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Goodbye Jesus

The Christian Example.....


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I can not get into extreme detail, but I can share this.


My husband's mom has done some pretty low things to him in the past, things that were hard to look over, but decided to cause you only go around once.

Anyway, she is christian and she tries to play off this "goodie goodie" act like she can do no wrong.


Well, to make a long story short, we found out some other things that she has done and has lied to my husband about.....rotten things. We confront her about them and she finally admitted it, then turned around a month later to say that we were "badgering her" and that is why she said she did those things. Well, we know that she is lying about doing them, we know she did, but she will not come clean about it.


THEN she is at this bible study at her church and comparing her life to those in the bible....(Jezebel comes to MY mind...lol) how they went through trials and tests blah blah blah.....I know damn straight she was refering to the situation that is going on now. That really made me angry!!!!! Thinking that she is going through a test/trial from god when it was HER OWN STUPIDITY AND LIES that got her in it in the first place!!!! Talk about a MAJOR case of denial!


Then to top the cake, there was a family reunion this month in another state. She is the one that usually keeps connection out there, any messages that are given to us from out there are through her. Well, we knew that there was a family reunion coming up this year, we just did not know when. Well, she kept it a TOTAL secret from us and we found out from someone else that she went out there for it...leaving us totally in the dark about it. We have not spoken to her since before christmas, but she has contacted us about other things (she sent a card out the beginning of April), so why not about the reunion?


I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she believes that she did nothing wrong......that this is just an attack. (just like the yo-yo's I mentioned in the other thread I started)


She has just been really different toward us since we have walked away from the church and her god. Nothing like being viewed as the enemy. Now I know how my other family members felt....I did it to them.


It just totally pisses me off that she can treat my husband the way that she has/continues to do so. I am not saying this because he is my husband, but in all truth, he is a terrific guy! There is no excuse for this! How can a mother be so cruel to her own son is beyond me.....and then go to her church buddies like she is the victim of a test from god..... Has any of you gone through this kinda thing?

Sorry for such a long rant, it is just getting to me today and needed to get it off of my chest. Thanks all.

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Let me give you an extra tool to deal with her.




There's a message board with people who deal with heinous, self-absorbed MILs, and they give advice, and offer suggestions.


Oh, and let me offer you a favorite saying of mine, "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."


She's the gatekeeper of y'all's relationship with the rest of the family. It's high time you took out the middleman, and communicated with family directly.


And you know, life is too short to allow toxic people to do horrible things, and overlook them. No, she needs to be held accountable for her actions. Just because you only live once? Is NOT an excuse to tolerate this crap.


Please check out that website. You might get more insight that way!

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Let me give you an extra tool to deal with her.




There's a message board with people who deal with heinous, self-absorbed MILs, and they give advice, and offer suggestions.


Oh, and let me offer you a favorite saying of mine, "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."


She's the gatekeeper of y'all's relationship with the rest of the family. It's high time you took out the middleman, and communicated with family directly.


And you know, life is too short to allow toxic people to do horrible things, and overlook them. No, she needs to be held accountable for her actions. Just because you only live once? Is NOT an excuse to tolerate this crap.


Please check out that website. You might get more insight that way!


Thank you for your advice and you are right, time to get rid of the middle man....talk to the others directly. I will check out that site and again, thanks :)

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You're very welcome, and just look for Katyisbananas (that's me, LOL!).


It's never easy when someone decides to be the gatekeeper for all family interactions. But, if you go around her, not only will you have the satisfaction of completely pissing her off because she's not in control anymore, you will probably have a better relationship with the family than she does.


Good luck!

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