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Christianity no longer a majority in NZ


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"The number of New Zealanders without any religion has officially overtaken the number of Christians for the first time"

"the number of people identifying with Christianity has dropped from 47.65 percent in the 2013 Census to 37.31 percent in the latest one"  A 10% drop in 5 years is pretty spectacular!

The answers given cover a range of identifiers from atheists, agnostics, non-religious, jedi and humanists.

Topping the prosperity charts while having the least religion is a great example of why Christianity is not required to have a good life.

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Oh have the stats finally come out? I've been waiting for them for a year. What a debacle.


I was expecting this result based on decade over decade trends. UK is following a similar path, as are most western nations. The US is a bit behind, but they are a bit backward :P 





Thanks for posting.


(Edit: OMG - 20,409 Jedi! LMAO Didn't think it would be so high. Disappointing to see that Sith is not an official religion)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Sith Code

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50 minutes ago, LogicalFallacy said:

Disappointing to see that Sith is not an official religion

Bit of a sideline, but it really appears the Jedi were the bad guys and Sith were good.  The Jedi being a secret police force, pushing their agenda on all planets, with the power to maim or kill at will.  They refuse love, don't allow marriage and are basically a theocracy with their elders at the top.  Compare that to the Sith who embrace humanity, passion and personal struggle. The emperor takes power based on legal political manipulations, Palpatine never killed anyone, his only fight was self defence when Mace Windu attempted to assault him.

Even the prophecy "bring balance to the force", the Jedi arrogantly thought that meant give them more power, but when they were already in power the only way to balance it would be for them to fall.

As the saying goes "One mans rebel is another mans terrorist", its all perspective.

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Just now, Wertbag said:

Bit of a sideline, but it really appears the Jedi were the bad guys and Sith were good.  The Jedi being a secret police force, pushing their agenda on all planets, with the power to maim or kill at will.  They refuse love, don't allow marriage and are basically a theocracy with their elders at the top.  Compare that to the Sith who embrace humanity, passion and personal struggle. The emperor takes power based on legal political manipulations, Palpatine never killed anyone, his only fight was self defence when Mace Windu attempted to assault him.

Even the prophecy "bring balance to the force", the Jedi arrogantly thought that meant give them more power, but when they were already in power the only way to balance it would be for them to fall.

As the saying goes "One mans rebel is another mans terrorist", its all perspective.


Haha, don't get me started.


IMO both the Jedi and the sith were bad. The Jedi for the reasons you mentioned, the sith because their doctrine is evil. And what do you mean Palpatine never killed anyone? He personally killed many people in horrible ways as well as overseeing entire genocides.


I think the likes of reformed Revan had it right. To use both the light and the dark.



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Congratulations Kiwis!  :clap:


Of the 17 countries I've been to, yours is the most together. If I was young, I'd move there.

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3 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:

He personally killed many people in horrible ways as well as overseeing entire genocides.

That's just rebel propaganda :P  He wasn't present on the death star and didn't give the order to destroy any planets, order 66 was a trap to wipe out a terrorist organisation and most of the conflict was during the numerous wars.  Even when Luke, a known terrorist, breaks into the emperors room with the intent to end his reign, the emperors solution was to try to talk to him and make him see sense.  Only once he found the religious fanatic could not be made to see sense he acted in self defence to end the threat. 

One of the only people he was known to have killed was Darth Plaguis, a truly evil person for which he should be celebrated not vilified.

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Lol We'd better stop this or else this topic will turn into Star Wars central.


I just tried to access the Census databases for religion and couldn't find it. Do you know where it is? (If you are that interested)


I want to do a census by census comparison of religion across age groups and ethnicities.

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1 hour ago, LogicalFallacy said:

I just tried to access the Census databases for religion and couldn't find it. Do you know where it is? (If you are that interested)

I'd not seen it anywhere but the Newhub article.  The main website https://www.stats.govt.nz/2018-census/ would be where it should be, but that is a hard to penetrate wall of links at the best of times.

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5 minutes ago, Wertbag said:

I'd not seen it anywhere but the Newhub article.  The main website https://www.stats.govt.nz/2018-census/ would be where it should be, but that is a hard to penetrate wall of links at the best of times.


Yeah... I already went through there. Found sexual orientation stats, abortion stats, housing stats... but no religion stats 😭

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I guess it'd be kind of difficult to scare New Zealanders with hell, since they already live there.  😎

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48 minutes ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

I guess it'd be kind of difficult to scare New Zealanders with hell, since they already live there.  😎


Says the guy who lives in a country that in many aspects is less free than ours. Also we don't have Trump :P 

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Crikey, I've never heard NZ compared with hell. Heaven perhaps. Gorgeous.

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4 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:


Says the guy who lives in a country that in many aspects is less free than ours. Also we don't have Trump :P 

Yeah, America was like god's dry run when he was designing hell.

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On 9/24/2019 at 1:49 PM, Wertbag said:


"The number of New Zealanders without any religion has officially overtaken the number of Christians for the first time"

"the number of people identifying with Christianity has dropped from 47.65 percent in the 2013 Census to 37.31 percent in the latest one"  A 10% drop in 5 years is pretty spectacular!

The answers given cover a range of identifiers from atheists, agnostics, non-religious, jedi and humanists.

Topping the prosperity charts while having the least religion is a great example of why Christianity is not required to have a good life.


Yay, it;s about time humanity is turning its other cheek away from religion. 😀  I wonder how much longer it will take other countries to follow suit concerning the ditching of religious shackles?


As for myself, I have notion against religion in general. Religion is like believing in the god of thunder or the Greek Gods of yore. Nothing but people spinning their wheels in a make-believe direction. You can do a lot of good in the world being a non-believer. Religious motivation to do good deeds is not the only such motivator. Religion often causes more harm than good in the name of morality.

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On 9/27/2019 at 12:15 PM, pantheory said:

You can do a lot of good in the world being a non-believer. Religious motivation to do good deeds is not the only such motivator. Religion often causes more harm than good in the name of morality.

Yes. Someone once wrote that a non-believer does the right thing because it is the right thing to do, not because he or she is being pushed to do so in fear of punishment by some deity.

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On 9/24/2019 at 10:52 PM, Wertbag said:

That's just rebel propaganda :P  He wasn't present on the death star and didn't give the order to destroy any planets, order 66 was a trap to wipe out a terrorist organisation and most of the conflict was during the numerous wars.  Even when Luke, a known terrorist, breaks into the emperors room with the intent to end his reign, the emperors solution was to try to talk to him and make him see sense.  Only once he found the religious fanatic could not be made to see sense he acted in self defence to end the threat. 

One of the only people he was known to have killed was Darth Plaguis, a truly evil person for which he should be celebrated not vilified.


Looks like you have a Sith religion all mapped out and ready to go to contrast with the Kiwi Jedi's!!! With ready made apologetic's to boot! 



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11 hours ago, Joshpantera said:


Looks like you have a Sith religion all mapped out and ready to go to contrast with the Kiwi Jedi's!!! With ready made apologetic's to boot! 

That would be quite a fun sideline, a two party political system, Sith vs Jedi :)  More interesting that the dull democracy we have to put up with!

Imagine the US parties renamed, president changed to grand chancellor and vice president changed to apprentice...

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4 minutes ago, Wertbag said:

That would be quite a fun sideline, a two party political system, Sith vs Jedi :)  More interesting that the dull democracy we have to put up with!

Imagine the US parties renamed, president changed to grand chancellor and vice president changed to apprentice...


I did a quick search. I see that there has been activity towards an Order of the Sith religion in the UK and other places. I was going to say coin it, coin it quick before someone else does. 😂


But yes, that would be hilarious. Sith's always come in two - a master and an apprentice! 

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23 minutes ago, Joshpantera said:

But yes, that would be hilarious. Sith's always come in two - a master and an apprentice! 


Only since the days of Bane.


However I propose a return to the old days like the ancient sith masters had. Sith Lords who made the newer sith look like children waving matchsticks.


Naga Sadow, Ajunta Pall, Tuluk Horde etc.


The ancient sith were ruled by the most powerful lord at the top and lesser lords forming a council.

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