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Goodbye Jesus

Bible Bangers


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I just don't get it. Bible churches here are surging with any "preacher" who picks up a "buybull" and promises salvation!!! You people have helped me so much!!!! Being an almost ex catholic,,,,,,,,they never, ever, ever stressed the bible or any parts of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I never really read the book of fairytales. Catholics are crafty. They parade their cardinals and bishops and you dare not question their authority. I guess they are at least smart enough not to showcase the buybull. All I can say is prayer, confession ,communion, sacrafices, hymns candles,,,,,,never made me feel the FUCKING slightest better about myself. In fact,,, I always left church feeling inferior,,,just fearing FUCKING hell and hating curch,,,,but going for 48 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You have helped me so much! and the internet and reading Thank you,,,,I just hope I don't cave to guilt and try to Fuckin repent!!!! Repent from what??? Thank you, gary ( I desperately don't want to go back!!!!!!!! Blasphemey feels so fuckichrist good!!!!)

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When you realize that indeed Religion IS bullshit as Bro. Jeff proclaims, you find that the black robed whores have less hold on your life, mind and actions than ever.


"Blasphemy" beomes meaningless when you realize that they no longer have your *soul* in their deep pockets, and that you indeed are a Human, not a fuckin' number.


Long time ago it was expected that Men would "Live Free, or Die".


Got no intention of allowing the robed and suited whores of daLarde to take my Freedom again.


Go thee and live as such. When it comes to dyin', do so at your own time and choosing..


k, Freeman by choice, L

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Catholics wrote the New Testament so I don't think they are very fond of showing off their greatest blunders. Well, not necessarily Catholics, but those followers who wrote for what would eventually become the Catholic Church.

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I just don't get it. Bible churches here are surging with any "preacher" who picks up a "buybull" and promises salvation!!! You people have helped me so much!!!! Being an almost ex catholic,,,,,,,,they never, ever, ever stressed the bible or any parts of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I never really read the book of fairytales. Catholics are crafty. They parade their cardinals and bishops and you dare not question their authority. I guess they are at least smart enough not to showcase the buybull. All I can say is prayer, confession ,communion, sacrafices, hymns candles,,,,,,never made me feel the FUCKING slightest better about myself. In fact,,, I always left church feeling inferior,,,just fearing FUCKING hell and hating curch,,,,but going for 48 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You have helped me so much! and the internet and reading Thank you,,,,I just hope I don't cave to guilt and try to Fuckin repent!!!! Repent from what??? Thank you, gary ( I desperately don't want to go back!!!!!!!! Blasphemey feels so fuckichrist good!!!!)


Hehe... I know how you feel, fellow ex-catholic. I am glad I was raised Catholic, moreover - I don't miss not having the Babble shoved down my throat. I think it helped my deconversion, since I had relatively little Babble-worship to get out of my head. Even as a Catholic, I thought the Babble to be something I'd rather not read - especially when I did read it. I was more than happy to let the Church™ interpret and argue about it.


Of course, the Teaching Authority™ of the Magisterium was another matter, but it was easy to deny that, too. Even though I did believe in their infallibility, it was easy to, in the end, dismiss them as religious kooks - as humans with opinions that were not proven facts.


I never got that spiritual high from the sacraments for most of my Catholic life. For a brief while I did, but ironically that was when I was slowly turning Heathen inside. I just felt what I wanted to feel, but deep down, I was aware that nothing really changed when I ate the wafer of got out of the confessional. It was all the trappings, the visual aesthetics, the sounds of my whispers in a huge church or the music or the echos and such that helped me to "feel" those things. Once I realized how much pageantry went into it all, it was easy to divorce it from an actual religious event.


It takes time to get the fear of hell and damnation out - Big Momma Church™ was always good with that game. But, eventually you do - just don't forget that the way out of a nightmare is to tell yourself that you're dreaming. Just keep reminding yourself in whatever way you can that it was all a nightmare made up by other men's minds, and you'll be completely out of it one day.

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