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I wouldn't call myself an advocate for euthenasia/assisted suicide/suicide, but I do support other peoples wishes to die.


I have been doing a bit of research on the matter and found that many arguments center around these things:


1. Euthenasia will result in the problems seen in Nazi Germany (involuntary euthenasia) and apparently what is recently being shown to be happening (as of 1995) in Holland.


2. Euthenasia will be offered as options to poor people and thinking they have nothing else to go for, will just off themselves.


3. Euthenasia is bad because I disagree with it.


With number 1, we have the slippery slope argument put up like it is time and time again. When will people realise that SS doesn't work? Giving women the vote didn't slide to giving hamsters the vote, and homosexuals marrying wont slide to people marrying animals. Involuntary euthenasia is an oxymoron, and is murder. Murder happens all the time. Therefore what we must do to prevent murder is create laws. Since we already have laws in place to prevent an involuntary suicide (that is, the person does not wish to die, and/or the people by proxy do not wish the person to die, but the person is killed anyways), presumably while these could happen does not suddenly point to the evils of euthenasia.


Second...the whole point of euthenasia is to provide it as an option to people who wish to die...if people want to die and they are young/old/poor/rich/terminal/healthy....well then who are we to say they can't? That doesn't mean all poor people are going to drop like flies, nor does it mean all old people are suddenly gonna disappear.


And the third point, well...it's pretty obvious.

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I have no problem with euthanasia, ultimately. I'd rather someone put me out of my misery than live slobbering in my own poo. I'd hate to leave life behind, but death is far better than that.

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With my life philosophy of not letting others make decisions for me during life, be fucked if Ill let *them* choose my death.


Should I live a good longlife and find myself incapable, or becoming such, I'll do what needs done and when to terminate my useless carcass.


Be double fucked if I'll end up in a raisen ranch waiting for some merciful quirk to make my brain quit long after the body won't go.


Euthenasia made lawful, Physician Assisted Suicide, in Oregon makes the patients last wishes the final arbiter of the *right* to die on terms chosen by the person, not the Korts or families.


It is not the States *right* to make the choice for the Individual. No matter what bullshit is passed, enforced, and crammed down willing participants in the system, folks will eventually choose the way they wish to exit this go-around.



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Huzzah, nivek. It's all well and good to want to leave the world when you know you're fooked, but to give the state power to decide would open up a can o' worms we don't even want to think of. The government sure as hell can't be trusted with euthanasia.

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Nivek, just a clarification needed here:


You think everyone should have the right to end their lives if they don't wanna live anymore.


You don't think the courts or the government has any right to legislate against someone wanting to die, and you don't think the courts should have any right in choosing whether or not someone should die?


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Nivek, just a clarification needed here:


You think everyone should have the right to end their lives if they don't wanna live anymore.


You don't think the courts or the government has any right to legislate against someone wanting to die, and you don't think the courts should have any right in choosing whether or not someone should die?


Please correct me if I'm wrong.


No correction needed amigo, you nailed it.


What goober in goobermint has ANY right to tell me when to end my existance?


Either I am Free, or the goobers own me.


I'll make the final choice sans help from the goobers, thankyoukindly.



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Nivek, just a clarification needed here:


You think everyone should have the right to end their lives if they don't wanna live anymore.


You don't think the courts or the government has any right to legislate against someone wanting to die, and you don't think the courts should have any right in choosing whether or not someone should die?


Please correct me if I'm wrong.


No correction needed amigo, you nailed it.


What goober in goobermint has ANY right to tell me when to end my existance?


Either I am Free, or the goobers own me.


I'll make the final choice sans help from the goobers, thankyoukindly.




Ok...but let's say that you aren't cognitive, in a terri schiavo instance? Do you think that the courts should step in between disputing family members?

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My final directions are on *legal papers* with my attorney, family, immediate and extended, all know my desire not to live in a vegatative state of any kind.


When signing into the hospital, I do not sign living wills, as I have mine made up, nothing will pre-empt my desire to die when the body says "time's up Fatman".


Takes some time, dinero and desire to make sure the things you want taken care of after you pass are taken care of to avoid a "terrying of life".


I've tried to cover all my naked ends and do the things necessary so the State doesn't get its greedy maws on property belonging then to my son and heirs.


I don't like the game the State forces us to play when it comes to the final few days of our lives, but played right, the State and the goobers are shit_out_of_luck when it is "time".


Dying may be the beginning of a new adventure, or it may just stop this one. I don't know, but it will pan out in time...



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I sure don't want to hang around when my brain is gone. There are several people like that at the nursing home where my mom is. It is so depressing. My hubby has said to shoot him if he ever gets like that. We haven't done the legal paperwork yet, but we are working on it (no, not to have it legal to shoot him, ha). My mom has done the legal paperwork to do a "no code" (don't attempt resuscitation) and also to just keep her comfortable but let her die if she becomes unconscious. She still has her mind but I'm not sure what we'd do if she lost it but remained conscious, hmmm. She's 85 now so maybe she will keep her mind until the end. My brother keeps an eye on the laws and has made sure her paperwork is updated when the laws have been revised.


I was surprised to hear a fundy xian at work remark that he told his wife that if he ever becomes a braindead blob to throw him off a cliff.

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We allow dogs who are suffering to die peacefully; i expect the same fucking courtesy if I so demand.

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