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Goodbye Jesus

If Man Were Successful In "playing God"


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Question for Christians. Non-Christians, please avoid replying until an abundance of Christians have replied, addressing my question.


If man were successful in "playing God," as it were, (e.g. curing cancer, ebola, cloning humans, genetically-engineering the "perfect" human), how might your understanding of God change?


If you reply that it is impossible for man to "play God," you did not answer the question. The point of hypothetical questions is that you suppose that something were true.

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I think my respect for God would deepen...that he could create humanity capable of such things, that he was "secure" enough to allow humans that much power over their world.


I say this because so much of what I have learned in all kinds of church classes seems predicated on how helpless humanity is, how we're all trapped in our sin, how life is meaningless without God, etc. etc. etc.. I can't remember a single sermon or discussion where the theme was "What an amazing creature man is" yet this supposedly amazing, wonderful, love-filled God created this creature...?


Not sure if I digressed...

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