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I was an Ex-C member. Until now, I still face challenges in coming out to my sister as a Buddhist. So, I secretly became a Buddhist and a Christian. Because on several times, I asked my sister whether I can become a Buddhist and she reacted very badly-she was very disappointed in me and also on one time, she told me that she could not sleep at all because I told her that I wanted to become a Buddhist.

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15 hours ago, lllla said:

I was an Ex-C membe


Are you STILL and Ex-C member?

It seems like you are experiencing difficulty with something.

We can offer emotional support and encouragement if you can clarify your situation a little. 


    - MOHO (Mind Of His Own)

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My advice would be to not live your life chained by others opinions.


If you are in a position where you are responsible for yourself and financially independent then you owe it to yourself to be true to yourself.


Take it from someone who has been through family drama surrounding telling them I didn't believe in God - they will try all sorts of things (Maybe not intentionally, but its manipulative all the same). I had my mother rolling on the floor saying she was having a heart attack. You cannot control how people react, you can only be honest with them and yourself.


I wish you all the best of luck, and like MOHO said, we are here for support and encouragement.

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I have no choice but to continue becoming a Christian to assuage my sister-and also at the same time to secretly pray to Buddhist statues.

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On 7/18/2018 at 5:06 PM, lllla said:

I was an Ex-C member. Until now, I still face challenges in coming out to my sister as a Buddhist. So, I secretly became a Buddhist and a Christian. Because on several times, I asked my sister whether I can become a Buddhist and she reacted very badly-she was very disappointed in me and also on one time, she told me that she could not sleep at all because I told her that I wanted to become a Buddhist.


Well, at some point she will have to sleep. Her eyes will become heavy. :)


Like others have said, if you have to live with these people then tell them you're a Christian. If not, tell them you're a Buddhist. Whatever you 'are' in your head is none of their business. You don't really need to be completely honest with someone who is going to badger you about your faith. They are emotionally blackmailing you into conforming to their belief.


Why do you need to make a formal declaration of faith at all?


I have in-laws and I pretend to like their chosen presidential candidate when I visit them. My brother goes on and on about the same candidate that I don't really like. When I get off the phone with him I think about how "wrong" he is, then continue on. Granted, my relatives are not as intense about 'making' me believe their way, but a little fake agreement with them helps some. 


A short term solution may be to be 'gone' to school or work or other activities as much as possible until you can move away. If you are financially able to make it on your own, then tell em to shove Jesus where the sun don't shine.

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14 hours ago, lllla said:

I have no choice but to continue becoming a Christian to assuage my sister-and also at the same time to secretly pray to Buddhist statues.


Why do you believe you have no choice?  

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