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Goodbye Jesus

Escape From Religion

Guest Emerson

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Guest Emerson

Well I already posted my testimony at the main page of exchristian.net. I posted under a different name, but mainly my story is this. When I was in high school, I got into christianity. In short, it didn't work for me. I went through a period of confusion, paranoia, doubt, etc. It just made more confused, more depressed, etc. I tried converting my family and thankfully no one listened to me. Especially the folks. Thank God. These are the people that I need the most in my life, and they encourage me to have my own beliefs. My parents believe that we are souls who choose to come to earth. I really don't believe that so it makes no difference to me.


When I told my christian friends about these doubts and my final conclusion on leaving christianity. They all thought that I was insane and stupid. One of my friends actually said "Unless you're going to believe in Jesus Christ then we can't be friends. You're living for #1 and you can't do that." So she couldn't deal with my unbelief. A number of friends came out and said the same things.


I was also "dating" online with some idiot fundy, who believed he was god's prophet on earth and thought that he heard voices and thought that we were supposed to be together. Um no. Even though we only talked to each other online and on the phone (yes i was foolish to go this far, I learned the hard way). I've concluded that he had to have a mental illness like schizophrenia, because he had a lot of unreasonable delusions that he would tell me about. It wasn't pleasant to hear. He'd try to convert me to his way of thinking after I stopped believing in certain things, and I wasn't going to change for anyone. He was so annoying, I'm glad he's out of my life.


I pretty much have no friends anymore. Because all the people I had surrounded myself with were christians. I have to start over on square one in friendships. Judaism, Islam both have the same beliefs as christianity. I never took Judaism and Islam seriously so there's no way I can take christianity seriously. Although I do have phases where its starting to get less and less, where I still am not sure about the truth and say the sinners prayer, but I'm quitting that. Its irrational. But its still hard at times to overcome certain beliefs, and I still find myself deprogramming certain thinking.


Its amazing how much freedom and happiness you gain when you quit religion. "relationship with god" is their angle nowadays, and I hate it. It took me a long time to get out and I'm happy that I did. I'm in my early twenties and there's no way that I will compromise my life and freedom for anyone. I think there is a higher power out there but that people worship it in different ways, there's no one right way. Frankly this is website is a relief from the fundy country that the U.S. is becoming.


I also think in the end in my heart, I didn't want to be a christian. Not really. Although I was honest in my search for truth and God and wanting to know God, etc. I don't want to be a christian, I don't want to die for God or Jesus Christ, I don't want to raise children if I ever have any in myths like christianity or Adam and Eve. I'm not interested in being a martyr or dead hero, and I'm most certainly not interested in giving anymore of my money to church and religious sects. No thanks.


Maybe charity, that's still up for debate with me. I go back and forth with that for now, but I'm sorry that I ever gave money to church and that i spent it on christian media. What a waste. I think all religions are man made, and I still listen to christian music by Rebecca St. James although now it is empty in meaning. I just like the music. So sue me, and I still wear a christian cross although I wear it because i think its pretty and not because it has meaning. Now the cross has become trendy with jewelers putting on diamonds on it and such.


I've never felt the presence of christ, or the leading of the holy spirit or any of that. So that has no meaning for me. I think its better to live life without myths.

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What a wonderful EXstimony Emerson!


I know how you feel. It is really hard, at first, to leave it all behind. But now I am so glad that I did.


I will listen to fundie Christians now(including my beloved mother)and I wonder how in the hell do they(and how did I)ever believe that crap?


The entire thing is just one big fairy tale, and the fact that so many lives have been ruined by it is sad.


And America, the wealthiest industrial country in the world, is home to the largest population of fundies in the world. The people are brainwashed. Christianity is nothing but a huge cult.


Just to give you some advice...It is lonely at first. Especially when you surround yourself with nothing but brainwashed, rinsed, and conditioned Christians who will reject you at the drop of a dime because you are now a "devil" and an "Anti-Christ." Or they look at you as some special challenge that GAWD put in their life...

But just hang in there and keep talking to all of us! The people here are great because, for once, I can actually have a decent conversation with somebody without them feeling the need to start testifying about the miracles Jesus worked in their lives...


The only sad thing is that it is so hard to find friends that are NOT Christian where I live...Even drug pushers are "Borned Again" where I'm from.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm jealous you. I fanticise about what my life would have been like had I ditched the religious bullshit in my youth long before I married or had kids rather than at the outset of my midlife crisis.


It's painfull to lose your friends, but you will make new friends, FUN friends. If I were in your position, I'd take advantage of meetup and things like that to find people with similar interests/philosophies, in addition to taking up a dance class or music, or marshal arts or something where you can meet others who share your interests.

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Guest Emerson

Aww spamandham, well at least you got out of it, right?! I wasted a lot of my youth on xtianity, I just can't believe I was so foolish. How much it has held me back with my social peeres, especially in dating with guys, with college, with life decisions.


You know whose story really amazes me, the webmaster's. Its just amazing, he really was DEEP into it. Its kind of amazing that he got out alive when he did. Losingmyreligion, I'm loving your posts. You're a great encourager. :) Its nice to have this place to come and talk about these things with all of you.

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LosingMyReligion, wrote:


And America, the wealthiest industrial country in the world...


Actually, America is now the world's biggest debtor, and its citizens are living on borrowed money, what America earns (GDP) is less that what it owes, one day it will all come crashing down like a house of cards.


Just my two cents.

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