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Goodbye Jesus

019 Sarah Brennan - Part 1: Aware She Was Gay Since Childhood. Grew to Hate it & Planned to Live Straight. Marries a Man, But Later Encouraged By Her Dad & Best Friend to Embrace Her True Self. She Leaves the Church Behind & Falls in Love with a Woman


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Sarah has such a moving story! Growing up she knew she was gay. Her parents and church discouraged her feelings, so Sarah grew to hate it in herself. She believed it was a choice and eventually married a man.

Years later her feelings are awakened again. Her father leaves the church and encourages Sarah to accept herself. Sarah begins to fall in love with a woman. Sarah's best friend also offers encouragement. Simultaneously she leaves the church and her straight lifestyle behind. 

Sarah has so many wonderful things to say, but this quote from her interview is really touching and one of my favorites. I had to share it here: 

"In life there isn't always an answer, there isn't always something to explain. Sometimes you just sit there and it's hard, and things are broken and you just have to kind of sit-in-there and wait for time to heal it."


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