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Goodbye Jesus

My neighbours' house caught fire...


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This past weekend, my neighbours' house caught fire and burned to the ground. I was fortunate in that I didn't lose anything on my property, as the heat radiating from the blaze was quite intense.

They (my neighbours) are staunch Christians and are heavily involved in the church. Members of their "church family" came by in the following days to see the chaotic aftermath of the fire, and they would always say something like, "god was watching over them" or "they must have guardian angels", or some other drivel that makes my skin crawl.

I can guarantee you, when that house was burning and their treasured family posessions were in the process of being lost forever, god was nowhere to be found. God was being his usual absent self.

But, I guess if the god fairy tale offers them a degree of solace, I should leave it be...even though I feel like tearing my hair out when someone mentions how good he is.

That's it...nothing special. Just had to get that off my chest. This board is MY solace. :)

Edit: I guess this is more of a rant than a theological issue, therefore I leave it in the mods' capable hands if they see fit to move it. ;)

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Indoctrinated, delusional people.

You better believe when someone makes ridiculous, unfounded claims like that and/or askes me (they are not really asking - they are spewing propaganda) if I am on board with their delusion they receive and earfull in reply. 


Of course some of them respond with incredible anger, instead of logic and reason, thus showcasing the damaging mind-control they have been under.

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     Satan and his demon minions protected your house.  They're better at dealing with fire.




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Did any of this family's Bibles survive? 


If they had undergone the horror of dying in the fire, their churchmates would have said that the Lord called them home, wanted some more angels, whatever. 

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  • Super Moderator

God is good, all the time.

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1 hour ago, ficino said:

Did any of this family's Bibles survive? 


There were charred bits and pieces of bible pages everywhere. Proof that the bible can burn 😛 Yesterday evening the family patriarch and a friend of his were picking through the bible pieces and were attempting to find inspiration from it. I stuck around for a few minutes with them, then my skin started to crawl with all the "god is good" talk, so I left.

2 hours ago, mwc said:

     Satan and his demon minions protected your house.  They're better at dealing with fire.




Hail Satan  :58:  :D

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Things like that are reality smacking them in the face, but the social pressure to fit in at church, and to not admit having spent years on a lie, are emotionally huge. My brother lost a child to a stupid accident (slid on ice over a cliff with his girlfriend) and they had to turn it into a witnessing opportunity, and claim at every point how they didn't know how they could have made it without Jesus helping them. It is truly sad to see people so caught in a trap like this. 

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