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Goodbye Jesus

(vid) Has the Tribulation Begun?


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I'm certain this will provide for much contemplation and reflection among members here..







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This tribulation "song" has been playing for centuries.

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  • Super Moderator
5 hours ago, Weezer said:

This tribulation "song" has been playing for centuries.

In the 70s there was actually a literal theme song for it.  Gave my brother nightmares for years.



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Yesterday I was told that "god is shaking the earth" (reference the pandemic). I have also heard it suggested that Russia is ready to invade Ukraine and that floods, global warming etc etc is indicative of the end times of the return of jesus. (Sorry if the video covers this and that I don't have time to watch it.) You all can add your own scaremongering by deluded christians.


Yeah, sure, we are in the tribulation if you believe that rubbish.

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     It's about time.  Shit or get off the pot, god.




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No. The "tribulation" was a past event because Revelations is written about events in the past. It's just that Christian's want to 'futurize' everything in the bible and have everything have a double meaning.

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Regarding the OP video, I havent seen any mushroom clouds recently...

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