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Goodbye Jesus

010 Luciano Gonzalez-Moderate Catholic to Active Conservative Christian. He was Raised in Latin America & The United States


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Luciano's doubts came to a turning point in college. He attended Winter Jam (a Christian concert tour) and heard the Newsboys promoting the movie God's Not Dead. Luciano and his girlfriend went to see it. The movie had an impact on Luciano, which he describes in this episode.   Luciano is a Puerto Rican atheist raised in Panama, Colombia, Honduras, Georgia and North Carolina. His blog is Sin/God at Patheos.com. He is a Board Member for HAFREE (Hispanic American Freethinkers). He also is an administrator at the Secular Latino Alliance. You can find him on Twitter or on his Facebook Page as The Hispanic Atheist.

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/singod/   https://www.facebook.com/groups/secularlatinoalliance/ http://de-avanzada.blogspot.com/   https://thelatinone.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Hispanic-American-Freethinkers-HAFree-217446074987918/ http://www.skepticink.com  David Osorio @Daosorios Luciano and Juhem's Podcast, The Benito Juarez Experience: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-benito-juarez-experience/id1228785219?mt=2 @Lucianowrites

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