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Reasonable Doubts Podcast: rd64 Rewriting History


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For years the religious right has argued, in clear contradiction of our secular constitution, that the founders intended America to be a Christian Nation. Tired of fighting against history, the Texas Board of Education has decided to simply rewrite it. Topping their list of inconvenient facts that need to be removed from the history books is Thomas Jefferson and the enlightenment roots of his thought. Unfortunately Texas sets the tone for textbooks nationwide. But could secularists be just as guilty of rewriting history? David Bentley Hart thinks so. His book, Atheist Delusions: the Christian Revolution and it's Fashionable Enemies, is the subject of this weeks Counter-Apologetics segment. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/reasonabledoubts/Msxh/~4/rNu7rboxJOc

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