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A Creation Science Geologic Time Scale


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A Creation Science Geologic Time Scale


(1) 4000 B.C. Creation Week: (laws of science suspended)

Day 1 - Space, light & dark, earth materials.

Day 2 - Waters above and waters below.

Day 3 - Earth's crust and plants.

Day 4 - Sun, moon, and stars in place.

Day 5 - Atmosphere + animals of the waters.

Day 6 - Land animals + Adam & Eve.

Day 7 - Day of rest.


1,500 years. Pre-Flood "Geology." Laws of science invalid.


(2) Adam and Eve, talking snakes, etc.


(3) World's waters are in great Venus-like atmosphere or in ground

water. No rain, no ocean basins.


(4) Radiometric dating invalid; speed of light changed.


(5) Humans, dinosaurs, mammals, the "works," all live together in

peace. Both lions and Tyranosaurus Rex are vegetarians in Eden before

the "fall."


(6) Human life spans up to 900 years.


(7) Battle of Satan and angels produces craters on moon.


Flood Year: Flood "Geology" - ONE (?) year of normal (?) "science"


Rain - 40 days


(8) Big animals run to mountain tops. Not a single dumb human caught

in all the early flood sediments. All dinosaurs washed off only in

middle flood-time.


(9) Coral reefs (Guadalupe Mountains of Texas) grow to thicknesses of

half a mile during single year.


(10) Vast coal beds accumulate one on top of another, each as original

swamp deposits on order of 100 feet thick, all in one year.


(11) Mile-thick salt formations in Utah form by evaporation (!) of

seawater during (!) the flood.


Flood - about 250 days.


(12) Most of the world's sedimentary rocks dumped on continents to

average thickness of one mile, almost entirely during the flood year.


(13) Most continental drift occurs. Flood waters drain into the newly

formed ocean basins. Atlantic opens at average rate of 1/2 mile per



(14) Most deep sea sediments (average about 1,500 feet thick) collect

on the newly opened ocean floors.


(15) Hawaiian volcano built 30,000 feet high on new sea floor. (Cools

enough for birds and plants from Ark to colonize soon after end of

flood year.


Final Retreat - ? 100 days ?


(16)Volcano of Mount Ararat built 7,000 feet high underwater and cools

in time for grounding of the Ark.


(17) Successive Yellowstone ash beds bury 10 to 27 forests one on top

of another, all grown during single year.


(18) Grand Canyon cut by receding flood waters. Flood sediments

de-water and harden in one year to rock strong enough to stand as

steep, mile-high cliffs.


Post-Flood Geology - 4,500 years of normal (?) science to



(19)From Ark, Noah (?) directs streams of distinctive animal and plant

communities to migrate to Africa, Australia, South America, etc.

(Ferry service ?) (Some creationists use post-flood continental

drift at rates up to one mile per hour !)


(20)Sun stands still for Israelite battle. Earth stops rotating and

then starts again due to near-miss by Venus out of its orbit ?



(21)Only one ice age as post-flood atmosphere cools.

Geologists' abundant evidence of many great ice advances

separated by sub-tropical vegetation and development of thick soil zones

between some advances are wrong.


(22)Late-flood granite masses, formed at 1,000 degrees (F.), cool to

present low temperatures at rates in violation of all laws of thermal

physics. Fit to radiometric dates is mere coincidence.


(23)Extreme rates of continental drift typical of flood (1/2 mile per

hour) suddenly slow to present-day laser-measured rates of inches per

year. Accord of present rates with radiometric dates is mere chance.


(24)Coral reefs (Bikini, Eniwetok) grow 1/2 to 1 mile thick in first

1,000 years (rate of one foot per month) then slow to present measured

rates of inches per century.


Source: http://www.csun.edu/~vcgeo005/wise.htm

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