it was the same as giving them permission to have sex. That decree was coming directly from the pulpit of the fundyass xtian church that the fams attend. 


I stewed for a few days and was about to engage him in a conversation about how ignorance and neglectful that decision is and querry him if he would pray over the young lovelies instead of taking them to the ER should they be injured or get really sick. That concern was playcated when this did happen and fundy stepson immediately took said granddaughter to the ER. 


Hypocrisy? You bet! But i'm glad for a little hypocrisy sometimes. :woohoo:


Penises don't care about someone's vaccination status.

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She should join the Amish. She'd probably prefer their version of Christianity.

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