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Goodbye Jesus

19 Year Old Fundy Rant Pt. 1-6

Reverend AtheiStar

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Remember that old thread around here about the "holy spirit" that was allegedly "moving" through those poor people as their nutty, cracked-out preacher yelled out suff and frantically moved his arms around? Well, I left a few responses and it ended up catching a feisty young fundy. Below is our exchange. He's recently stopped writing me. I guess his god wasn't worth the trouble defending! lol...






"but there is a Holy ghost that moves in people."


Really? Prove it. Give me hard, concrete evidence that your imaginary friend, the "Holy Ghost," is real.


"yopu have been led astray by the millions of people who profess the name of jesus but are not true christians."


Ah, the No True Scotsman Fallacy. How typical. Christians love to use this against each other. It's so funny. I'm a better imaginary friend addict than you! No I am! No I am! LOL! You guys crack me up!


"God loves you despite your ignorance."


Imaginary friends love no one. You may imagine they do (they're your IFs), but in reality they just can't do anything. They're completely impotent.


"Psycology is only man's attempt to undermine God, to try to understand everything around them, to empower themselves."


Psychology is the scientific method to understand why people have and need these imaginary friends and why they created them in the first place. First lesson: look up anthropomorphism. This is the phenomena that led to all gods and goddesses, yours included.


"Everything can no be explained."


Didn't say it could. But it will be so in the future. Science's march will only stop once everything has been explained. It's already marched all over religion.


"Just because you can make it sound logical does not make it true."


Ah, but you see the beauty of my logic and it bothers you. That's great! There's hope for you, yet. You may beat your imaginry friend addiction, after all.


"I was not raised in the church. No person led me to God. Except God."


So what you're saying is that your imaginary friend led you to him? Uh huh. Right, sure buddy. You imagine him currently and you created him in your image. He's nothing more than a program running in your mind. He really has absolutely zero power.


"Many churches and preachers are corrupt."


Sure are. What's your imaginry friend doing about it? Oh, that's right. He can't do anything. lol...


"The Bible fortells of these things, but i dont get caught up in all that."


Wow, that's amazing! lol... Corruption is a human trait. It's like making a prediction that people will breathe air. Woo hoo! Great prediction! I could have never though of that! lol...


"Its Just me and GOD."


Yes, you and your imaginary friend. Got it. Anything else?


"Its a lot like you dont know the difference between being "churched" and being saved."


I know the difference. Someone who is "churched" is just someome who has gotten an education in Christian mythology through the church. Someone who is "saved" has asked their imaginary friend to save them from an imaginary afterlife because they are scared by silly things.




"You didnt prove your point in your response."


I wasn't trying to. I was just responding to you. If you want my evidence against all gods and goddesses (not just your statistically insignificant god) please follow this link:




"Just because you call HIM imaginary doesn' make it true."


I didn't say it did. The massive evidence against your god and all the rest does. The converse is also true: Just because you call your god real doesn't make it true, either.


"Its sad that your faith lies on mankind."


It is sad that yours doesn't. I have confidence, i.e. "faith," in what humans can do as a species -- especially once they ditch the imaginary friends. Religion has been nothing but a curse for us ever since the first religions were created. Gods and goddesses are for the weak and immature. Mature adults don't need to hold the hand of an imaginary friend to get through life.


"I am not upset, just concerned for you."


Same here. I'm concerned that your addiction to imaginary friends could become dangerous. 9/11, after all, was committed in the name of an imaginary friend, Allah. The Crusades, the Witch Hunts, the Holocaust -- all of these were done expressly because of your imaginary friend. And the killing still continues to this day!


"I'm not worried. One day, I promise You, you will praise his name."


Nope, never going to happen. I have returned to the Atheism of my birth. You see, all babies are born this way. They are born uncorrupted by beliefs in any imaginary deities.


I'm sorry to worry you, but I am an Atheist until nonexistence. Atheos donec nesquam esse! There is nothing you can say that I haven't heard ten million times already and soundly refuted just as many. Go ahead. Try me. For everything you can present, I can tear it apart and show all it's flaws.


"You said what is God doing about the corruptness. He has already taken care of it."


Has he now? Priests are still molesting little boys while they cry out for your god's help. Women are still being raped while they ask for your god to save them. Children are still dying of starvation muttering prayers for food on dying lips. He's taken care of it? Really? Is he dreaming he did? The proof is right here. If your god exists he must be in a coma!


"Too many people expect to recieve God's Punishments or rewards here on earth."


Is that too much to ask from an omnipotent god? I guess so. You know, this is precisely what I would expect, though, from an imaginary friend. All you hear is talk, talk, talk from believers. I want real evidence. I want results. Show me your god solving the problems I listed. Prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt that he did it, too. You can't. Why? Because your god's not real. None of them are. All it is is just us humans with our big imaginations and our problems. No gods or goddesses will ever save us. Not today, not tomorrow, not at any time.


"Many of the early prophets died without actually "seeing they blessings" occur on earth."


First, there never were any "prophets." Just con men akin to today's televangelists. They were people who were good at psychology. They knew how to manipulate the human mind using words and images. Second, of course they didn't see any blessings. There never was a god to bless them in the first place! How can an imaginary friend do anything? He can't! He can't even move the tiniest speck of dust!


"But they got it in heaven."


Sure they did. That's the con job of them all. What if you scratched off an instant win game and it said you won a million dollars? You're so excited, jumping up and down! But when you go to collect you find out that they will only pay you if your dead! Would you see the scam then? Of course! Why is this any different? Ah, the answer lies in programming. You've been programmed since birth to believe in this bullshit. Without that, your eyes would be open to the truth.


"I cant make you believe in the holy Ghost."


You're right. Because you can prove that the Mighty Morphin' Power God exists. You have nothing! Little boy, all you have is an imaginary friend. It only moves in your imagination. In real life, there's nothing. Absolutely nothing except for people acting like they're on crack and going into convulsions. Sad, really sad.


"You wil believe when the lord moves on your spirit."


There is no lord and I don't have a "spirit." The human body does not need this imaginary "spirit" to function. We have all the organic components for life. Nor is it needed in the beginning. You have a living sperm that was produced inside a living testicle that fuses with a living egg that was produced inside a living ovary. Where does this "soul" come in? It doesn't. It's imaginary.


"You asked for 'hard concrete evidence.'"


Sure did and you did nothing but dance around it. Nice try, but I see trough you so easily. Put up or shut up.


"If God showed us everything, there wouldn't be a need for 'FAITH"'."


Imaginary friends show nothing and so since he can't do it, you can't do it. That's exactly what I thought. You have absolutely nothing! lol... Sad, is this really the best you can do?


"Life is a test. And people like you are depending on an unreliable source to get you through it."


My source is myself and other people. Why are they unreliable? I really find it sad that you lack faith in your species and yet put so much stock in an imaginary friend.


"I see i hit a nerve with my earlier response. Atheist are always bitter and moody."


Ah, the absolute. We're all the same, right? We all do exactly the same thing and think exactly the same way. Nice way to express your prejudice. Let's just switch out "Atheist" for something a little more recognizable, shall we:


I see i hit a nerve with my earlier response. Black people are always bitter and moody.


Now do you see it? I hope so. You know, you're wrong about me and my kind. You're only seeing your prejudice reflected back. I've been laughing at your letters. How about that for your stereotype? Atheists are always laughing. I can live with that one! lol...


"Satan is foolin you. He knows every word of the Bible. and knows Just how to oppose every word in it to make his way sound right."


Satan's imaginary, too. He's from the land of make-believe just like your god, Yahweh and his sidekicks, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Kid, you need to grow up. You need to grow up and move into reality. You might just like it!


p.s. I'd love to continue our discussion. Please email me @ nothingfailslikeprayer@hotmail.com and peruse my website at www.reverendatheistar.com!




"Every since prayer was taken out of school, by an atheist, the school systems have gone down."


First, "prayer" was not taken out of school. Kids and teachers can and do still pray in school. There is no ban on praying. Disruption, on the other hand, such as in the form of a loud prayer, might qualify as something that's against the rules. But that's not because of the content, but rather because of the delivery. That's a totally different story.


About the schools going down, can you prove your allegation with facts or am I supposed to believe your lies on faith? I'm sorry, I'm not one of the brainwshed sheep. Show me evidence. Don't think you can just throw out some words and I'll believe them. It just doesn't work that way.


Here are some links you might want to read about this very important Separation of Church and State issue:














"You have yet to show its flaws."


lol... You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence! lol...


"And you will praise HIS name when HE returns."


Who? Oh, Hercules? Yeah, he made a pretty cool show that was later played by Kevin Sorbo. I do love the stories about gods and goddesses. Especially ones that us mortal humans can relate to. Hercules is one of those. His Dad was Zeus, King of the Gods and his mother was a mortal human female who he appeared to as a giant swan. He had sex with her and the half god, Hercules, was born 40 weeks later. Sound familiar? It predates the Jesus myth by quite a few years!


"You may not admit it now or in your life but you will someday."


Well, if proclaiming the reality of your imaginary friends isn't going to happen while I'm alive, it will never happen. You see, all afterlive myths are just that, myths. None of the thousands that man has created are true. They're all equally false. So is the soul myth. There is no such thing. Why would it ever be needed? People and all the other animals are akin to organic robots. I just can't see why you'd need to insert this extra, unneccesary piece to an already completely functional organism -- unless you had an agenda, that is!




"You have made the mistake that many christians and non- believers make. Being a Christian is not about living an easy life, some do but many dont."


I made no such mistake. Being a Christian just means being a believer in your particular mythology, nothing more. It doesn't mean you're protected, because there is no protector. It doesn't mean you're saved, because there is no deity in the clouds to save you. It doesn't mean being rewarded or punished, because there's nothing supernatural, whatsoever, to do any rewarding or punishing.


"Our real reward is in Heaven eternally. God only ask us to endure this world for a short time."


Yup, that's your mythology, alright! This is precisely why the Atheist gets exponentionally more meaning out of life than does the poor, deluded Christian. While the Christian is "enduring" his only chance at life, the Atheist is celebrating daily because he knows that this is the only one he'll get. Pity the poor Christain doesn't know this. He must suffer through and then get absolutely nothing at the end. How terrible! What waste of a life! Man, I'm so glad I escaped your death cult!


"Yes a Short time in comparision to Eternity."


Again, it's so sad. It's the same "eternity" of non-existence that you "experienced" before you were born that you will "experience" after you die. Lucretius came to this conclusion many decades before the myth of Christ!


"You are to busy living for this world."


You're missing out. You're too busy fantasizing about an imaginary next that never existed. That's pathetic. I feel for you, I really do. But there's not much I can do about it. You're an addict. Only you can free yourself from your chains. Only you can put down the gawd pipe and breathe the frsh air of reality!


"I can see the bigger picture."


No, you really can't. All you see is a little crayon drawing you've made on the inside of your little box. The real world is beyond this but your content to stay in cramped little cage. You love it, in fact! Why? You're a slave to your mythology! Break out! The real world is passing you by!


"while you cant seem to look past the temporary world in front of you that man is destroying, for his own selfish reasons."


Most of these men doing the destroying are your brethren. Since Christianity is the biggest religion on the planet at the time, blame yourself. Blame Christians like Bush who loved the Crusades so much that he created his own.


"I pray that you will one day see."


I hope the same for you. I hope that you can leave your cage and see what you're missing. But unless you leave you'll never experience the incredible freedom that a Freethinker does! You'll live and die in your little box, rewarded by nothing.


"I'm not mad at you."


I'm not mad at you, either. I feel sorry for you, actually. There is so much that you're missing out on because of your addiction. I realy hope that you can break free. Remember, though, you have to want to first. That's the first step.


"Just the devil who is so strongly blinding you."


Oh, silly Christian. There is no Devil. He's imaginary, too. There are only religious conmen and mythology waiting to be programmed into young minds. You know, had you been born somewhere else, such as in an area populated by Muslims, that's most likely what you would have become. Your religion, in most cases, is directly tied to what your parents believe. It's called the Accident of Birth theory.


"None of your responses have any substance."


I guess that's because you really have nothing in your favor and so must resort to statements like this to cover your terrible losses. It's exactly like I thought.


"There have been many atheist converted to God."


And? What does this prove? Considering all babies are born Atheist, all children raised Christian are converts away from their natural state. And adult converts? People change their minds. They go from Atheism to Christianity, Christainity to Atheism, Muslim to Jew, Hindu to Wiccan and on and on and on. What does it mean? The human mind can switch over to whatever it finds to have the most evidence at that point in time, which, of course, is completely subjective.


It might interest you to note that the Atheist population is experiencing an impressive explosion. To see actual facts and figures please take a lok at this page on my site:




Anyway, its' been fun. Check out my site, if you haven't, already!




"Like i told you earlier, no one programmed me to believe in anything."


Christians and their programming is everywhere. It's on TV, it's in books, it's in the movies, it's in magazines -- you can't escape it. Since it's the dominant religion, it's followers are all around, ready to convert and prosletyze.


It could have been as simple as you picking up a Bible. It's choc full of programming! Line after line of code to restructure your mind into a walking, talking believerbot. It doesn't have that effect on me, though, because I can see it for what it is. It's just another, out of thousands, book of mythology.


"I was not brought up in an active Christian home."


Not active? Does that mean your parents were Christian and they just weren't as insanely into it as you are? They were liberal Christians then. My Dad is like that. My Mother is more of a fundy, like you.


"The Spirit moved in me without my asking."


It's all in your imagination, son. You can imagine any number of things, and depending on your belief, and it can feel as real as it really happening. It's a very common phenomena in the world of psychology. Nothing mystical or magical about it. It's so common, in fact, that it's kind of boring. lol...


"You aked why God allows so much trouble to go on. God Does not owe us anything."


You're right. Imaginary friends can't have debts. But the imaginary friend that you worship is supposed to be "all loving," is he not? He's supposed to be a loving father, correct? Well, I'm a real father. I have two children and I would do anything to protect them. That's just what loving fathers do. If my children were getting attacked, I would defend them -- no matter the cost. That's a good father. Your god, if he was real, would be guilty of what's called "criminal negligence." He would have the power to stop evil from occurring but do absolutely nothing about it. Think of it this way. What if you were getting sodomized by another inmate and a guard, who could easily open the gate and stop your rapist, did nothing? Even after you cried out in intense pain for him to please, please help you? What if he just sat there and watched the whole thing and did nothing? That would be your god's role -- if he existed. Thing is, he doesn't. The lack of action, the negligence is a product of not being there to do anything. Imaginary friends can't help anyone.


"He has given us his all."


That's just it. As an imaginary friend, his "all" is nothing. He can't give anything or help anyone because he's not real. He couldn't even help a flea jump higher, nor a mosquito flap it's wings! He has zero power. My little finger has infinitely more power than all the gods and goddesses ever imagined -- combined!


"WE go through things to make us stronger and to bring us closer to him."


You really have it bad, don't you? You have what I have termed Battered Believer's Syndrome. Similar to the Battered Wife, you get "hit," and still go on loving! It's amazing! But it's a common phenomena, again, in psychology. You rationalize the "abuse" by making it your fault. It's quite interesting really, but terribly sad at the same time.


"We may understand why he does things the way he does but it is not our place to."


We may not know why our Daddy beats us and rapes us, but it's not our place to. He's our Daddy and we love him no matter what! He may have killed all our friends and our mother right in front of us, but we still love the big guy. We know, that no matter how much of a homicidal maniac he acts like, he loves us and that's all that matters! Do you realize how delusional you are? Man!


"The only reason people dont believe is because He is someone they have no control over."


How can an omnipotent, omnipresent god lack control over anything?! That makes no sense. Especially when you realize that your god is supposed to have planned out everything that ever happened. The Bible is purely predeterminist. It clearly states that all who would go to Heaven and Hell was known billions of years beforehand. Read your Bible. You might actually learn something about your mythology! lol...

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Holy Crap! That is way too long. :grin:

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Holy Crap! That is way too long. :grin:


Sorry honey, but I was born with it! lol... You'll be fine! ;)




Holy Crap! That is way too long. :grin:


Seriously, though, you should at least skim it. There's some really good material in there. I thought you'd especially appreciate the part where I compared myself, as a father, to his imaginary, "negligent" god.

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You know, this whole thing sounds like a religious porno to me. Can a love for "god" actually be a love for whatever may be lacking (like sex)? Most of his comments sound very sexual toward god. Maybe it's just me. Most of what people say about "god" sounds pretty sexual.

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That was freak'n amazing. I'm going to start calling god by imaginary friend now... :)

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Sorry honey, but I was born with it! lol... You'll be fine! ;)


That's not all you were born with :wicked:


Seriously, though, you should at least skim it. There's some really good material in there. I thought you'd especially appreciate the part where I compared myself, as a father, to his imaginary, "negligent" god.


I did, and it's the same old crap I've heard a million times from your average fundy. Same crap, different dumbass.



That was freak'n amazing. I'm going to start calling god by imaginary friend now... :)


You should read his website on "Imaginary friend addiction."



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That was freak'n amazing. I'm going to start calling god by imaginary friend now... :)


<bows> Thanks! The page my wife was referencing on Imaginary Friend Addiction can be found here.


That's not all you were born with :wicked:


It is, however, one of the few things I didn't have to work to get. These muscles didn't appear overnight!


I did, and it's the same old crap I've heard a million times from your average fundy. Same crap, different dumbass.


True, but I was speaking of what I wrote. I was quite inspired!

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You must have more hours in a single day than I dol, or you can better use the ones assigned.


I can no longer do this kind of bullshit with airheaded carksackers for as long as you've done.


SS/DD situation where the fundie has all his/her preloaded hand rolled and -crafted god-ammo ready to broadside with.


I won't engage my valuable time with all of that. Kudos to you for allowing that kind of noise_pollution in your monitor and keeping that religious vermin out of my line of sight.



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You must have more hours in a single day than I dol, or you can better use the ones assigned.


I can no longer do this kind of bullshit with airheaded carksackers for as long as you've done.


SS/DD situation where the fundie has all his/her preloaded hand rolled and -crafted god-ammo ready to broadside with.


I won't engage my valuable time with all of that. Kudos to you for allowing that kind of noise_pollution in your monitor and keeping that religious vermin out of my line of sight.




Well, I didn't sit down and write it all out at once. It was written in six pieces and so it really didn't take but a few hours total. I think what I have on my side are speedy fingers! lol... When I feel inspired I'm like the wind! Problem is, and I really regeret this later on, I leave a trail of a million typos. <sigh> This is why I simply had to go in and fix them all just now. It was really bothering me!


I normally decline the chance to square off with someone like this, but it was directly addressed to me! How can I back down, being the accomplished Rev. of Unbelief that I am? He even egged me on with crap like "you will praise HIS name when HE returns." Oh, how I hate lines like that! Don't tell me what I will or won't do! Especially when there are so many other religions that use the same damn trick, too!


You know, this whole thing sounds like a religious porno to me. Can a love for "god" actually be a love for whatever may be lacking (like sex)? Most of his comments sound very sexual toward god. Maybe it's just me. Most of what people say about "god" sounds pretty sexual.


Like get on your knees and praise him? How and what is being praised? Or his cup runneth over? With what? lol...


The True Christian ™ needs not sex! He only needs love for Jeebus and SkyDaddy. In fact, Jeebus said that anyone who can endure castration should go for it for his kingdom! And without the ol' kiwies, the banana wouldn't rise with a whole naked harem present! This has been common knowledge for quite some time. This is why guards of said harems were routinely made into eunichs. They were made into girlfriends with swords!

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That was long but highly entertaining! Rev, you have a lot more patience for these

12th century fucktards than I ever will!



You know, this whole thing sounds like a religious porno to me. Can a love for "god" actually be a love for whatever may be lacking (like sex)? Most of his comments sound very sexual toward god. Maybe it's just me. Most of what people say about "god" sounds pretty sexual.



Yeah, all that stuff about the spirit "moving" in people....sounds slightly

pornographic, does it not? Either that, or highly flatulent!

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That was long but highly entertaining! Rev, you have a lot more patience for these

12th century fucktards than I ever will!



You know, this whole thing sounds like a religious porno to me. Can a love for "god" actually be a love for whatever may be lacking (like sex)? Most of his comments sound very sexual toward god. Maybe it's just me. Most of what people say about "god" sounds pretty sexual.



Yeah, all that stuff about the spirit "moving" in people....sounds slightly

pornographic, does it not? Either that, or highly flatulent!


I have patience when said fucktard isn't live and in my face. In real life I get mad if they act this way.


I want to hear some woman say that the spirit is moving back and forth inside her! I bet the preacher would schedule her for a closed session! lol... Gotta get those "demons" out! Let us use the Rod of Righteousness ™!

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I want to hear some woman say that the spirit is moving back and forth inside her! I bet the preacher would schedule her for a closed session! lol... Gotta get those "demons" out! Let us use the Rod of Righteousness !





And when the preacher gets her to scream, "Oh, Sweet

Jesus!", the exorcism is complete!

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I want to hear some woman say that the spirit is moving back and forth inside her! I bet the preacher would schedule her for a closed session! lol... Gotta get those "demons" out! Let us use the Rod of Righteousness ™!





And when the preacher gets her to scream, "Oh, Sweet

Jesus!", the exorcism is complete!


Would that be an exorjizzm? lol....

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I want to hear some woman say that the spirit is moving back and forth inside her! I bet the preacher would schedule her for a closed session! lol... Gotta get those "demons" out! Let us use the Rod of Righteousness ™!





And when the preacher gets her to scream, "Oh, Sweet

Jesus!", the exorcism is complete!


Would that be an exorjizzm? lol....


Watch out! The Load is comming! :bukkake:

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I want to hear some woman say that the spirit is moving back and forth inside her! I bet the preacher would schedule her for a closed session! lol... Gotta get those "demons" out! Let us use the Rod of Righteousness ™!





And when the preacher gets her to scream, "Oh, Sweet

Jesus!", the exorcism is complete!


Would that be an exorjizzm? lol....


Watch out! The Load is comming! :bukkake:


Genesis 24:63


"And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming."


Check it out! Camel jizz! Wow, they're quite "endowed," aren't they?


1 Samuel 16:4


"And Samuel did that which the LORD spake, and came to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, Comest thou peaceably?"


Would this be opposed to cumming violently? It's a white tsunami! Run for your lives!

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Here's another reply I just got from my Pet Fundy™ over at You Tube:


"It's really sad how people can trash GOD and deny his existance and STILL wonder why the world is in its current state."


The state of the world is the product of *real* people. It has nothing to do with the god you believe in or any of the millions of gods and goddesses you don't. It is completely grounded in reality.


You know, you're really not that far off from me. Do you believe in Thor? No? Neither do I. Do you believe In Zeus? No? Neither do I. Do you believe in Kali? No? Neither do I. You see, the only things that separates you and I are just a handful of imaginary friends. You disbelieve in nearly as many gods or goddesses as I do! In fact, if we were to list all the deities we lack belief in our lists would be almost identical!


Your answer is nothing but a white flag. I get it. My arguments are much too strong for you. You've ignored everything I've said and refuted nothing. More than that, you've done nothing to prove that your deity, against all others, exists. Why? Don't you care about promoting your religion? Can't you prove your god to me? Where's your evidence? Where's your argument?

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Another installment in the ongoing battle:


"You have not proved your point."


Ah, but I have, numerous times. It's just as I thought. You're completely blind. Not only that, you can't back any of your assertions. Blind *and* impotent. Wow!


"My goal is not for you to admit to ME that God Exist."


To admit what is not true would be to lie. Just as you would boldy state that all *other* gods and goddesses do not exist (there have been millions that mad has made up -- just like yours), I go a few steps further and include your deities (Yahweh, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Satan, etc.) in my list. Both our lists are very, very long. Mine merely has a few more names.


"Only to plant a seed. I have done what i was supposed to do."


You've planted nothing. I've heard every one of your arguments a thousand times. I've refuted them just as many. You've just supplied me with some more target practice! Bull's eye! Again! Man, it just keeps getting easier and easier!


I am the only one here who has planted a seed. I have planted the seed of doubt and perhaps, given enough of enlightenment, it will grow and overtake the darkess of your present outlook.


"It's up to you."


Same for you. Only you can break the chains of your bondage. Only you can rid yourself of the bad programming. Only you can ditch the imaginary friends and go on into adulthood.


"Your arguments were weak."


Were they now? Is that why you had nothing to say? lol... Another white flag! Just admit your defeat and move on. This is really getting sad.


If only I could say your arguments were weak. Weak would be much too positive a critique! They were closer to nonexistent, much like your god. I've gone through and responded to every senstence and what do you do in turn? You reply with either a badly worded senetence of tiny paragraph! Some apologist!


"You did not even compre hand to half the things i said. Your responses were so repetitive."


I understood. You just didn't understand that I understood. The problem is in your comprehension, which is obviously been compromised by your imaginary friend addiction.


Repetition is part of arguing your case. We are discussing the same thing, are we not? Did it change? I don't think so.

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