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A Black & White Reality?


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A Black & White Reality?

Most Christians have been raised with the idea of a black and white world. A statement is either true or false. An action is either good or bad, legal or illegal. A political ideology is either right or wrong, a thought or action is in accord with the Bible or it’s not, etc.

Since almost all scientists and engineers were raised in one religion or another, upon becoming scientists, engineers, etc. many still think in terms of black and white. A theory is either valid or invalid; an opinion is either valid or it’s not; a physics or chemistry formula is either valid or wrong;  a statement of ideology is either valid or invalid.

But in reality very little of reality is black or white. All colors come in different hues. Most things come in shades of the color grey.  What is valuable, moral, good or bad, like beauty, is in the judgment eye of the beholder.

All humans make statements based upon their knowledge and point of view – but even their knowledge is based upon education and readings, and the “validity” of this may change over time. What is the point?  Although it is obvious that all Abrahamic religions are totally ridiculous and the stupidity of religions in general should be heralded, some of the biggest mainstream science theories also have flaws in them, and some are totally wrong IMO.  Many statements of perceived fact are usually thought of as either true or false, but there may be unknown exceptions to them – so many personal certainties should be qualified and related statements of certainty, mollified IMO.  And of course most religious folk that believe in the Bible literally, could never understand this concept.

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Yes, reality comes in various shades of grey. Some may argue, exactly 50 shades of grey....

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On 11/18/2021 at 2:29 PM, Joshpantera said:

Yes, reality comes in various shades of grey. Some may argue, exactly 50 shades of grey....


Yeah, 50 Shades of Gray relating to religion was a movie, right? I think this is the latest version of it:




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A Black & White Reality?


Most Christians have been raised with the idea of a black and white world. A statement is either true or false. An action is either good or evil, it’s legal or illegal, a political ideology is either right or wrong, a thought or action is in accord with the Bible or it’s not, etc.




You raise an interesting point Pantheory. 


One that highlights a fundamental weakness in the fractured history of Christianity.  If the Bible is a book of black and white absolutes; where truth and falsehood can be clearly differentiated, where good and evil can be clearly distinguished and where right and wrong are easy to tell apart...


...then why are there so many different churches, denominations, sects and cults that all consider themselves to be the only true followers of Christ?


Thank you.



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6 minutes ago, walterpthefirst said:



...then why are there so many different churches, denominations, sects and cults that all consider themselves to be the only true followers of Christ?


Thank you.




I observed that many, almost every minister and most of the non-ministerial devout believers I've known will at some point proclaim

"see that's where most Christians (or, churches) have it wrong. I've read the bible all the way from cover to cover, twice, and I can tell you that what it really says is..."


That attitude is so common it's nearly universal.


To my thinking it's no different really than how easily believers devolve to declaring some attitude of their own to be "God thinks... " or "God was trying to teach you something.." , when the bible declares clearly that no man can know the mind of God.

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5 hours ago, Joshpantera said:

Yes, reality comes in various shades of grey. Some may argue, exactly 50 shades of grey....

There's actually 100 shades. They found fifty darker shades later 😀

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17 hours ago, DarkBishop said:

There's actually 100 shades. They found fifty darker shades later 😀


You seem to have a good insight into the dark side DarkBishop 😈 , like I do. 🙃

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