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Drugs.... :-p


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I think these drugs should be legalized, but restricted to people 18 and over. Less crime, a new taxable comodity, less people in jail, happy hippies.


What do you all think...

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I've been leaning towards taking an all-drugs-should-be-legal position. I wouldn't permit my family members to use them, but overall, if stupid people want to kill themselves off faster despite the overwhelming evidence that drugs are bad, m'kay?, perhaps they should. It would thin out the gene pool at the very least. I'd rather not have people breeding who think that snorting white dust or injecting chemicals into their veins to induce halllocenogenic states is an acceptable sort of pasttime.


The "War on Drugs" is a disaster. It creates an undergroung empire for criminal scum and ties up law enforcement. Perhaps if we legalized drugs, street gangs would go out of business. Without drugs to sell or help traffick, what would the Bloods and Crips do for money? They can't even hit a six foot tall target during a driveby, they sure as hell won't be able to do much more, like rob banks. They'd fall apart simply because of a lack of business opportunities.


I know enough not to do drugs simply by having observed people who did do them. I'd rather be dead than end up like some of the people I've known. The law does nothing to discourage me - concern for my health and my own good sense do enough of that. Perhaps legalizing them would finally end the problems drugs create in society...?

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Yes, they must.


Even though I have been known to toke a couple of times I don't say yes because it's in my interest to do so. I say yes because government has somehow managed to turn a problem ranging from non-existent to large into a life-destroying event. Distribution of drugs to kids, on the other hand, should have major consequences, but I can see why dealers do it. They're obviously not undercover cops, not as credible as a witness, and you have life-long customers.

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

To whoever thinks that taking drugs automatically makes you stupid, please go fuck yourself. It's all well and good if you don't desire or even understand the appeal of altered states, but don't make an ass of yourself by proclaiming that anyone who does has something wrong with them. Whoever you are, I'm quite sure that there have been many people with far more competent and gifted brains than you who have chosen to use drugs in whatever form. Don't morph your lack of understading into willful ignorance. That makes you stupid.

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To whoever thinks that taking drugs automatically makes you stupid, please go fuck yourself. It's all well and good if you don't desire or even understand the appeal of altered states, but don't make an ass of yourself by proclaiming that anyone who does has something wrong with them. Whoever you are, I'm quite sure that there have been many people with far more competent and gifted brains than you who have chosen to use drugs in whatever form. Don't morph your lack of understading into willful ignorance. That makes you stupid.



Retract those viper fangs will ya... There are generally exceptions to every rule, yes...

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

So, my statement was out of line, but things like....


if stupid people want to kill themselves off faster despite the overwhelming evidence that drugs are bad, m'kay?, perhaps they should.


It would thin out the gene pool at the very least.


I'd rather not have people breeding who think that snorting white dust or injecting chemicals into their veins to induce halllocenogenic states is an acceptable sort of pasttime.


....aren't a venomous vituperation?



And statements like....


I know enough not to do drugs simply by having observed people who did do them. I'd rather be dead than end up like some of the people I've known.


.....bear no resemblance to statements like "I've had enough personal experience with blacks to know that they are all bad. My sister was raped by one! That's why I hate black people."



It's ignorant claptrap. Propping up an image of a crackhead or a meth fiend or a heroin junky as proof that all drug use is bad, and that intelligent people choosing to use drugs is the exception to the rule, is the obvious ploy of a zealot, akin to the fundy style of reasoning.

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I don't ever, like eVAH remember asking someone else to make decisions about how I care to medicate myself.


Signed no *social contract* giving any aspect of my life to "Da Man", the Proctors, narcs and assorted well intentioned religious sorts wanting me to be a *good citizen*.


"Elect not to use *drugs*" in our pharmacutical-based practice of medicine is laughable.


(I'm on almost a grand's worth of *drugs* monthly, all of which should extend my life and keep me from getting sick from assorted debilitating diseases. Drugs, my ass.. )


For folks who need to know, hemp has more medical, industrial, practical and everyday use than damn near everything else known to man.


Thing is, anything we don't like about ourselves, we "declare war on". Drugs, dope, guns, prostitution, etc, are on lists we as a People, and often Nations attempt to control by legislation and morality.


Problem with Americans is? We are too forking *nice* to our political leaders and those appointed to *run things*.


Just pack your bong with your favorite material, and light off Freedom once in awhile to remember what Freedom was..


Taxation? On anything equals control, equates with destruction of attending Freedoms.


Either you are Free, or you are a Prole.


I've been pawing at my locks for years...


k, mean_old_man, L

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Hmm - good point. I will concede that there are some intelligent folks who have fun with drugs and don't manage to do themselves or others much harm. I don't mind what they do, nor care overmuch.


But that's the minority. The majority of people who do drugs aren't the best or the brightest, nor the type of people one usually wants to have around. Potheads tend to be more tolerable, but a heroin user, for example, is unbearable. I'm all for these people killing themselves off, if they choose to (though I'd rather they clean up). Most live for their drugs like fundy Xians live for their religion, and are about as useful as any Babble-thumper. My remarks are the product of years of well-known truth about the consequences of drug-use. Exceptions don't disprove the rule, and propping up a few examples of intelligent people who can safely use drugs does nothing to counter the thousands of examples of morons who need their fix in order to make their lives seem meaningful. My observations stand.


Drugs for medicinal use are perfectly fine in my book (noting nivek's post). I don't see why people make a big deal out of that.


And your rabid defense of drug use makes you seem awfully fundy yourself - so you can go fuck yourself, too. May the Cute Bunny nibble your toes in your sleep!

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Of course the exception disproves the rule.


But otherwise, I don't give a fuck. I'm not likely to be in good company with people who think I'm an idiot anyhow, neither am I likely to go looking for friends at the whitehouse.


Only people who bother me are the people who turn their "sensibilities" and loosely grasped fears into my problem. If because of them I get put in a situation that involves me losing my freedom, I'll choose my life over theirs and won't look back.


The majority isn't the only group who can deal it out tough.

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A few thoughts on the whole matter:


I compare potential legal drugs to America's drug of choice: booze. I'm generally against making more recreational drugs legal because of the impact alcohol has had on society. So many violent crimes are committed under the influence of booze...it's kind of scary.


Yes to legalizing Mary Jane - it's much less harmful than booze. Keeping it illegal is just stupid.


Dunno about X - never tried it, never wanted to. It's obviously not good for you, but worse than booze?


Then there's absinthe...it's technically booze, and it seems to inspire great artists, but should it be legal? (I mean the real hardcore stuff, the kind that fucked up Van Gogh so bad).


Personally, I think if you can't get what you want from pot and/or booze, you're kind of fucked. If you need crystal meth or smack to get off, it's a lost cause. :ugh:




Also, what is GHB? :shrug:

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Why should any of this be illegal? I think that's a better question.

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The "war" on drugs has more to do with class than anybody's "safety" or morality. Think about it. Why is it that most companies drug test lower-level employees but not upper-management or business executives? And don't think the guy making a six figure salary is less likely to have done drugs than the other one making $6.00 an hour. It's another attempt by the more powerful to dictate what the underclass can do. Now, we're starting to have businesses testing prospective employees for nicotine. Last I heard, cigarettes were legal. But now they think they can run your life off the job as well as at work....and that doesn't sit well with me at all.


I don't need others to decide what is or isn't good for me. I don't drink alcohol as I'm taking other medications that don't allow for it. I also have common sense to not smoke pot, crack or heroin because I want to keep my brain healthy. Why do I need "daddy government" to tell me what to do with my body like I'm some three-year-old child?

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Also, what is GHB? :shrug:



GHB is another club drug - you put it in your drink (water or wine cooler). Its up there with X....



Does anyone have any clear cut arguments on why some drugs should be legal and others shouldn't?

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Does anyone have any clear cut arguments on why some drugs should be legal and others shouldn't?


Simply Padreko.. Look up *social contract*.


Find where *I* signed on to allow someone else to make descisions for me.


Like any other decision, who allows some group of enforcers to make my choices in *anything* for me?


You won't find my name on that dotted line.


Other than that, you can make any number of discussions on what constitutes *control* of anything by anyone, and it'll all be bullshit.



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Also, what is GHB? :shrug:



GHB is another club drug - you put it in your drink (water or wine cooler). Its up there with X....



Does anyone have any clear cut arguments on why some drugs should be legal and others shouldn't?


Does anyone have any clear cut arguments on why any drugs should be illegal?

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Never trust a chemist. That's all I have to say....

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I am a recovering drunk of the worst kind. I always thought I was so much better than all those people doing illegal drugs. Madison Avenue makes Budweiser so wonderful. Budweiser is what took me to the pit of hell. If they keep alcohol legal, every last motherfucking drug on the planet should be completely legal for sure.

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Never trust a chemist. That's all I have to say....



BUT I FUCKING LOVE CHEMISTRY... you wouldn't trust me??? ehehehe...


I am a recovering drunk of the worst kind. I always thought I was so much better than all those people doing illegal drugs. Madison Avenue makes Budweiser so wonderful. Budweiser is what took me to the pit of hell. If they keep alcohol legal, every last motherfucking drug on the planet should be completely legal for sure.



Hey, I don't mean to judge, its just my curiousity:

I could never understand how someone becomes addicted to alcohol, because I don't liek drinking it enough(same with smoking etc). In fact, once I reach a limit, like all of us will, I pray to the porcelin gods.. So my question is, how does one develope and addiction to alcohol? Was it more physiological or psycological?

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Hey, I don't mean to judge, its just my curiousity:

I could never understand how someone becomes addicted to alcohol, because I don't liek drinking it enough(same with smoking etc). In fact, once I reach a limit, like all of us will, I pray to the porcelin gods.. So my question is, how does one develope and addiction to alcohol? Was it more physiological or psycological?




Consider yourself truely blessed to not enjoy alchohol. I just loved they way it made me feel. When I was happy it made me happier, when I was depressed it numbed the pain. We the booze wore off I craved more and more. I had terrible physical withdrawls. Once you start getting withdrawl symptoms that can only be cured with more booze, you are and I was officially out of control. I have the most addictive personality on the planet, and I fued my addictive personality with plenty of booze. Ironically I always thought beer tasted like shit.

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The "war" on drugs has more to do with class than anybody's "safety" or morality. Think about it. Why is it that most companies drug test lower-level employees but not upper-management or business executives? And don't think the guy making a six figure salary is less likely to have done drugs than the other one making $6.00 an hour. It's another attempt by the more powerful to dictate what the underclass can do. Now, we're starting to have businesses testing prospective employees for nicotine. Last I heard, cigarettes were legal. But now they think they can run your life off the job as well as at work....and that doesn't sit well with me at all.


I don't need others to decide what is or isn't good for me. I don't drink alcohol as I'm taking other medications that don't allow for it. I also have common sense to not smoke pot, crack or heroin because I want to keep my brain healthy. Why do I need "daddy government" to tell me what to do with my body like I'm some three-year-old child?


Pot will not make your brain unhealthy. In fact, used in moderation, I truly believe it makes one's mind healthier.

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I can't think of any drugs that should be illegal. However, laws that restrict your ability to defend yourself against drug crazed maniacs (if there are any) should also be removed.

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I'm midly surprised with the the poll outcome. I am biased, but being at these particular boards I figured people would vote overwhelmingly for legalization of these particular drugs for the following reasons:


-People do them if they want anyways

-Less Crime


It just seems like a logical conclusion


No one is forcing drugs down your throat so why should we tell other people that they ought not do something they want - if they're going to do it anyway? Just creates more problems, like the problem religion creates for society.

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