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Ex-christian Tv Network On Cable?


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Guest Emerson

You have to be more sneaky than that. Have a tv network that explores different kinds of beliefs and religions, a network that doesn't take a stance on which way is the "right" way. You can talk about xtianity, atheism, scientology, agnosticism, buddhism, catholocism, taoism, etc. Have interviews with leaders from different faiths and debates, interview authors, celebrities, etc. It'd be cool to have documentaries and movies like Adam & Steve. It could be just as huge as the xtian networks and be even better. With the right business partners in mind, hehe. :);)

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I doubt any network would be willing to risk offending Christians anytime soon. Maybe in 50 years. I could see a Philosophy channel, maybe with televised debates. Or maybe even a debate game show.

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An ex-christian network in this current political climate? There is no way it would happen.


The owner of the network would have a scarlett letter branded on his or her forehead...

And Christians have the nerve to think that they face persecution.

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I think it may be closer to happening then people think. For example, with the D. Code coming out, raising questions about Christ. I believe it will help shake a leg of the foundation of the church.


South park is also a huge hit as is the Family guy and American dad all 3 shows have lots of poking fun at religion and 'holy things'. I'm not saying based on Cartoons do I make my assumption, but people are craving shows to say it how it is either with humor or else wise. Add to it the religious zealots running the country and well.. The conditions are ripe IMO. Education is also much more available today then it has been in any time in history, which also helps. Not to mention there is always people looking to push the envelope to Shock and rock ratings. People may tune in for morbid curiosity, but end up being enlightened, The best way to boost the ratings would be inform the church it was going to be launched, they'd give it ample publicity. The more hay they make about it, the more people will watch. :wicked:

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The best way to boost the ratings would be inform the church it was going to be launched, they'd give it ample publicity. The more hay they make about it, the more people will watch. :wicked:


Kick ass!!!

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A non-Christian TV network? How could you persecute the xtians like that? The next thing you know, we'll be trying to tell them that they can't force everyone to pray their prayers!

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It's a very good idea. I always thought America was more democratic than here, so it would be OK. But maybe I am wrong. If I could help get one going in this country I would relish the opportunity.

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I agree with Emerson, I think you would need to have all different religions and different people with different backgrounds to make it interesting.... almost like a theology channel. Otherwise I don't think an "ex-christian" only channel would get enough support to stay on the air, unless it was a low budget cable show done in someone's garage.

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I don't think there's enough uniformity or really even enough of a "movement" among Ex-tians to inspire a cable channel. Hey, I'm quite satisfied with an internet forum and a couple of books. :)


One thing does piss me off, though. Why do I automatically get TBN in every cable package I'm offered? I don't want to pay money to see that shit in my channel guide, thanks. That's an exclusive channel, IMO - in that only an exclusive group would want to view it, so how 'bout this: If I want to watch TBN or any other religious stuff, I pay for it special as a tack-on. Or, as a compromise, you give me a Muslim Channel, a Buddhist Channel, a Hindu Channel, an Atheist Channel, a Jewish Channel, a Zoroastrian Channel, a Wiccan Channel, a Taoist Channel, an Ancestor-Worship Channel, a Pagan Channel, and a Voodoo Channel.


Geez. Everything about cable would be so much easier if I were just allowed to pick out each and every channel I would get.

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In the future that would be awesome.



I'd watch it! :grin:

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Supposedly a'la carte cable is coming soon. The FCC is working on it.

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Screw the TV, it's the age of internet and flatrates. Let's set up a web TV station! :pureevil:


Of course, the whole thing would have to be very resistant to DDOS attacks et al, but it may well be worth a try... :scratch:

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Screw the TV, it's the age of internet and flatrates. Let's set up a web TV station! :pureevil:


Of course, the whole thing would have to be very resistant to DDOS attacks et al, but it may well be worth a try... :scratch:


I think Thurisaz is on the right track. With the advent of indy media, cheaper modes of audio/video production, and the rise of open-source software, I think it's only a matter of time before big-business media corps meet their match (or their maker). Eventually, I think most of us will be able to get all of our news, info and entertainment over the web -- there will be "channels" for anybody that has the same interest as some nerd that can mix video and audio on his home PC.


The Organic Juicer Channel


The Christians for Muhammad Channel


Quilting with Chop-sticks Channel

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