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Goodbye Jesus

Sylvia Browne

Guest Emerson

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Guest Emerson

Her "predictions" annoy me, its the same bull trumped out by xtianity. Anyone can make probabilities about what they think will happen. I don't know she just bugs me, then again what do we expect from someone who was convicted of fraud?!. Ugh. I actually used to take her seriously when I was questioning xtianity. :loser:

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

I wish that toady little whore would finally step up to the JREF challenged like she pledged to do years ago. The resulting debacle would be a mighty high time to witness. Unfortunately, even though she does have a set of hairy manballs on her, they don't seem to be large enough for the undertaking.


I think that psychics should have to be liscensed to practice their chicanery. All they'd have to do is pass a simple test of their abilities to get the liscense, like, for example, pick tomorrows lotto numbers or some such shit. I don't think we'd hear much about psychics after that.

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Yeah, people who automatically believe in things like that annoy me, too. Whatever happened to using your brain and thinking critically?


Not saying it's impossible, but it is extremely unlikely.

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Okay, don't stone me to death but I actually like what she has to say...teehee.


I generally don't believe in psychics, but something about her strikes me as authentic. I believe that mediums exist, and Sylvia, to me, is a very interesting woman...


Although I'll be damned if I pay 700 dollars for psychic reading.

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She's also a Christian. She may be a Gnostic Christian, but she's still a Christian. Of course she believes in a less extreme version of Christianity, like instead of hellfire she calls it "The Godlessness of the Left Door." She believes that there are four quadrants to the other side and a hall of records where all the knowledge of the universe is kept.

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She believes that there are four quadrants to the other side and a hall of records where all the knowledge of the universe is kept.


Huh? Where does she get this from, the spirits (aka her imagination)?

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She believes that there are four quadrants to the other side and a hall of records where all the knowledge of the universe is kept.


Huh? Where does she get this from, the spirits (aka her imagination)?


She gets all discernment from her "spirit guide," Francine.

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Sylvia does bother me, but I can see the need for psychic detectives. Even if they pull all of their facts out of their asses and it may be no better than throwing darts, they do generate leads that others don't think of - maybe because thinking isn't involved (nor any other ability).


People tend to believe them, so that means they can get through the red tape.

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Take it of leave it. Yeah, I find her annoying, and I do believe that certain phenomena can occur.


Something just strikes me as way too fluff-bunny about her, and kind of grates on me.

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I used to watch a TV game show, can't remember the name, where she was a regular panelist. It involved guessing something about the contestants and she didn't do any better than anyone else, unless she was hiding her ability.

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I watched her a few times on the Montel Williams Show some time ago. She has some weird ideas! Another one I am not to thrilled about is John Edwards, because I feel that he preys on the people that have lost loved ones that are very desperate to have closure. My sister wanted to go see him to see about contacting our mother. I flat ass told her no. It was like $400.00 for one person!!!!! Yeah, closure alright, of the bank account! If people like that were out to truly help people, they would not want so much in return. It is all about the mighty buck...the "god" that a lot of people seem to worship.

Now in all seriousness, I DO believe that everyone one of us will get gut feelings here and there about things. If that is ESP, then I guess we are all a little psychic.

Just to think, christianity tries to say that psychics are bad, yet prophecy is of god? I never quite understood that one....to me it is all the same thing.

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I used to watch a TV game show, can't remember the name, where she was a regular panelist. It involved guessing something about the contestants and she didn't do any better than anyone else, unless she was hiding her ability.


You mean "Hollywood Squares", the final resting place for has-beens? :HaHa:


I remember one time watching her on "Montel Williams" talking about the Monica Lewinski scandel. Those abilities must be mighty powerful because her prediction that Bill Clinton never had an affair with Lewinski was spot on. :Wendywhatever:

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For a while I thought there might be a chance in hell that there might be a chance in hell that she was authentic, but then she started in on xtian god and xtian heaven. That same instant also killed any idea that John Edward was not a moron.

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Take it of leave it. Yeah, I find her annoying, and I do believe that certain phenomena can occur.


Something just strikes me as way too fluff-bunny about her, and kind of grates on me.



Can’t quite put my finger on why she’s so strange. I suppose it’s because she sounds so sure of herself and a bit on the arrogant side and that gives her a hokey appearance. When someone is about to say something and she acts like she already knows the answer, it makes me want to slap her.


So you can see the future, Sylvia?

Sylvia: fantastical gibberish combined with zombie gaze

Oh yeah, yeah?

Sylvia: *Reaching for her mystical tomes*


Tell me you saw that coming!!!!

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I used to like her too, but some of the things she says are really strange.


She says that plants literally scream when they are harvested, and so eating plants is causing a living thing pain too. So, go ahead and eat meat because everything you eat is going to suffer anyway. (I'm not a vegitarian, but this is plain weird.)


She says there are 44 universes that line up with one another.


She doesn't get any predictions after the year 2099, so maybe the world will end after that, but Francine keeps mum about it and won't say one way or the other.


She does say that storm activity will increase all over the Earth and Hurricanes will continue to hit Florida, so she must be psychic!



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To be utterly fair, some plants (like corn and celery) have rudimentary nervous systems, and corn plants "squeal" (emitting super-high-frequency sounds) when they're dehydrating. So it's not so far "out there" to suggest that they "scream" when they're severed from their root systems.


I wouldn't go so far as to anthropromorphize it to the extent that she does, though.


As for Sylvia Browne herself...? She's a 100% certifiable nutjob. I can't stand her in the least.

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Wow, Sylvia must have sent me here tonight because I was just talking about her today. Things really do happen for a reason. I'll gladly hand over a paycheck or two for some guidance from Francine. She's spot on every time Sylvia is on Montel, it's creepy how close she comes to determining the future.

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I used to watch a TV game show, can't remember the name, where she was a regular panelist. It involved guessing something about the contestants and she didn't do any better than anyone else, unless she was hiding her ability.


You mean "Hollywood Squares", the final resting place for has-beens? :HaHa:


I remember one time watching her on "Montel Williams" talking about the Monica Lewinski scandel. Those abilities must be mighty powerful because her prediction that Bill Clinton never had an affair with Lewinski was spot on. :Wendywhatever:

She also said Osama was dead. Few months later he released a tape.


Gotta love extra-sensory mis-conception.



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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu
Wow, Sylvia must have sent me here tonight because I was just talking about her today. Things really do happen for a reason. I'll gladly hand over a paycheck or two for some guidance from Francine. She's spot on every time Sylvia is on Montel, it's creepy how close she comes to determining the future.











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Not too long ago Sylvia, and a couple other so called psycics were on the Larry King show. I was surprised that the calls from viewers who believed in their bullshit far outweighed the calls of sceptics, but there were a couple of questions the psycics couldn't deal with in an acceptable manner. Someone asked if you are all psycic why couldn't anyone of you have predicted the 9-11 attacks, and why hasn't anyone claimed James Randi's million dollar prise for proving pyscic ablitly. They all danced around those questions with the skill pocessed by Franklin Graham when asked by Alan Colmes why a loving God would allow the tragedy in New Orleans to happen. They can skillfully Bullshit there way around any skeptical question, just like a religious fanatic. That's part of what makes them who they are. Have any of you ever seen the episode of South Park where they do a spoof on John Edward? It is the fucking greatest episode ever. It's called "The Biggest Douche in the Universe." It is funny and hell, yet it brilliantly debunks this asshole for who he is, a con man.

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when i would see sylvia on montel my intuition said "big time phonie"

i really dont think john edwards is a con-man. I think hes full of shit, but believes he really has the "ability"

sylvia, on the other hand......fraud...easily seen. you see....shes aware that shes full of shit.

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Anyone can be a "psychic". My brother who is a professor has proved this over and over again with another professor friend of his. With each new class at the beginning of the semester, they will wait a week or so and introduce each other to their respective classes as professors and cite their credentials. So they establish a "position of authority" within the class and use very basic generalities when asking a certain student questions, just as John Edwards or Slyvia does. He told me they first survey the class whereby they could tell who would or would not be susceptiple to their line of questioning. They use a lot of pauses and reflection and can pick up on a person's nervousness or eagerness to believe. They have had people crying because they were so close in their intimations. Of course they use the concept of dead relatives coming forward who have died of certain diseases. Like heart attack or cancer. Which obviously almost everyone can relate to. Or they will use a first letter of the name of a dead uncle, not even really getting close to the real name, yet have someone respond positively that it was their uncle they are talking about! My favorite and most hilarious is when they will say to someone, "There's something about a cat?" Well, duh! People are so gullible and want to believe in something far beyond our own reality. So at the end of the "sessions" they will relate it was all a game and reveal that their techniques are the same used by Jon Edwards, et. al. He said once they reveal everything is fake, some students will get so pissed! Basically because their beliefs are threatened. Not unlike christianity, wouldn't you say? :twitch:

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Wow, Sylvia must have sent me here tonight because I was just talking about her today. Things really do happen for a reason. I'll gladly hand over a paycheck or two for some guidance from Francine. She's spot on every time Sylvia is on Montel, it's creepy how close she comes to determining the future.












I suppose you have a point, there is a chance she's bullshitting. But, I won't discredit every psychic. There are some real-life psychics who write amazing horoscopes. This week's was SO accurate it scares me. They know me dude.



VIRGO August 23 - September 22


You've experienced a number of failed business ventures in the past, but this new

line of electric wheelchairs "built for tetraplegics, by tetraplegics"

will put the rest in perspective.



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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

You're right. How could I not have believed when that paragraph about "tetraplegic wheelchairs" existed somewhere?


Ah, you're quoting from The Onion.

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