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Need Advice On Dealing With "soft" Christians.

Guest Dude

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Calling them "Soft Christians" is stupid. Just because someone is a moderate doesn't make them less of a Christian. Why do you assume that if Christianity is correct, that the fundamentalists hold the one true version of the faith?


When I was a Christian I got involved in inter-Christian debates a number of time, and those who held to an inerrant view of the Bible were some of the easiest to defeat in debate. Without getting into it, one thing you can ask them is where in the Bible does it say the the whole of the Bible is inerrant?


I don't look at Fundamentalism is "Hard Christianity" or a more pure version of Christianity. Call it what it is- a heretical perversion of the Christian faith.


I can't help but think that some people were fundies in a past life, and in that time learned their prejudices against "weak christians" who claimed to be Christian but didn't truly embrace Christianity. And then, when they left the Christian faith, they retained their old prejudice again religious moderates, as well as their need to convert the world and make everyone think like themselves.

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The term "Soft Xians" makes perfect sense. It describes those who aren't as wound up about their religion as the fundies.


I don't think the fundies have the "pure" version or are more "true" than the softies - there is no way to be a "True Xian™" as the Babble is impossible to follow literally. Certain parts of it must be ignored in order to believe the rest. The fundies are so despised because they claim to have the truth when they demonstrably do not, and because they make a big deal out of their cult, whereas a softie usually won't.

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