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Goodbye Jesus

Reasonable Doubts Podcast: rd96 Better Late Than Never


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Fresh from a month long break the doubtcasters return do discus some of the stories they missed while away. The U.S. supreme court has ruled that religious groups have a "ministerial exception" from anti-discrimination laws. We discuss how this ruling might effect those working for religious institutions. Meanwhile, Catholic Charities are closing their doors because they are no longer permitted to receive government funds while discriminating against same-sex couples seeking to adopt children. Hardware superstore Lowes panders to Christian bigots who insist there is no such thing as an "All-American Muslim" even though recent studies suggest otherwise. For this week's God Thinks Like You segment we discuss how secular authority can fill that "God shaped hole" in your life and in Counter-Apologetics we debunk the "King James Bible only" crowd as our belated tribute to the 400th anniversary of that historic document. We end with props for anti-fundamentalist protests in Israel and Jessica Ahlquist who recently succeeded in getting a religious banner removed from her high school.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/reasonabledoubts/Msxh/~4/ycuDefDKMU8

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