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Goodbye Jesus

Scientific Evidence Of Creationism


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It is still the same old Argument from Design. Who gives a shit if this 90 year old fart wants to give his deathbed confession.

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Two or three sentances for each point, only 6 or so points made in each page.



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Mr. Flew may be dead wrong, but it's refreshing to see that an academic of his stature is unafraid to let new facts change his mind

unafraid huh... so what was the fundy reaction again when transitional fossils were found? what was their reaction again when the gospel of judas was found and translated? get that log out of your eye stupid fundies!!

If the scientific data are compelling enough to cause an atheist academic of Antony Flew's reputation to recant much of his life's work, why shouldn't Texas schoolchildren be taught the controversy?

flew isnt even a scientist. he's a philosopher. he deals with metaphysics. how many xtians followers and scholars have seen compelling scientific data to make them leave xtianity?


i hate how they use that logic and reasoning on people who dont believe in xtianity, but dont ever use it on themselves.

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Anthony Flew has become a deist (or theist), but nothing more. He thinks there are support to say that there was a first cause, and that first cause was god. He has not, I repeat not, become a creationist. He does NOT think that God created Adam from dust, and created all the animals etc. Flew is still a believer in evolution. I can't believe that fucktards like Christians take people beliefs and statements and twist and spin them to fit their own needs. That's low, cheap and dishonest. Anthony Flew is strongly against Christianity.


Flew's conception of God as explained in the interview is limited to the idea of God as a first cause, and he rejects the ideas of an afterlife, of God as the source of good (he explicitly states that God has created "a lot of" evil), and of the resurrection of Jesus as an historical fact

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Guest Thegoodbook

The mechanism was his will. He designed it..it happend. Simple.


Tell me please..in what mechanism do you see as the origin of life? If you can't fully explain this and describe the origins origin and how all living things could spring from nothing..tell it to me scientifically and supply the process..if you can't..and i can tell you where it came from..then which has more validity? You say i can't prove God did it...prove he did not by telling me where it all started..and how..i'll be waiting for the answer.

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Oh, one of our favorite fundies is back. Da'Goo-Book is back!


Well, science doesn't really claim absolute truth, which you do. The Bible claims absolute truth, even when it's wrong, while science is a work in process, and the current model of cosmology etc is what seems to have the best support when it comes to evidence and testable experiments. Your God and faith can't be tested, even refuses to be tested, while science builds the theories on what can be tested. I drop a ball to the ground, and I can formulate a theory of gravity. I pray to God for a healing and don't get one, but the religious still claim that God answers prayers. Fundamental differences there.




You see GooBoo, there's a big difference between us two. I don't build my life, or my belief, based on what science say about big bang or evolution. I'm not atheist because of those things, but because the things that are missing in religion and the supposed God that you pray to. I live in as much contemplation, doubt and agnosticism for science as I do for religion. The only reason why I trust science more, is that it has peer review that fixes the errors and bugs. In religion you have the opposite. No one is to question anything, only accept without testing or asking. There are only one theory of Big Bang, but there are 37,000 versions of Christian denominations. If the Christians can't unite (which Jesus said was to be the proof of his divinity) then your faith is nothing worth. Which version is the real one? And you see, if the scientists discover that Big Bang didn't happen, but it was something else, I can change my mind. I have no pride in what I believe in. While if there was proof that Jesus and Judas conspired to setup the big scam of "dying on a cross" and become a martyr, you wouldn't change your mind, would you? Even if science could prove to you that evolution did happen, and big bang really occured, you wouldn't change your belief. But if you could show me that God exists, I would change my mind. I don't have a problem with that. Another thing is that I don't go around knocking on doors or go out on the streets with tracts to make converts to science, big bang and evolution, while your kind do it way too often. Why do you have to convince people, if your message is supposed to be so obviously true?

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Yay, more Fundies! Manna from crazy old Heaven!


Well, here this go.


The mechanism was his will. He designed it..it happend. Simple.


Tell me please..in what mechanism do you see as the origin of life? If you can't fully explain this and describe the origins origin and how all living things could spring from nothing..tell it to me scientifically and supply the process..if you can't..and i can tell you where it came from..then which has more validity? You say i can't prove God did it...prove he did not by telling me where it all started..and how..i'll be waiting for the answer.


Even if God is real, he HAS to come from nothing.

Or the presupposition is the alternative for this God the creator and the same God of the Bible.

The concept of the biblical or Koranical God defeats itself.

There is an another alternative to the God problem, he is alway here but the problem with this, he created everything but where does he come from?

As seeing he's the first Mover and everything.


I think science at this moment doesn't support a god. But you never know, you might prove God but it's very very unlikely.

I'm not holding my breath for that.

If anything, deist evolution is the most likely outcome for a God driven science.

But not likely to happen.


For now, godless evolution is accepted, has the most proof to its name, been submitted to the most stringent investigation and came out as the truth of the moment.

You're right, you can't prove God did it, it's not really likely but I'm not holding my breath for that day.


In short, I think the version of evolution that's accepted amongst the scientists is the closest to the truth we're looking for.


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The mechanism was his will. He designed it..it happend. Simple.


Simple my ass. You want to say goddidit because not all the answers are known? An answer of ignorance is preferrable to simply admitting that we don't have all the answers yet? My ego is not that big. It should embarass you that yours is. Interesting that it doesn't. :scratch:


Tell me please..in what mechanism do you see as the origin of life? If you can't fully explain this and describe the origins origin and how all living things could spring from nothing..tell it to me scientifically and supply the process..if you can't..and i can tell you where it came from..then which has more validity? You say i can't prove God did it...prove he did not by telling me where it all started..and how..i'll be waiting for the answer.


The burden of proof is on YOU. Evolution is a method. As for god being the inspiration for that method? Maybe. But I'm talking GOD here....not your egotistical megalomanic Biblegod.


Proving the existence of god in NO way would prove your method of kissing his ass (religion) is the ONE.

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Guest Agent Ytnok

The mechanism was his will. He designed it..it happend. Simple.


Tell me please..in what mechanism do you see as the origin of life? If you can't fully explain this and describe the origins origin and how all living things could spring from nothing..tell it to me scientifically and supply the process..if you can't..and i can tell you where it came from..then which has more validity? You say i can't prove God did it...prove he did not by telling me where it all started..and how..i'll be waiting for the answer.


This argument is a non-sequitor. Just because science cannot prove the origins does not mean that the explanation must be supernatural. It simply doesn't logically follow. Further, the existence of god suffers from the same ontological problem, i.e. you can't prove origins. Even the ID argument is circular.

1) Anything complex must have a creator.

2) Life is complex

3) Therefore life must have a creator.

Well presumably the creator is complex, and if it is, then it too must have a creator, and so on.


While science cannot prove the ontology of existence, it continues to look and that is the point of science.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The mechanism was his will. He designed it..it happend. Simple.


Tell me please..in what mechanism do you see as the origin of life? If you can't fully explain this and describe the origins origin and how all living things could spring from nothing..tell it to me scientifically and supply the process..if you can't..and i can tell you where it came from..then which has more validity? You say i can't prove God did it...prove he did not by telling me where it all started..and how..i'll be waiting for the answer.

I'm dragging this up because I believe you have been given the answer and you are ignoring what people have said. That is not very good form Mr. GoodBook.


My two cents worth to the answers already provided: Remember that bees being able to fly was paraded about by Bible worshippers that this proved God because science didn't have an explanation for it? Science now can explain it. I could dig up 100's or even 1000's of examples where Christians try to discredit science to prove their own ideas. Every time, science finds an answer. Yet, here you are making the same sorts of arguments. Will you never learn from history?


The odds are all in favor of science finding an explanation - because everything that is, is natural. That's where science looks for answers, where all answers to date have been found. Religion looks to the supernatural. Life is natural. It's only magical in the world of fantasy, mythology, and in the minds of Bible worshippers who deny reality.


As far as "prove he did not by telling me where it all started." We have, you are refusing to listen. If there's something missing yet in our understanding of the workings of NATURE, this doesn't prove your myth is scientifically valid; any more that it does the mythologies of the Hindus, or the Zulus.


Your fear of your mythology being "wrong" is glaringly evident to me. Why does your myth need to be scientifically valid??? It doesn't matter to most religious people, and it shouldn’t matter. It’s not about the natural sciences; it’s about inspiration through myth symbols. That's the real question here, not how science doesn't know something yet!


Please show respect to all of us by following through in converstation with topics you start.


Edit: sorry, Sceptic actually began the topic. But the point still is valid to not post and dart away Mr. GoodBook

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