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Reasonable Doubts Podcast: rd55 From Darwin to Hitler


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Did Darwin inspire the atrocities of the Third Reich? Richard Weikart’s book From Darwin to Hitler claims “In Hitler's mind Darwinism provided the moral justification for infanticide, euthanasia, genocide, and other policies that had been considered immoral by more conventional moral standards.” For this episode the doubtcasters draw upon the research of R.G. Price, Adrian Desmond, James Moore and the writings of Darwin himself to counter Weikart’s claims. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/reasonabledoubts/Msxh/~4/rwmf5FLO534

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