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019 Sarah Brennan - Part 2: Rebuilding Life After Divorce. Her Mom Reacts to the News. Goes Before a Panel of Pastors & Uses the Bible to Argue in Favor of Being Gay


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In part 2 of my conversation with Sarah, she discusses rebuilding her community and her life. She had lived with her husband for 10 years and it was everything she'd ever known.

Her mom and a close friend have strong reactions when she comes out. 

Finally, Sarah goes before a panel of pastors at her church where she served as a pastor. She uses the Bible to argue in favor of living an openly gay lifestyle.

Such a wonderful story!



Sarah's Resource:


Dear John, I Love Jane https://www.amazon.com/Dear-John-Love-Jane-Leaving/dp/1580053394


Skype:  sarahmbrennan13





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