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Goodbye Jesus

My reasons


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I received a crystal clear vision a couple of years ago.  A couple of years before that God spoke to me.  Said I was like samuel.  Pointed me towards the place where God first speaks to Samuel.  A guy prayed for me in church and told me he saw Samuel kneeling infront of God just like God showed me.

If I reject God he will reject me too.

I am sorry to tell you, but chances are the God you are running away from is real.

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god told me I was like the prophet Isaiah; he also likened me unto Abraham for the amount of faith I had.  I'm sorry to tell you, but chances are the god you are clinging to so desperately is NOT real.

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I once stayed awake for 44 hours straight, and heard a clock talking to me. Just saying.

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God told me that you need to stay away from operating heavy machinery and take a taxi to the psych ward. Either you're putting us on for shits and giggles or you have rounded the bend and are on the edge of a major break with reality. Please take care (assuming you're not just fucking with us. It's getting harder to tell.)

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2 hours ago, disillusioned said:

I once stayed awake for 44 hours straight, and heard a clock talking to me. Just saying.


Clocks do tick you realise. Look I'm sorry to be the hard nosed atheist here but there is a perfectly natural reasonable explanation for your clock "talking" to you.... like staying awake for that long. I'm surprised it wasn't only the clock talking :P 

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13 minutes ago, LogicalFallacy said:


Clocks do tick you realise. Look I'm sorry to be the hard nosed atheist here but there is a perfectly natural reasonable explanation for your clock "talking" to you.... like staying awake for that long. I'm surprised it wasn't only the clock talking :P 


Hmmm. Now that you mention it,  clocks do tick. Not only that,  but they "tock" as well.  I'm having a crisis of faith.  I need to reflect further on this, and maybe do some more research.


(Checks time).


I'll get back to you in about 30 hours. 

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Allfather Oðinn appointed Me Queen of Earth in 1999, but I abdicated in 2002 because the hours sucked.  I gave the gig to Tiamat, who is much better at multitasking because of Her multiple heads, and is still on the job (although as Queen Emeritus I still get asked for input).


Chances are that Tia and I will clean your god's clock if the blighter dares to set foot on Our turf.  :58:

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Blue, I don't know if you're just funning with us, but I doubt it. Get yourself some help, ok? 

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The problem is that none of these are actually reasons.  Reasons imply objective, logical thought, also known as "reason".  All you did was listen to voices in your head, and the voice of some guy praying; and blindly accepted what those voices said, without giving it a second thought.  This is not reason; it is the complete opposite of reason.  


Moreover, even if you apply some objective intellect to what the voices told you, that still does not give any of the rest of us any "reason" to believe that your god is real.


Finally, I will speak a prophecy over you.  I can assure you this is a genuine prophecy; because prophecy was one of the gifts I was given.  I prophesy that the voices in your head will never tell you to go see your psychiatrist and have your meds adjusted.  After all, what kind of god would want his chosen servant to be emotionally stable and mentally whole?

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God told me you have to give me 1000 bucks to get into heaven when you pass. I take cash and checks made out to cash. Ill also take a nice Hoyt bow. 

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3 hours ago, disillusioned said:


Hmmm. Now that you mention it,  clocks do tick. Not only that,  but they "tock" as well.  I'm having a crisis of faith.  I need to reflect further on this, and maybe do some more research.


(Checks time).


I'll get back to you in about 30 hours. 

A Gestapo agent was interrogating a clock that would only tick...














He finally got angry, and said...














"Ve have vays of making you tock."












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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  GROAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  


Funny Though!

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7 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I received a crystal clear vision a couple of years ago.  A couple of years before that God spoke to me.  Said I was like samuel.  Pointed me towards the place where God first speaks to Samuel.  A guy prayed for me in church and told me he saw Samuel kneeling infront of God just like God showed me.

If I reject God he will reject me too.

I am sorry to tell you, but chances are the God you are running away from is real.


You received a crystal clear vision a couple of years ago.  Of what?

A couple of years before your vision a "God" spoke to you.  Which god?

I'm assuming you are saying here that whichever god spoke to you also told you that you were like the Biblical character of Samuel, and he pointed you toward the place where god first speaks to Samuel in the Bible.  Where is that place? Do you have a chapter and verse(s)?


Did you tell the guy that prayed for you in church about your vision before he prayed for you and said what he said? This is important. Did you read some passage or hear a sermon or read a book about Samuel and god before you had this 'vision'? Are you sure?


Yeah, the chances are that the god I am "running away from" is real, as you said.  Except I'm not running away from any god.  The chances also are that the god you are hearing 'talking' to you, the one you have visions of, isn't real. 


H, I'm serious in these questions.   I do think that if want serious discussion you'll need stop with the many posts of your dogmatic thoughts and declarations, and stick around in one or two threads here and talk in a little more depth. 


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SB, you've been here for about two years.  Here's a brief trip down memory lane starting in August 2015.    You have 20 pages of comments.  Do you see a pattern?







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10 hours ago, florduh said:

God told me that you need to stay away from operating heavy machinery and take a taxi to the psych ward. Either you're putting us on for shits and giggles or you have rounded the bend and are on the edge of a major break with reality. Please take care (assuming you're not just fucking with us. It's getting harder to tell.)

I just gave my reasons for staying in Christianity.  I am not fucking with you.

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5 hours ago, duderonomy said:


You received a crystal clear vision a couple of years ago.  Of what?

A couple of years before your vision a "God" spoke to you.  Which god?

I'm assuming you are saying here that whichever god spoke to you also told you that you were like the Biblical character of Samuel, and he pointed you toward the place where god first speaks to Samuel in the Bible.  Where is that place? Do you have a chapter and verse(s)?


Did you tell the guy that prayed for you in church about your vision before he prayed for you and said what he said? This is important. Did you read some passage or hear a sermon or read a book about Samuel and god before you had this 'vision'? Are you sure?


Yeah, the chances are that the god I am "running away from" is real, as you said.  Except I'm not running away from any god.  The chances also are that the god you are hearing 'talking' to you, the one you have visions of, isn't real. 


H, I'm serious in these questions.   I do think that if want serious discussion you'll need stop with the many posts of your dogmatic thoughts and declarations, and stick around in one or two threads here and talk in a little more depth. 


Sorry to cause trouble.  I want out of Christianity.  Those are the only reasons I have to stay.

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2 hours ago, buffettphan said:

SB, you've been here for about two years.  Here's a brief trip down memory lane starting in August 2015.    You have 20 pages of comments.  Do you see a pattern?







Yeah I know.  I am sorry.

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     Not all that long ago I got out of bed to use the toilet.  I was feeling a bit fuzzy in the head so I had to steady myself as I went.  I finished up and went over to clean my hands.  I wasn't feeling any better so instead of staying up I decided to go back to bed.  Back in bed, I roll over, and my hand lands on something very cold and hard.  I'm very confused by all this since it's not at all bed-like.  I sort of feel around and the more I do the more I come to realize this isn't my bed at all.  As I manage to convince myself that I'm not really in bed but somewhere else I'm able to actually open my eyes.  I'm a bit startled by how bright it is.  It takes me a minute to orient myself since I but I finally do.  I'm on the floor of my bathroom.  I had a seizure and I'm actually crumpled up in the corner on the floor.


     Now, was I really in bed?  It was extremely real.  I believed it beyond a shadow of a doubt.  But I never actually left the bathroom.  I never opened the door and returned to bed.  It all happened in my mind.  And whenever I have had a seizure I have extremely vivid experiences just like this.  None of them are real.  It can be jarring and disconcerting having to square these two realities when this happens.  However, the truth and singular reality is I'm just trapped in my broken body somewhere waiting to recover.




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6 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

I just gave my reasons for staying in Christianity.  I am not fucking with you.

No you did not.  I've  already pointed out that reason has nothing to do with you staying in christianity.  Don't make me have to prophesy over you again.

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2 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

No you did not.  I've  already pointed out that reason has nothing to do with you staying in christianity.  Don't make me have to prophesy over you again.

Somehow I missed your post.  Thank you.

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9 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

Sorry to cause trouble.  I want out of Christianity.  Those are the only reasons I have to stay.

SB, if having visions and hearing voices are the only reasons you have to stay in Christianity, then my advice stands. Seek medical help.

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13 hours ago, buffettphan said:

SB, you've been here for about two years.  Here's a brief trip down memory lane starting in August 2015.    You have 20 pages of comments.  Do you see a pattern?








I took the walk. Very telling. SB, you have no right to lecture people about telling you to take your meds when they're only telling you to take your meds because YOU made this all public. Obviously you're suffering beyond what this site is equipped to help you with and everyone saying seek medical help are absolutely correct for suggesting it. The medical professionals can put you on the road to help. 


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Christianity like many other abrahamic religions are known to vastly increase the risk for developing Bipolar and Schizophrenia due to the religion requiring to reject logical reasoning, rational and scientific explanations to instead assume middle age beliefs such as visual and/or auditory hallucinations being visions and words from God, simple everyday occurrences being signs and wonders from God, random acts of kindness being only the works of God and many other irrational and mindless beliefs.


What I am saying is that you are not hearing personal voices from God nor any visions from God, your brain is suffering from a misfiring of neurons and you are suffering from fear, hallucinations and delusional thoughts. Merely denying that you are hallucinating is not going to help your case and if you take action Now and seek medical help these hallucinations will go away and you will look back at your Christian beliefs as simply being in a state of madness.


I have been where you were, although I never hallucinated I had very delusional thoughts when I had spent months of my life suffering from anxiety and panic attacks as I had convinced myself God gave me signs that I will go blind, but ever since then I look back at those days and wish I just stopped to logically think about it all and realise that the "signs" are really just my brain picking out random words overheard from other people's conversations that they had with each other, anyway I have never been on the type of medication that you are on but I am on Antidepressants as I suffer from depression from the traumatising experience that I had with my religious anxiety.


Anyway, all we can do is give you advice, we cannot do what Doctors and Hospitals do, we cannot prescribe you medications nor adjust your medications, in the end it is You who is in the decisive power to say to yourself "This suffering stops today as it is now or never" and see a doctor to have your medication adjusted.

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19 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

Yeah I know.  I am sorry.


19 hours ago, SerenelyBlue said:

Sorry to cause trouble.  I want out of Christianity.


Sorry?!?  Nobody is asking or wants you to be sorry.  We want you to be healthy.  And happy.    Please read and re-read @HoneyBib's excellent comment above.  She has walked in your shoes and she's absolutely correct.  We can't do it for you -- the decision is up to YOU.

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They have medications for that. 

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