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Goodbye Jesus

God Is Not In Control

Guest radical4him

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Guest radical4him

I need to share this with you,because a lot of people have a misconception of this concept.

People confuse control with sovereignty.


God is NOT in control.Everyone have this idea that God's in control. He is NOT.


Why do I say this??


Because control implies an absolute dominion, manipulative power over something.

God does not do that. He is not a puppet master. He gives us free will.

The devil is a controller.


If God were in control - Would it not be that His will would 100% be done?


What's God's will for every person on this earth? That none should perish!

So if God were in control - NONE would perish.




He would just control that. No problem.

Could God control it? Absolutely

Is it possible for God to control human behaviour? Absolutely




Because God is SOVEREIGN. God can do whatever He pleases.


If God is in control that means He likes everything that is going on on this earth today.

That means that rapists are good,abortions and divorce are good in God's eyes.

That means that God is responsible for all the bad on this earth.

That means that God makes someone rape someone else and makes someone rob a bank.


Is that true? Does God do this? Does God like this? Is that God's idea?


NOOOOO....that's not God's will!



So why is all this bad stuff happening here on earth? Is God impotent to change it? NO.



Now: There is a missing link in this that confuses people.....

God lacks something on this earth.

To accomplish something you have to have knowledge and power.


God works through the exercising of AUTHORITY.


Authority acknowledges the involvement of CHOICE. Does God give us free will? Do we have a choice?

Off course yes! We don't need to do what God tells us and neither does God control us. We have FREE WILL.


Ok, let's move one step on.


What does God lack on earth?






Look at Gen 1:26 'Let them RULE over everything'...SUBDUE it...RULE over it - That is the great commission.


Think of this: A thief wants to steal something in your house.Does he have authority to do that? NO

Does that stop him from stealing in your house? NO


So what has to stop the thief from coming in? The authority YOU have as the house owner.YOU have the authority in your house.


God gave US authority. His authority.

Who's earth is it? - God's earth (Ps. 24)

Is He sovereign over it? Absolutely


He created it. He has all knowledge of it & power over it, all authority over it.

But then God took all His authority and delegated it to man

It is still God's earth, but we have authority over it.


OK, so who stole our authority? Satan. He stole it through trickery - (Adam & Eve)


We really need to understand that we have authority and that Satan has no authority whatsoever! He is the thief!

God gave it to us!

When we speak to demons they have to say yes sir!!!!!

If we don't know we have authority, they'll show you will say to them yes sir!!

We are rulers over them. That's it.


Let me share another illustration with you:


Let's say I bay a flat. You rent it out.


Who's flat is it? Myne

Who's got the authority in that flat? You


I can't just come in your flat without permission from yourself.

I can't just enter the flat when I want to although it is my property.


I need to have permission first before I can enter the flat you rent from me.


does this make sense?


The same with God. God can't just interfere or 'chip in' whenever He wants to.

He can, but He doesn't. He gave us the earth(the flat) to rule over.

Why would we need to pray anyway??

God can just do it Himself if He knows what needs to be done??


God can control us, but He doesn't.


That means that god is NOT in control.


God bless you!



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why is their a hell and devils to begin with why did god creaste them?

and what kind of choice is worship god or go to hell? sounds like a threat to me.

why did god sacrifice his ongly son to forgive us why doees he have to kill his kid in order to forgive us?

it makes no sense too me at all.

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Guest radical4him

why is their a hell and devils to begin with why did god creaste them?

and what kind of choice is worship god or go to hell? sounds like a threat to me.

why did god sacrifice his ongly son to forgive us why doees he have to kill his kid in order to forgive us?

it makes no sense too me at all.



The devil was created by God just like us. We have choice and he had too.

Satan was the most beatiful creature created ever, but he got pride and wanted to be God.

He satrted looking at himself and not to God as the highest.


God cannot stand sin and therefor satan was cast out of heaven. God is holy.



We are created to worship God. Not to have a life for ourselves.

Jesus went through so many thing here on earth and was wipped for YOU and crusified for YOU.

Because God cares about YOU.

But if you do not want to accept what God did for you, he separates you from Himself.

Hell is seperation from God. Your choice.


Choose life.


ok let me explain: Sorry it is quite long but this explains it in detail. Please print it off and read it all that you can understand my friend


Have you kept the 10 commandments?

It is His standard of goodness that reflects who we really are:


1. You shall have no other gods before Me. Have you always loved God

above everything else? Always put Him first in everything you do? First in




Relationships (Compare your love for God with your love for the people

around you.)




2. You shall not make yourself any idol. (Have you made a god in your own

mind that you're comfortable with, a god to suit yourself?) e.g.

Do you just focus on the parts of God's character that suits you like

forgiveness & mercy but ignore the fact that He is a judge & a Holy God

who hates sin?


3. You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's name as

a swear word?) e.g. 'O my god...'


4. Keep His Sabbath Day holy. (Have you done that?)Do you work 6 days &

rest 1 day? God commanded Moses that this is a Holy day.

(Ex. 20:8-11, Ex. 23:12, Ex. 31:12-18)


5. Honour your father & mother. (Have you always obeyed & respected them

with no rebellion ever?)


6. You shall not murder. (Jesus said if you hate someone, you are a

murderer in your heart!)God looks at your heart motive, not just the act of



7. You shall not commit adultery. (Jesus said: whoever looks at a woman to

lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. This

also includes sex before marriage).Jesus said that and we know that prophets

don't lie.


8. You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? The value is

irrelevant - stationary from work, personal phone calls at work's expense,

not worked your hours?)

Have you tithed (Paid 10% of your income) to God? If not, you are a thief

in the eyes of God. 10% of your income belongs to God.


9. You shall not lie. (Have you lied even once? Including answering these



10. You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to



The Bible says that God will punish ALL murders, rapists, thieves, liars,

fornicators, adulterers, etc. He will even judge your own words & thoughts!

On Judgment Day, will you be found guilty or innocent of breaking His law?

Perhaps you think God is good & will forgive your sins or overlook it?

But it is His goodness that will make sure all murderers, rapists, thieves;

liars etc are punished & receive justice. God would be a corrupt Judge if

He turned a blind eye to injustice.


It is a bad judge who lets the law breakers free & let them go! God MUST

punish those who have done wrong if He is GOOD!

You say God is not like a worldly judge? God forgives people if they are

sorry for what they did? That is idolatry. You made up a god that suits

yourself. If a worldly judge judges righteously, how much more will God

judge righteously! GOD is righteous & judges so much better than a worldly



This is what God did for YOU:


He stepped in & paid your fine (hell) that you deserve ? Now YOU can go


God Himself made a way where His justice & goodness could meet finally.

We broke the Law, God paid the fine.


Jesus was the final blood sacrifice to take our sins away. Not to cover it,

but take it away!! Jesus suffered & died on the cross so that you can go to

heaven. Then He rose from the dead & overcame death! The fact is - if Jesus

did not die for your sins, you will go to hell. (Remember sin must be paid

for and Jesus paid it for you)


The only thing you can do is humble yourself, repent of your sins & receive

the gift by trusting Jesus Christ alone.


God is all-powerful & we are weak little humans, who are here today and

gone tomorrow.

Who are we to tell what he can or can't do? If God wanted to send Jesus to

suffer the just punishment for our sins & to overcome death & resurrection,

He can do that & we can't tell Him He can or can't do that. God is



Almighty God demonstrated how much He loves you when Jesus suffered for you

on the cross. If you want to trust your own goodness, then you are saying

His agonizing death on the cross was in vain. The Bible says," For by grace

you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of

God." You cannot earn a gift.


When Jesus said to" believe" in Him, He was saying we should have faith in

Him, in the same way you would trust a parachute to save you when you jump

from a plane. You don't merely believe in the parachute ? you put it on.


Please don't "jump" without Jesus. He wasn't just a prophet. If you die in

your sins there is no second chance. God will give you justice & you will

end up in hell forever.


Any troubles you have at present are dwarfed by the trouble you are in with

your Creator. His wrath abides upon you (John 3:36).


God doesn't want you to go to hell.

Neither do you want to go there, so confess your sins to God right now, put

your trust in Jesus to save you & you will pass from death to life.


Then read the Bible daily & obey what you read. (See John 14:21) Your

obedience to God is the proof of your love. Have faith in God, He will

never fail you.


Pray something like this: "Dear God, today I turn away from my sins (name

them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He

is the only way for me to be saved. He is 'The way, the truth and the

life.'" Please forgive me, change my heart, & grant me Your gift of

everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

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Radical4Him, I don't see a huge problem with this theology (God NOT in control), but I must ask you if you support singing songs about "God is in control", when you know he isn't? Do you sing it or do you skip those songs, thinking how inappropriate and false it would be to sing something that is not true?


Or do you condone the Christians that claim the tornado Katrina was a punishment from God? Or other distasters like 9/11 and so on. Did God do those things to mess us up, but then he leave us to mess up by ourselves afterwards. If God is hands-off, as you suggests, why do Christian claim God to be hands-on when it comes to punishments and disasters and also healings etc? Is he involved or not?




Radical, regarding your question if we've kept the 10 commandments, you better first read up on which set of commandments you require us to follow. Secondly didn't Jesus come to undo the need of following the laws? Isn't it a new covenant? Or do you claim the OT should be followed, every single law, meaning not 10 but several hundreds, like not eating pork and not work on Saturdays.


I have to ask you, have you taken a disobedient son to be stoned outside the city? Why not? The Bible tell you that is the LAW!


You don't follow the 10 commandments more than anyone else, but you think that by believing in Jesus you get a get-out-of-jail card. But the funny part of it is that you don't know if the card works until you die. You don't know yet if you got it all perfectly right to make the free-card to work. It's just a guess on your part, and you hope you made the right one. Nothing else. So don't demand us to believe in your delusion.



And one more question, why is it so important for you to make us to believe? Why are we a threat to you? Why do you feel the urge and need to convert us, when you know that (as you said) it is a free choice. This site contains mostly of people that spent many years behind the door of the church. We are not ignorant or fools when it comes to Christianity. Some are ex-pastors, some are ex-worship-leaders, some are ex-missionaries, and some have even studied years in bible schools and semiaries. So why do you need to convert us when you know we know what it's all about? Is it because you feel that we might challenge your "firm" believe? Is it that we are shaking you belief?



Oh, I forgot. The Cute Chocolate Bunny doesn't want you to go to the eternal torment in the big pizza owen either. He wants you to turn away from your evil way of believing in false religions... Because he's full of love and chocolate yumminess.

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Oh, I forgot. The Cute Chocolate Bunny doesn't want you to go to the eternal torment in the big pizza owen either. He wants you to turn away from your evil way of believing in false religions... Because he's full of love and chocolate yumminess.

Hans, your devotion to the Cute Bunny™ has made you worthy (I'm even overlooking the whole 'chocolate' heresy you keep perpetuating). Expect a visit around easter, and have a yummy carrot on hand! :woohoo:


But speak not of the higher things concerning His Cuteness to the infidels, lest you make Him cry! The Cute Bunny™ doesn't like theists who try to convince others into accepting false gods.


Anyway, we all know there's no such thing as Jesus. :mellow:

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so god created the devil who he put in the garden of eden, god put the tree of knowledge their since he knows all things he knew adam and eve would eat it. then condems the world and his ongly way to forgive us is to have his son hang on the cross and die.













The devil was created by God just like us. We have choice and he had too.

Satan was the most beatiful creature created ever, but he got pride and wanted to be God.

He satrted looking at himself and not to God as the highest.


God cannot stand sin and therefor satan was cast out of heaven. God is holy.



We are created to worship God. Not to have a life for ourselves.

Jesus went through so many thing here on earth and was wipped for YOU and crusified for YOU.

Because God cares about YOU.

But if you do not want to accept what God did for you, he separates you from Himself.

Hell is seperation from God. Your choice.


Choose life.


ok let me explain: Sorry it is quite long but this explains it in detail. Please print it off and read it all that you can understand my friend


Have you kept the 10 commandments?

It is His standard of goodness that reflects who we really are:


1. You shall have no other gods before Me. Have you always loved God

above everything else? Always put Him first in everything you do? First in




Relationships (Compare your love for God with your love for the people

around you.)










how can you love something you have no proof exists and dont show you proof if asked?

















2. You shall not make yourself any idol. (Have you made a god in your own

mind that you're comfortable with, a god to suit yourself?) e.g.

Do you just focus on the parts of God's character that suits you like

forgiveness & mercy but ignore the fact that He is a judge & a Holy God

who hates sin?


maybe i should focus on the old testement were he tests job with killing his family just to prove a point to satan. and were god floods the whole earth and other horrible things gods done.






















3. You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's name as

a swear word?) e.g. 'O my god...'


this sounds like kirk cameron kinda crap are you a cameron fan?

















4. Keep His Sabbath Day holy. (Have you done that?)Do you work 6 days &

rest 1 day? God commanded Moses that this is a Holy day.

(Ex. 20:8-11, Ex. 23:12, Ex. 31:12-18)


uggg moses have you read all his books. do you sacrifice animals like god commanded.

















5. Honour your father & mother. (Have you always obeyed & respected them

with no rebellion ever?)




dont that contradict this verse:



Luke 14: 26

14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children,and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.


















6. You shall not murder. (Jesus said if you hate someone, you are a

murderer in your heart!)God looks at your heart motive, not just the act of




whys god command people to stone children if they curse their mom this is another contradiction.
















7. You shall not commit adultery. (Jesus said: whoever looks at a woman to

lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. This

also includes sex before marriage).Jesus said that and we know that prophets

don't lie.


whatever thats a natural human emotion













8. You shall not steal. (Have you ever stolen anything? The value is

irrelevant - stationary from work, personal phone calls at work's expense,

not worked your hours?)

Have you tithed (Paid 10% of your income) to God? If not, you are a thief

in the eyes of God. 10% of your income belongs to God.




why does god need my money?
















9. You shall not lie. (Have you lied even once? Including answering these



jesus lied here:

"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." -- Matthew16:28


"But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God." -- Luke 9:27


"Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." -- Matthew 23:36


"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." -- Matthew 24:34




whys it ok for him?















10. You shall not covet. (Have you ever jealously desired what belongs to



but god can be a jealous god why?

















The Bible says that God will punish ALL murders, rapists, thieves, liars,

fornicators, adulterers, etc. He will even judge your own words & thoughts!

On Judgment Day, will you be found guilty or innocent of breaking His law?

Perhaps you think God is good & will forgive your sins or overlook it?

But it is His goodness that will make sure all murderers, rapists, thieves;

liars etc are punished & receive justice. God would be a corrupt Judge if

He turned a blind eye to injustice.






yea he created people when you create something and your an all knowing god you should know what it will be like. so he created people to burn in hell.













It is a bad judge who lets the law breakers free & let them go! God MUST

punish those who have done wrong if He is GOOD!

You say God is not like a worldly judge? God forgives people if they are

sorry for what they did? That is idolatry. You made up a god that suits

yourself. If a worldly judge judges righteously, how much more will God

judge righteously! GOD is righteous & judges so much better than a worldly



This is what God did for YOU:


He stepped in & paid your fine (hell) that you deserve ? Now YOU can go


God Himself made a way where His justice & goodness could meet finally.

We broke the Law, God paid the fine.


Jesus was the final blood sacrifice to take our sins away. Not to cover it,

but take it away!! Jesus suffered & died on the cross so that you can go to

heaven. Then He rose from the dead & overcame death! The fact is - if Jesus

did not die for your sins, you will go to hell. (Remember sin must be paid

for and Jesus paid it for you)








debt i couldnt pay? i dont owe no body nothing.

also a god that has to sacrifice his kid to forgive the world is a sicko














The only thing you can do is humble yourself, repent of your sins & receive

the gift by trusting Jesus Christ alone.


God is all-powerful & we are weak little humans, who are here today and

gone tomorrow.

Who are we to tell what he can or can't do? If God wanted to send Jesus to

suffer the just punishment for our sins & to overcome death & resurrection,

He can do that & we can't tell Him He can or can't do that. God is



Almighty God demonstrated how much He loves you when Jesus suffered for you

on the cross. If you want to trust your own goodness, then you are saying

His agonizing death on the cross was in vain. The Bible says," For by grace

you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of

God." You cannot earn a gift.





jesus death was stupid and pointless. gods oviously weaker than a human. cause humans can forgive people without having to kill their kids.














When Jesus said to" believe" in Him, He was saying we should have faith in

Him, in the same way you would trust a parachute to save you when you jump

from a plane. You don't merely believe in the parachute ? you put it on.


Please don't "jump" without Jesus. He wasn't just a prophet. If you die in

your sins there is no second chance. God will give you justice & you will

end up in hell forever.






weres the proof jesus even existed? the bible does not prove he existed.












Any troubles you have at present are dwarfed by the trouble you are in with

your Creator. His wrath abides upon you (John 3:36).


God doesn't want you to go to hell.

Neither do you want to go there, so confess your sins to God right now, put

your trust in Jesus to save you & you will pass from death to life.











god doesent want people in hell yet he made hell and people he knew would go their. what a sicko.














Then read the Bible daily & obey what you read. (See John 14:21) Your

obedience to God is the proof of your love. Have faith in God, He will

never fail you.






read the old testament front to back and if you can say god is a loving god then your insane.











Pray something like this: "Dear God, today I turn away from my sins (name

them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He

is the only way for me to be saved. He is 'The way, the truth and the

life.'" Please forgive me, change my heart, & grant me Your gift of

everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."





i dont trust fairy tales. theirs no proof god exists expecially your god. the bible is full of things thats impossible for anyone to do like be born of a virgin. part a red sea and walk on water, contradictions, and unfulfilled prophecys.



pray this prayer:

god if christianity is true come knock on my door and ill let u in and well have tea and talk about it. do this so i can believe amen.




i done that i know what will happen but i dont want to ruin the suprise so you try it.

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i got better answers on my blog check it out. i dont feel like copying and pasting everything here.


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Hans, your devotion to the Cute Bunny™ has made you worthy (I'm even overlooking the whole 'chocolate' heresy you keep perpetuating). Expect a visit around easter, and have a yummy carrot on hand! :woohoo:

I ate the body of the cute chocolate bunny just a few weeks ago. They had one at Michael's, and I couldn't resist. It was yummy. It's part of the Euchocorist in our church.


In CCBC (Cute Chocolate Bunny Church) we believe the Cute Bunny™ came a second time as a Chocolate Bunny, to give us more sweetness than before. So we do believe in the Cute Bunny™, and the Chocolate Bunny is on a second incarnation of him/her.

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I like where you're headed, but have a few problems. And I'm really not trying to be argumentative, but just looking for clarification.


The devil is a controller.

So, God is not in control on the Earth. Suppose I pray to God to heal my critically injured son. A week later my son has surgery and is deemed healed. Because God isn't in control on the Earth, he didn't answer this prayer. So if God didn't answer my prayer how can we explain my son being healthy. One answer that I think most here will probably agree with is it was the skill and knowledge of the physician. The other answer is that the Devil, being in control of everything on the Earth as you say, answered my prayer and healed my son. Now, which of these is a better answer? Which is correct?


Let's take the common description of God as that of a parent. What would you do if your father (true, biological father) refused to help your son? What if someone would help? Would you care who it was?


I can't just come in your flat without permission from yourself.

I can't just enter the flat when I want to although it is my property.

Read your lease, I bet the landlord can enter whenever they want.


Do you just focus on the parts of God's character that suits you like

forgiveness & mercy but ignore the fact that He is a judge & a Holy God

who hates sin?

- genocide

- infantocide (sp)

- sexism

- slavery

- racism

- exclusion of people

- an ego that requires constant praise (I'll bet you'll bite on this one)

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I need to share this with you,because a lot of people have a misconception of this concept.

People confuse control with sovereignty.


God is NOT in control.Everyone have this idea that God's in control. He is NOT.


Why do I say this??


Because control implies an absolute dominion, manipulative power over something.

God does not do that. He is not a puppet master. He gives us free will.

The devil is a controller.


If God were in control - Would it not be that His will would 100% be done?


What's God's will for every person on this earth? That none should perish!

So if God were in control - NONE would perish.




He would just control that. No problem.

Could God control it? Absolutely

Is it possible for God to control human behaviour? Absolutely




Because God is SOVEREIGN. God can do whatever He pleases.


If God is in control that means He likes everything that is going on on this earth today.

That means that rapists are good,abortions and divorce are good in God's eyes.

That means that God is responsible for all the bad on this earth.

That means that God makes someone rape someone else and makes someone rob a bank.


Is that true? Does God do this? Does God like this? Is that God's idea?


NOOOOO....that's not God's will!



So why is all this bad stuff happening here on earth? Is God impotent to change it? NO.



Now: There is a missing link in this that confuses people.....

God lacks something on this earth.

To accomplish something you have to have knowledge and power.


God works through the exercising of AUTHORITY.


Authority acknowledges the involvement of CHOICE. Does God give us free will? Do we have a choice?

Off course yes! We don't need to do what God tells us and neither does God control us. We have FREE WILL.


Ok, let's move one step on.


What does God lack on earth?






Look at Gen 1:26 'Let them RULE over everything'...SUBDUE it...RULE over it - That is the great commission.


Think of this: A thief wants to steal something in your house.Does he have authority to do that? NO

Does that stop him from stealing in your house? NO


So what has to stop the thief from coming in? The authority YOU have as the house owner.YOU have the authority in your house.


God gave US authority. His authority.

Who's earth is it? - God's earth (Ps. 24)

Is He sovereign over it? Absolutely


He created it. He has all knowledge of it & power over it, all authority over it.

But then God took all His authority and delegated it to man

It is still God's earth, but we have authority over it.


OK, so who stole our authority? Satan. He stole it through trickery - (Adam & Eve)


We really need to understand that we have authority and that Satan has no authority whatsoever! He is the thief!

God gave it to us!

When we speak to demons they have to say yes sir!!!!!

If we don't know we have authority, they'll show you will say to them yes sir!!

We are rulers over them. That's it.


Let me share another illustration with you:


Let's say I bay a flat. You rent it out.


Who's flat is it? Myne

Who's got the authority in that flat? You


I can't just come in your flat without permission from yourself.

I can't just enter the flat when I want to although it is my property.


I need to have permission first before I can enter the flat you rent from me.


does this make sense?


The same with God. God can't just interfere or 'chip in' whenever He wants to.

He can, but He doesn't. He gave us the earth(the flat) to rule over.

Why would we need to pray anyway??

God can just do it Himself if He knows what needs to be done??


God can control us, but He doesn't.


That means that god is NOT in control.


God bless you!




We have all heard this spiel before, could you at least be original?


It did not work the ump teen times before, but oh, it's you so we'll listen right?


Please see my Avatar for advise.



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Anyone else having Chris de Vidal flashbacks here?


Same guy, or does he just not realize we've heard this crap before?!










I gotta admit though, it's kinda nice to have a fundy to chew on again though...

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Okay, fine. I can buy all that. But you know what that means? It means that god is not love. God is not even very loving. The continued existence of evil, regardless of gods 'authority' points to that fact, as does the fact that as an all-powerful being, god would need only return that 'authority' to himself in order to rid the world of evil.


Additionally, I think you misuse the concepts of control and authority. If anything, authority follows control, meaning that if someone were to take total control, that itself would be the stem of that person's authority to do so.


Also, if god were all-loving, and all-powerful, would it not behoove him to create a 'free-will' devoid of the need for evil to exist in order for it to be true free will?


So god restrains himself from absolute rule in order to further the concept of free will? Sure thing, but that is proof that god created life to watch it suffer, for whatever reason, and if he is willing to castrate himself of his authority, so that we might continue to make decisions that will continue the chain of suffering for what might be untold millenia before he decides to step in and end it, then omni-benevolence is not a characteristic that can be aptly applied to god. Agreed?

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The devil was created by God just like us. We have choice and he had too.

Satan was the most beatiful creature created ever, but he got pride and wanted to be God.

He satrted looking at himself and not to God as the highest.


God cannot stand sin and therefor satan was cast out of heaven. God is holy.



We are created to worship God. Not to have a life for ourselves.

Jesus went through so many thing here on earth and was wipped for YOU and crusified for YOU.

Because God cares about YOU.

But if you do not want to accept what God did for you, he separates you from Himself.

Hell is seperation from God. Your choice.


Choose life.


If someone holds a gun to my head and say's give me all your cash for you life, do you consider that "FREE WILL" if I hand over my cash? The hell analogy is the same bullshit different weapon.


ok let me explain: Sorry it is quite long but this explains it in detail. Please print it off and read it all that you can understand my friend


Have you kept the 10 commandments?

There are actually 613 if you bothered to study your bible, all with in the first 5 books. For someone thumping their chest about following laws, you sure seem extremely uneducated and lacking.


It is His standard of goodness that reflects who we really are:


Standards, like what? Killing the first born in a village or killing entire cities of people based upon an act of jealousy or anger.


1. You shall have no other gods before Me. Have you always loved God

above everything else? Always put Him first in everything you do? First in




Relationships (Compare your love for God with your love for the people

around you.)




Hmmm, and yet you claim to have Jesus in front of god in order to get to him. Who do you love and pray to more, Jesus Christ, God or the holy spook? All of us heathens wanna know if you split your love and pandering equally between the 3 or does one get more attention then the other?


2. You shall not make yourself any idol. (Have you made a god in your own

mind that you're comfortable with, a god to suit yourself?) e.g.

Do you just focus on the parts of God's character that suits you like

forgiveness & mercy but ignore the fact that He is a judge & a Holy God

who hates sin?

No I rather focus on what makes him Unjust and just all around cruel and evil, according to his word. Funny how most of you Christians over look the bad parts of the fables. You would sentence a human to life in prison or give them death for a fraction of the crimes "god" has committed in your storys.


3. You shall not take God's name in vain. (Have you ever used God's name as

a swear word?) e.g. 'O my god...'


Again you show your lack of bible education, In vain doesn't mean to cuss it means to swear (as in Swear an oath in his name and not follow thru or tell the truth).


4. Keep His Sabbath Day holy. (Have you done that?)Do you work 6 days &

rest 1 day? God commanded Moses that this is a Holy day.

(Ex. 20:8-11, Ex. 23:12, Ex. 31:12-18)


Yeah but which one do you rest on? The pagan Sungod day or the Sabbath (Saturday the 7th day)


5. Honour your father & mother. (Have you always obeyed & respected them

with no rebellion ever?)


:twitch: Do abusive parents need to be obeyed and respected? (Mine weren't but this "Law" is bullshit) Get real.


6. You shall not murder. (Jesus said if you hate someone, you are a

murderer in your heart!)God looks at your heart motive, not just the act of


WOW... :eek: Then over in Luke 14 he COMMANDS you hate your parents and family or else you can't be a true disciple of his. I guess he advocates killing.. :shrug:

No need for me to go on, you get the jest. Why do you feel the need to witness? Most of us here could beat you with knowledge about Your bible. We're light years ahead of you, been there done that. Stop trying to mind fuck people into following a dangerous cult. Notice the title here is EX-Christian, and not Never-Christians, Most of us here are former Christ followers, and use to partake in the cult hell fire and brimstone game.



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HAHAHAHAHA!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:


radical4him, young buck, what is it you hope to accomplish? We already know your god isn't in control of the world. Hel, we know he doesn't even exist. You don't need to type a single word to tell us that. What you fail to understand that everything you say about your god's impotency only strengthens our case, that your god is pure fiction and the very holy book and religion that preaches an omnipotent, perfect, all-loving and almighty god is also pure fiction. May the Cute Bunny™ nibble on your god's bones!


And then you come in here with the same load of lies known as the Ten Commandments. Of course, every single human being on earth has broken them. Most of us do it regularly and knowingly, at least when and if we remember that our normal, real-life actions are considered sins by your religion. So what of it? What in the blue hell is that supposed to prove? What, that we all should be Xians? By that logic, I ought to be a believer in any religion that has a moral code that I've knowingly or unknowingly violated. Comparing myself to your god's commandments means nothing to me, since I do not believe in your god nor your god's commandments. It's like saying that I fail as a Satanist since I do not practice the incantations found in the Satanic Bible. Well, no shit, Sherlock! Coming around here and rubbing our faces in your god's commandments is only going to remind us why we left your anti-life, anti-human deathcult to begin with.


Let me tell you something, kiddo. You're young, you've got some strong beliefs, you've got some fire in your tum-tum for Jeezus™. It's great that you've found something to animate your life, but it's not great that you've found the wrong thing. You are just wasting your time and ours, and only asking us to verbally kick your ass. I hate your god, I despise Jeezus, I loathe your religion and your Holah Babble. I have a more sane religion to serve my needs and desires, and a more sane outlook guided by the good sense and love of the truth that constantly ripples in my brain. My brain, my gift from evolution and from the gods, the best weapon and advantage a human can boast of - and the greatest enemy of your cult, except your cult itself.


Jeezus™ Freaks are like dehydrated turds - no matter how many times you flush the bowl, they somehow float back to the top.

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Sorry, radical4him, but you are off. The Bible does not teach "free will." Find a verse that teaches free will. It doesn't exist. The Bible teaches that God determines all events. So forget about trying to sanitize christian doctrine by saying God cannot control certain aspects of the world.


Your God is not the god of Christianity. That god is announced as omnipotent. Your doctrine denies this. You are a heretic.


We have enough trouble with orthodox christians on here without listening to the private theories of christians who, in their attempt to make a monstrous religion palatable, falsify that religion's claims.


I spew you out of my mouth just like the Lord did those of the church of Laodicea.

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Radical = Freak Alert!

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God Is Not In Control, What do you say??
You're right! I'm in control!!


Now get on your knees and aim to please! :wicked:

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I need to share this with you,because a lot of people have a misconception of this concept.

People confuse control with sovereignty.


God is NOT in control.Everyone have this idea that God's in control. He is NOT.


Why do I say this??


Because control implies an absolute dominion, manipulative power over something.

God does not do that. He is not a puppet master. He gives us free will.

The devil is a controller.


If God were in control - Would it not be that His will would 100% be done?


What's God's will for every person on this earth? That none should perish!

So if God were in control - NONE would perish.

Sorry about as far as I could go without nodding off.

Holy cow, another free willer. ZZZZZZZ. :Wendywhatever:

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Let's say I bay a flat. You rent it out.


Who's flat is it? Myne

Who's got the authority in that flat? You


I can't just come in your flat without permission from yourself.

I can't just enter the flat when I want to although it is my property.


I need to have permission first before I can enter the flat you rent from me.


does this make sense?


No this does not make sense.


You can neither enter the flat nor send me to hell. Therefore you make a poor god substitute and therefore a poor analogy. Does that make sense?


Unfortunately, as nice as it sounds, you cannot make a case for God's non-intervention. Your favorite guy was, if the story is true, an intervention. Then there is God entering Adam and Eve's flat and throwing them out. What about Noah's flood? What about confusing the languages? What about sticking his nose into Sodom? There is God harding the Heart of Pharoh. Oh, then there is the plagues in Egypt, killing the first borns? Not an intervention? Ya right! What about making the walls of Jerico fall down? What about God ordering the genocide of the Amalekites? What about Paul on the road to Damascus?


If you are going to speculate on theology, you might just want to consult your text from time to time.


I also recommend that you don't try to teach theology to people that already know it.


Nevertheless, come get us tiger, hope you have the radical courage to stick around.

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In CCBC (Cute Chocolate Bunny Church) we believe the Cute Bunny came a second time as a Chocolate Bunny, to give us more sweetness than before. So we do believe in the Cute Bunny, and the Chocolate Bunny is on a second incarnation of him/her.


Hmmm...ok, I'll buy that. It's now official church doctrine! Congrats - you're now a licensed Cute Bunny™ Archbishop. :Medal:


The gospel of the Cute Bunny™ is coming together the same way the bible did - just make up the shit you want to be in it.



Let the Word of His Choco-love spread forth! :notworthy:

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Am I the only one that feels like printing off

Cheffy's post and placing it in a frame on the wall? :HaHa:

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Poor kid. Lasted less than an hour. (anyone think he'll be heard from again?)

At least he was good for some laughs.

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The devil was created by God just like us. We have choice and he had too.

Satan was the most beatiful creature created ever, but he got pride and wanted to be God.

He satrted looking at himself and not to God as the highest.


God cannot stand sin and therefor satan was cast out of heaven. God is holy.


Too bad there is nothing the OT which supports your notion about Satan.


On the contrary


1)Satan is free to roam around in Heaven

2)He is a Son of God

3)Never rebels or tries to usurp the authority of God.


The devil is just one of the those ideas that the NT stole from pagan mythology.


Keep His Sabbath Day holy. (Have you done that?)Do you work 6 days &

rest 1 day? God commanded Moses that this is a Holy day.


And the 6th day is Satuday not the pagan day of worship of SUNday. So do you keep observe the sabbath on the saturday


You shall not lie. (Have you lied even once? Including answering these questions?)


Well Jesus lied 3 times under interogation. What does that make him.


A Trinity Of Lies


6. You shall not murder. (Jesus said if you hate someone, you are a

murderer in your heart!)God looks at your heart motive, not just the act of



geee...Jesus told the Isrealites to hate their neighbour and he himself said he hated the enemy of Isreal......So God a murderer now


7. You shall not commit adultery. (Jesus said: whoever looks at a woman to

lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. This

also includes sex before marriage).Jesus said that and we know that prophets

don't lie.


It seems that Jesus seem to forgot follow his own advice on symbolic sin and the instructions from daddy when he introduced a pagan blood drinking ritual aa formula for salvation


Have you tithed (Paid 10% of your income) to God? If not, you are a thief

in the eyes of God. 10% of your income belongs to God.


Hahaha, are you talking about tithing which is part of the outdated law.


Give me a name of Levitical priest to whom I can send in a sack of agricultural product/animal as tithe offering.


Stop quoting things out of context(Mal 3:8). We are not a bunch of gullible zombies


Give Money Unto God, But Send It To My Address


You made up a god that suits yourself.


I am 100% sure you made done the same thing for your God.


He stepped in & paid your fine (hell) that you deserve ? Now YOU can go free!!


News for you buddy......There is no evidence about hell from the Hebrew bible and it also says each man would die for his own sin.(Ezek 18:20-28)


God Himself made a way where His justice & goodness could meet finally. We broke the Law, God paid the fine.

Right.....A god that the christians copied from pagan mythology and which has no support from the hebrew bible

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Hmmm...ok, I'll buy that. It's now official church doctrine! Congrats - you're now a licensed Cute Bunny™ Archbishop. :Medal:

:HaHa: Thanks! I amended my profile.


The gospel of the Cute Bunny™ is coming together the same way the bible did - just make up the shit you want to be in it.

Exactly. People make up stuff, and then tell others like it was the truth of the day, then it spreads, and the "best" or most "powerful" ideas stick and kill the other weaker ideas. It's like memeplexes evolve by survival of the fittest too.


Let the Word of His Choco-love spread forth! :notworthy:

Almond and a piece of chocolate to the world. :thanks:

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