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Goodbye Jesus

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My acceptance of the irrelevance of religion is like a breath of fresh air. While going to church occasionally is unavoidable for me due to family constraints,,,I view it with a grain of salt! For christmas and easter i went, received communion without confession (a sacralige in catholicism) and found the blasphemy gets easier with practice.

Guess what? I wasn't struck down and I go out and lead my new found anti religion feelings. I am really angry that religion produced so much guilt and fuckin anxiety for my 48 years,,,,,,,,,,no more,,,,,,,,some guilt? yes,hopefully this will fade with time. Do you think this behavior/thinking is hypocritical? Thanks, gary

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Goodbye Jesus

I haven't been to an Easter or Christmas service since '03. I've yet to be struck down for it. If there is a God, He, She or It doesn't care who attends church or not.

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Guest Emerson

I think its normal to have doubts in your new path. I still go through periods where I still say the "sinner's prayer" because I'm afraid I'm damned. But lately I'm realizing that this is silly. Religions like Judaism and Islam say that their the only way, but I'm not converting to them anytime soon so why should I believe in christianity?


We've been conditioned to believe a certain way, other people in religions are as sincere as christians are of their religion. No one is really "right" and its harder to live outside of the box of religion, than inside it. Much harder. Doubts come now and again and you just have to go with what you know is right. People switch back to their old religions because they in their hearts believe that that religion is "right" in their heart and mind. Its hard to change that type of thinking. So you're not alone!

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My acceptance of the irrelevance of religion is like a breath of fresh air. While going to church occasionally is unavoidable for me due to family constraints,,,I view it with a grain of salt! For christmas and easter i went, received communion without confession (a sacralige in catholicism) and found the blasphemy gets easier with practice.

Guess what? I wasn't struck down and I go out and lead my new found anti religion feelings. I am really angry that religion produced so much guilt and fuckin anxiety for my 48 years,,,,,,,,,,no more,,,,,,,,some guilt? yes,hopefully this will fade with time. Do you think this behavior/thinking is hypocritical? Thanks, gary



It's exactly as you said, Gary. Christianity produced the guilt and anxiety. You've been inundated with it for 48 years. If you'd have been born in Iraq, you'd have been a muslim and brainwashed into that religion for 48 years. If you'd have been born in India, perhaps you'd have been a Buddhist (and a much more acceptable religion IMO). Any way you look at it, it's all normal for you to feel the way you do about leaving religion. Anyone who suffers through cult brainwashing has moments of wanting to go back or wondering if they are wrong. I still have them. I've been out for about 6 or 7 years now. It's what the hell their entire religion is based on. FEAR! If you don't believe, you roast in beelzebub's barbecue for all eternity! It's all nuts. Even as I type this, I have images of being roasted alive in my head. I HATE Christianity for what it's done to me. But YES, it's ABSOLUTELY normal and NOT hypocritical. The only hypocrites are the Christians that force this shit down your throat.

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Do you think this behavior/thinking is hypocritical? Thanks, gary


I'm going to show you the next step toward intellectual freedom by answering your question.


If it is hypocritical, so what?

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