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Goodbye Jesus

The Barbarian Meets The Morg


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Well, well. I wanted to do that for a loooong time. Finally.


I just dropped in at the nearest morg temple.


To make it short: Most of what I heard and saw was absolutely unsurprising to me. The same old fallacies and lies as in any other jebus cult. With the slight difference that I wasn't able to really study the book of moron yet.

Of course, that'll change eventually, now that (what a surprise ;) ) they gave me one for free.


However, at one point I almost burst out in mad laughter... when a DVD was shown that supposedly depicted the life of jebus. You know, they just couldn't miss the opportunity to come up with the "a virgin shall be with child" bullshit. I guess the lady sitting beside me wondered what strange sounds I made. Whether she suspected that I was desperately suppressing a hysterical fit of laughter, I cannot tell.


The impression I have of the German jehoover's witlesses also fits the German morons very well. While I'm sure I'd have been the target of quite a number of attacks if I'd dropped in at the 4th reich morons, here I was treated politely and even with some interest (I openly wore my Mjolnir, and got some "what is that?" looks along with two direct questions).


Anyway, I was a bit surprised that they dared to make available some bigoted "proclamation to protect the family", to retranslate the headline into English. I needn't tell you what the topic of this thing was, need I? :vent:


And it again occured to me why (I guess) all those 4th reich cults have only moderate success at best over here. While the jebus cult on the other side of the big pond is a very very emotional, unthinking affair (look at all the hate babble and idiotic "proofs of the truth of the babble"...), a typical church service here is a serious, solemn... boring thing. There simply isn't much room for emotions running wild in the average German church, so you either just try to get it over with, or you start to think about what the preacher tells you from the pulpit. Bullshit like "evilution is only a theory" or "homosexual marriage will destroy civilization" just won't survive here for very long. Along with the preacher *cough cough*.


It's simply a very different "religious culture" over here. While I'd still like to see it gone for good (at least all the monotheistic crap), I again have to concede that compared to the 4th reich (abrahamic) religion is (usually) at most an annoyance here, certainly not a danger.


Oh well, just felt like I had to share this. Maybe you even found this interesting. :)

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Interesting enough, brother. It reminds me of how Catholics behave as opposed to other Xian sects over here. There is the same solemnity of mood in their services which usually serves to command respect, whereas many fundy Prottie sects whoop it up and so forth, as you've mentioned. The Catholic services always carried an air of respect and even traditionalism, as if something old and sacred was being practiced. That resonates with a lot of people, who naturally want to respect such things. That, as well as the lack of beating over the head with the Babble and some other things, is what keeps the Catholics in business over here.


It's still the same rotten turn-or-burn Jeezus™ cult idea, but the execution is different.

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Bullshit like "evilution is only a theory" or "homosexual marriage will destroy civilization" just won't survive here for very long. Along with the preacher *cough cough*.
Would you care to elaborate on this a bit? Perhaps we need some pointers... :Hmm:
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Bullshit like "evilution is only a theory" or "homosexual marriage will destroy civilization" just won't survive here for very long. Along with the preacher *cough cough*.
Would you care to elaborate on this a bit? Perhaps we need some pointers... :Hmm:


Well, as for the last part, that one was ironic of course. I'm sure you already knew that. ;)


As for the former part... of course a "mainstream" preacher could claim stuff like that in a church service. However, those who aren't really just sleeping through it all with their eyes still open will be unlikely to be in a state of overemotional hysteria (you can tell I've been watching TBN again, can't you? ;) ). They'll think about whatever claims the figure up on the pulpit will present. And as we all know, as soon as you start to think those nonsensical claims have a surprisingly low survival rate :pureevil:


That's not to say that the average German christian doesn't believe some idiotic things to be true... but you'll have so search for quite some time to meet someone who swallows whoppers like the ones I used as examples. :wicked:

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