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This Wyld Child Witch...


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I grew up in the southern baptist congregation. I grew up with a mother who believe that witchcraft all Witchcraft and sorcery. I grew up with a mother who believed that there was a demon around every corner. I grew up a Christian.

I at 24 quote quote gave my life to Jesus Christ I was going to give it my fullest chants I didn't want to go to hell and as far as I knew I was going. I just wanted some protection and I thought I found it in the church. 

Recently the church is going totally crazy. and all my time I have not seen anyone truly live up to the ideals that you find and the sacred writings. The worst part about it was that I had to give up the thing that was most important to me which was my connection to the Earth.

Now at age 50 my mother died who was the chief primary person responsible for me being involved with Christianity in the first place and her brand of Christianity was crazy.

So I'm on an adventure looking for other things other ways to believe. dabble a little bit and Buddhism but that still didn't feel right for me. then I found out about wildwitchery and suddenly I found what I felt like was home. And yet I find myself feeling oddly guilty from time to time terrified of what people might think who might leave my life. if you listen to the southern baptist every human being on the face of the planet should turn their back on me if not throw stones. honestly I thought I was the only one who would ever dream of leaving the church and then I found you guys. this is really new and actually I'm still pretty frightened so I'm hoping that by talking to a few of you guys I will be able to finally be able to settle this. Can some of you share with me what and how you work through some of these emotions back and forth of maybe I'm going to hell maybe I've got this all wrong and but this is what I really feel and how I really choose to worship?

Thanks in advance.







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17 hours ago, Cher said:

I grew up with a mother who believe that witchcraft all Witchcraft and sorcery. I grew up with a mother who believed that there was a demon around every corner. I grew up a Christian.

That sounds familiar growing up SDA. TV's the devil, everything's pretty much the devil except your own little denomination, who, is the only truth to be found.....


17 hours ago, Cher said:

Now at age 50 my mother died who was the chief primary person responsible for me being involved with Christianity in the first place and her brand of Christianity was crazy.

So I'm on an adventure looking for other things other ways to believe. dabble a little bit and Buddhism but that still didn't feel right for me. then I found out about wildwitchery and suddenly I found what I felt like was home. And yet I find myself feeling oddly guilty from time to time terrified of what people might think who might leave my life. if you listen to the southern baptist every human being on the face of the planet should turn their back on me if not throw stones. honestly I thought I was the only one who would ever dream of leaving the church and then I found you guys. this is really new and actually I'm still pretty frightened so I'm hoping that by talking to a few of you guys I will be able to finally be able to settle this. Can some of you share with me what and how you work through some of these emotions back and forth of maybe I'm going to hell maybe I've got this all wrong and but this is what I really feel and how I really choose to worship?

Thanks in advance.



Technically ex-christian only means ex-christian, that's it. 


But the reality is that when speaking to many ex christians about leaving the delusion of christianity, they will often go further and feel the need to purge you of every other possible delusion as well. In the name of being helpful, for your own good. So you may find push back about witchcraft too. But ultimately this is something that you have to work through yourself. I understand that there's many different ways of interpreting and looking at things of magical orientation. I've done a fair bit of reading into the esoteric as part of an overall comparative mythology and religion understanding for myself. I'm not too spooked off about any of it. And you'll find other's with a similar view point around here. 


So what is it about the wild witchery that feels like home to you? 


I ask because upon exposure to eastern mythicism I felt like I had stumbled into something I knew all along. It was all very clear and understandable to me even though I was raised in a contrary western tradition. 



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Welcome to the forum, @Cher.


To answer your question - it gets better with time.

Getting over the Hell thing took 1 ~ 2 years for me but your actual mileage may vary. 


Once you realize that the Bible is a collection of literary works and not a history book the xtian doctrine falls on its ass. To get there stay the hell away from xtians ,if you can, and read some enlightening works by those who studied the ancient texts in detail. Might I suggest...


Richard Carrier

Richard Dawkins

Christopher Hitchens

David Fitzgerald


Just to name a few.


Also, just my opinion but you don't need to turn to some other religion or doctrine to escape xianity.  You don't' need a purpose in life. Just be yourself and focus on what is provable.

    - MOHO (Mind Of His Own)



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Welcome, I hope you find this site helpful. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

"wild witchery...felt like home" ...........


It's not so different in that you are believing in forces unseen. 


Go read about Shamanism & Wicca....soooo close. Who is to say that one is right or wrong simply because of the title & the implications put there by other's beliefs. 


I grew up with the belief that everything outside of fundamental Christianity is evil. 

It took me a long time & 2 amazing experiences to really understand that Spirituality, in whatever it is titled, is good.


Don't judge yourself as they would. Whatever brings you that feeling of "home"...study it, learn it... There are SO MANY roads.


You can make your own salad of beliefs. 


I love it. It's fun & always new & exciting. 



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Welcome, @Cher! The emotions you are experiencing is a completely normal part of the process and it will definitely take some time to get passed those feelings - which were programmed into you at a very impressionable age. I think coming to this website is helpful in this sense, since you can read and receive validation of your experiences and perception, instead of being constantly gas-lighted by Xians out in the brainwashed world. I'm glad you found or are finding a spirituality that works for you. I think one of my favorite part of the deconversion process (which was otherwise very painful but it wasn't all about pain) is the opportunity to really learn and see new perspectives and shift the way you see the world in a deep way. Cudos, and I'm glad you're here!

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