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"how Can You Be A Christian...?"


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I'm sure all of you have heard of Google memes. You type an incomplete phrase into the Google search engine and let the results complete the sentence. In this case, I decided to try the phrase, "How can you be a Christian". It was interesting to see some of the narrow-minded responses. Some are listed below...


How can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?

How can you be a Christian and vote Democrat?

How can you be a Christian and be a psychiatrist?

How can you be a Christian and love nature so much?

How can you be a Christian and be a lawyer?

how can you be a Christian and be into leather?

How can you be a Christian and be a science fiction writer at the same time?


...and on it goes. It's always amazing to me how xtians so closely define what fits into their own little world. So, to give equal time, I decided to try the phrase "How can you be an atheist". The results were actually quite predictable, as indicated below...


How can you be an athiest and look around at the miracle of life on this planet? (This was actually a response on an atheist-related blog.)

How can you be an athiest. if there is no God then what is the point in us being here?

how can you be an athiest yet find meaning in His words? Either you believe in God (or Gods as the case may be) or you don't.

How can you be an athiest & hate something you don't believe the existence of?


Yep, fairly predictable. The one I really didn't understand was, "how can you be an athiest if you're piscies?"


There were fewer responses when one substitutes the word agnostic in the phrase. Most equate agnosticism and atheism, with similar responses.

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Most equate agnosticism and atheism, with similar responses.

Careful there, we've had some bruised feelings over in the "rants" section about this... :Wendywhatever:


That's pretty cool Beowulf. I've never tried that before. Unfortunately, as you say, the responses are pretty typical.


I wonder what I'd get from "how could you vote for bush"? :scratch:

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No results at all for "Asatruar". Oh well... ;)

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Easily answered questions:


We look for the answer as to why, but even in not having it we can still enjoy the earth in which we live on.


Who says we need a point anyway? I live happily without one singular goal leading me along.


An amount of "God's words" are based on and derived from common sense and works when applied. It is good to follow what works, regardless of why.


Because of the arrogance and blindness it sows into the culture in which we live.

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