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Reasonable Doubts Podcast: rd60 Koranic Criticism with guest Ibn Warraq


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Most Muslims believe the Koran was dictated by God--word for word, in Arabic-- to Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel. For years Koranic scholars (even in western, secular institutions) have been reluctant to challenge this notion. But now a handful of academics are applying the same critical methods used in biblical studies to the study of the Koran. Koranic criticism is still in its infancy but scholars are already discovering facts which radically challenge the traditional account. Ibn Warraq, author of "Why I am Not a Muslim" and "What Does the Koran Really Say" joins us on the show to discuss some of these findings. The doubtcasters would like to encourage RD listeners to donate what they can to S.H.A.R.E (Skeptics and Humanists Aid and Relief Effort) to help the victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. Visit www.doubtcast.org for details.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/reasonabledoubts/Msxh/~4/i2p0ceuVSRM

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