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Goodbye Jesus

Question. (Not sure where to put this.)


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Can't find where to put this. Can you move a topic if it's in the wrong forum?

That's not the main question of this post.

People have left me likes. Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

How do I leave likes? << That's the main question here. ;) 

I can't see a button or drop-down.

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  • Super Moderator

Once you reach a certain number of posts, a whole new world will open up for you.

  • Thanks 1
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:D Thank you... can't wait

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"It's a whole new world" lala (From Disney) :D 

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Oh no! Earworm alert!!


6 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:

"It's a whole new world" lala (From Disney) :D 


"It's a small world after all" ;)

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🎶 It's a new fantastic point of view 🎶 

🎶 no one to tell us no, or where to go 🎶 

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