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Goodbye Jesus

012 Marty McDonald-Very Devout Catholic From Childhood, He Became Evangelical in Adulthood. Marty is Now an Atheist.


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Marty grew up the oldest of 9 boys in a very devout Catholic family. Marty became agnostic in 1996 and as of 2011 considers himself an atheist. He is one of the friendliest, most helpful people you'll meet. I often notice him encouraging other atheists & agnostics on social media (some of them newly deconverted). Marty offers fascinating specifics about his Catholic upbringing. Just like so many deconverts, Marty took his faith very seriously. Trusting God to provide following a significant injury was a major turning point. He married at 19 years old and has been married 29 years now! His wife is a graphic designer, he is an IT developer. He likes hiking, the Seattle Seahawks, plays a little guitar and is a science enthusiast. He is also a board member with Sunday Assembly in Olympia, Washington. His daughter graduated from college in 2016 and his son is a Junior in college.


Marty's Blog:  https://nohell4u.wordpress.com martymcdonald@outlook.com


Richard Rubenstein https://www.amazon.com/When-Jesus-Became-God-Christianity/dp/0156013150


John Shelby Spong https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_19?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=rescuing+the+bible+from+fundamentalism+by+john+shelby+spong&sprefix=rescuing+the+bible+%2Cstripbooks%2C198&crid=1YUJMOE861ZGS


Marlene Winell http://marlenewinell.net


Ryan Bell & Life After God http://www.lifeaftergod.org https://www.facebook.com/ourlifeaftergod/




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