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Deadpool 2


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Has anybody seen this? I watched it the other night. I thought it was better than the first one. It's probably the best movie I've seen this year. This isn't necessarily an endorsement that this movie was THE BEST EVAR, more that I don't watch a ton of movies and Hollywood puts out a lot of derivative shit.


Anybody else have thoughts on this movie?

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Havent seen, but would have to be better than the original. I thought it was unwatchable other than the funny preview stuff. 

I will see this though. I like the humor

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I like both Deadpool movies. In my opinion though, the second one is just almost as good as the first one. But they are both really good movies.

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I saw the last 1/4 of it and liked it, so will probably watch both (I haven't seen the first one except for a small bit in a hotel room). It did seem quite funny. That was one of the surprising things about Thor Ragnarok that made it great.

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20 hours ago, Jeff said:

Havent seen, but would have to be better than the original. I thought it was unwatchable other than the funny preview stuff. 

I will see this though. I like the humor

I liked the first one but it wasn't one I would watch again. It loses most of its appeal after the first watch. I found the second one I could watch more than once and still enjoy it. It had a much tighter plot and story arc.

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7 hours ago, Fuego said:

I saw the last 1/4 of it and liked it, so will probably watch both (I haven't seen the first one except for a small bit in a hotel room). It did seem quite funny. That was one of the surprising things about Thor Ragnarok that made it great.


I haven't seen Thor Ragnarok yet. I assume it's worth watching? I've been sort of ambivalent about that one but if it has a lot of humor I might give it a watch.

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20 hours ago, Fweethawt said:

I like both Deadpool movies. In my opinion though, the second one is just almost as good as the first one. But they are both really good movies.


I felt like the first one sort of dragged on a bit with his illness stuff and I didn't think there was enough meat on the bones of the plot. None of it surprised me. Some parts of Deadpool 2 did, so that's why I liked it better. Plus we didn't have to go through the tedious "so here's how I became a superhero" backstory we were just full on in the present story. I'm sure the fact that I had pretty low expectations for Deadpool 2 (because sequels usually suck), probably played into it as well.

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Morena Baccarin nudity... Need I say more? :wicked:


Didn't get that in 2. 

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12 hours ago, VerbosityCat said:


I haven't seen Thor Ragnarok yet. I assume it's worth watching? I've been sort of ambivalent about that one but if it has a lot of humor I might give it a watch.


It is pretty funny. But they do backtrack on the first Thor where he tried to dispel the idea that they were gods and just have better tech.

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20 hours ago, Fweethawt said:

Morena Baccarin nudity... Need I say more? :wicked:


Didn't get that in 2. 


Oh good point. Yeah, I forgot about that. I just rewatched Deadpool (the first one) the other day and yeah...that was...wow. LOL. I would switch teams for her.

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10 hours ago, Fuego said:


It is pretty funny. But they do backtrack on the first Thor where he tried to dispel the idea that they were gods and just have better tech.


Oh yeah just watched the preview and I remembered why I can't bring myself to watch this. The whole Hel storyline... it's SO extremely counter to the mythology. And I GET that this is not "the norse myths'. This is something Stan Lee (i think? right?) came up with. Still, Hel isn't an evil goddess. I quite like her in the mythology and hate the idea of a movie turning her into a villain.

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Agree. Plus, in the movie she didn't really have much of a character besides "Look at me be so damn deadly and out of control!" The rest of it was a hoot.

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10 hours ago, Fuego said:

Agree. Plus, in the movie she didn't really have much of a character besides "Look at me be so damn deadly and out of control!" The rest of it was a hoot.


If they wanted to bring Hel in, I would have rather seen them address something closer to the actual mythological figure and have her work WITH THEM to fight some evil. Because in the mythology half of her is beautiful and young and half of her is a corpse and she likes the land of the dead because they dont' judge her. And she's kind to the dead who live in her realm. I always really liked that.


The makeup alone would have been far more interesting.

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10 hours ago, Fuego said:

Agree. Plus, in the movie she didn't really have much of a character besides "Look at me be so damn deadly and out of control!" The rest of it was a hoot.


I might give it a watch, but there's going to be some heavy eye rolling!

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I find when I watch a comedy like Deadpool I'm a lot more forgiving of plot holes and nonsense. You expect a bit of ridiculous blended in, so things like timeline issues I'll happily ignore but would be annoyed if they were in a serious movie. I think this bias lets me say I loved both Deadpool movies and good action/comedies are so few and far between.

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