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Why aren't there more misotheists?


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I am a misotheist. I think this label describes my attitude pretty close. A misotheist is basically a person that believes in God/a God but "hates" it or the teachings of it and/or the religions based on it.




I am a misotheist because in my life experience both personal and collective mankind is unfair in it's rules and designs. I am not a total misanthrope, I enjoy many parts of this life. I just have a "beef" with this God sometimes, specifically the one I was raised believing it and never ceased believing in anyway. I might still have a harder time relating to atheists in my experience, because it's still a different belief. The difference seems to be only that atheists claim that they don't literally believe in God, while the misotheist side still believes in such a being, or is at least inclusive regardless of whether one literally believes or not.

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I think that description applied to some of the ancients as well. Their gods were essentially like humans with all of our character flaws, but they had power over our lives. They had to be appeased with offerings, but would still do shitty things. Medusa was a beautiful virgin in the temple of Athena, but Poseidon raped her and so Athena kicked her out of the temple and turned her into a monster. Totally shitty. Homer wrote the Iliad/Odyssey as a sort of Book of Job about rejecting the gods because people were irritated at the immature gods. 

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2 hours ago, ChelseaGuy said:

I am a misotheist. I think this label describes my attitude pretty close. A misotheist is basically a person that believes in God/a God but "hates" it or the teachings of it and/or the religions based on it.




I am a misotheist because in my life experience both personal and collective mankind is unfair in it's rules and designs. I am not a total misanthrope, I enjoy many parts of this life. I just have a "beef" with this God sometimes, specifically the one I was raised believing it and never ceased believing in anyway. I might still have a harder time relating to atheists in my experience, because it's still a different belief. The difference seems to be only that atheists claim that they don't literally believe in God, while the misotheist side still believes in such a being, or is at least inclusive regardless of whether one literally believes or not.


The definition classifies anyone (regardless of belief in god) who hates even so much as the idea of god, a misotheist. So it looks like it's all inclusive to both theists and atheists. By the definition, misotheism means hatred of god regardless of whether it's hatred out of belief or hatred of the concept of god itself. 


BTW, atheism is a lack of belief, not a different belief. You'll do better relating to atheists if you show them that you understand what atheism means. 



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I was as I kept hearing miracle stories proving Christianity real, yet hating how God can damn billions. When I believed, I tried to convince people to love a god I hated to save their souls. Unbelief was more comforting, but it was and is to an extent still hard with so many miracle stories about weird stuff happening when Jesus name is invoked. There are lots of Biblical stories that seem historically disproven  and that gives me hope. Christianity would be nice for 33% of humanity, but not for the remainder. I was terrified of hell, but it started to be for others rather than myself.  

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