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The philosophical origins of patriarchy


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I'm not sure the authors thesis is correct.


Western culture has largely been a result of Christian influence over 2000 years, and Christianity as we should all know was heavily influenced by Judaism. Judaism needs no introduction here about it's historic treatment of women.


So while many ancient thinkers may have had an influence, in my opinion, by looking at history and 2000 of western culture, the primary influence regarding societies view of woman has been Christianity. One only needs to read Pauls musings about the role of women to understand where much of the problem comes from. I haven't heard a single people quote Plato et al to justify treatment of women, but I've heard plenty quote the bible.

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It can be debated whether the Greeks and Romans or Christianity were more responsible for patriarchy, but I think it’s fair to say that in the modern West, the home of all the above, patriarchy and misogyny have declined more than in any other part of the world.  

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You know, I would bring up Jordan Peterson s viewpoint about technology here. Men are, by far in the average, stronger physically than women. So, men can easily overpower women. Women are not only more fragile, but pregnant women and with small children more so, plus they have the burden of child bearing and breastfeeding. So they nedeed protection. This is just biology , simple, observable biology. The one with power gets the power and the weaker or needing protection got less. Technology, in all areas made women more powerful. How? Well warfare is now a question of weapons not of brute strength and agility. So are many jobs, and increasing. Household chores like washing cleaning and cooking are significantly easier. Wide acces to cheap contraception makes it easier for women to engage in casual sex. So technology tends to even out biological differences. Without it, there would habe been only a dismal chance, I think, of the modern feminist movement. Plus the whole deal of war world 2 where many men returned broken and many women were forced to assume the nr 1 spot in the family. So my guess is that it is more a question of historical events and technology than of philosophy.To put it simple, the fact that a man can beat up a woman easier than viceversa = patriarchy. The first element of the equation began to change, so did the other.

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I just read the first part of the article. It is highly inaccurate from the start. The fact that the senators in Alabama is totally irrelevant to that point. It is as irrelevant as their height or weight. 


The abortion issue from a christian point of view is not about owning a woman's body. It has to do with the whole idea of God being the sole responsible with giving life and taking life. If you agree with that it is another matter but christians who see that you are accusing them of sexism will be even more sure of the fact that non christians are deluded. If you thing that God gives a soul at conception than abortion is murder, a capital sin. 


Another proof of not being a sexist isdue is that neither are men of any posture, even priests, allowed to give permission for abortion or do so.ething to the women so the child inside will die. 


They do not think that reproductive rights exists, because they think life is in the power of the Almighty. 


You see sexism in that issue only if you want to find it there, that is my opinion. There are places in the Bible that clearly state some kind of male superiority, but so of equality. Abortion however, I repeat has nothing to do with gender equality in most of christian denominations. It is like saying the bible has something against gays. Not, it has strict sexual rules for all parties, and whoever disrespects them is considered a sinner. 

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